32 research outputs found

    Development of Bake Hardening Effect by Plastic Deformation and Annealing Conditions

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    The paper deals with the classification of steel sheets for automotives industry on the basis of strength and structural characteristics. Experimental works were aimed to obtain the best possible strengthening parameters as well as work hardening and solid solution ferrite hardening, which are the result of thermal activation of interstitial carbon atoms during paint-baking of auto body. Hardening process coming from interstitial atoms is realized as two-step process. The first step is BH (bake hardening) effect achieved by interaction of interstitial atoms with dislocations. The Cottrels atmosphere is obtained. The second step of BH effect is to produced the hardening from precipitation of the carbon atoms in e-carbides, or formation of Fe32C4 carbides. WH (work hardening) effect is obtained as dislocation hardening from plastic deformations during sheet deep drawing. Experimental works were aimed at as to achieve such plastic material properties after cold rolling, annealing and skin-pass rolling, which would be able to classify the material ZStE220BH into the drawing categories at the level of DQ – DDQ. As resulting from the experimental results, the optimal treatment conditions for the maximal sum (WH+BH) = 86 MPa are as follows: total cold rolling deformation ecold = 65 %, annealing temperature Tanneal. = 700 °C

    The Influence of Tandem Mill Reduction on Double Reduced (DR) Tinplates Anisotropy

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    In this paper, influence of tandem mill reduction on double reduced tinplates anisotropy is presented. In order to achieve favourable anisotropy properties (deformation texture) of tinplates for deep drawing operations, optimal percentage reduction on tandem mill is important. The experiment was carried out in laboratory conditions and three sorts of materials (T 57, T 61 and T 65) were used. The anisotropy was classified by earing test determining the ear height of tinplate after deep drawing by measuring the height of any ear. Percentage reduction on tandem mill and final earing relationships of tinplates are researched

    Mechanical and corrosion properties of aluminium alloy EN AW 6082 after severe plastic deformation (SPD)

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    The aim had been to study changes in the properties of aluminium alloy AlSiMgMn. Influence of SPD of the mechanical properties had increased (Rm by 86 MPa, Ro0,2 by 175 MPa, while A had decreased to 20 %). The corrosion potentials had been evaluated in the environment of H2O and in SARS. After SPD was observed in the environment of H2O, that resistance had increased by -218 mV and after exposure up to 1 000 min there was a slight deterioration of resistance in SARS. On the surface specimens after SPD were observed higher quantities of corrosion products. After SPD was observed fatigue characteristics in torsional stress in the oblique branches Wohler curves showed favourable characteristics of about 35 %

    Limovi za karoserije auta nove generacije

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    This paper deals with the development of hot - and cold - rolled sheets designed for automotive industry. The achieved properties of some grade sheets after simulation of technological processes in the laboratory conditions are compared to the common properties of individual sheet groups. The attention is paid to the processes of hot rolling with the accent to the ferittic rolling.Rad se bavi razvojem toplo i hladno valjanih limova, namijenjenih industriji auta. Dobivena svojstva nekih kvalitetnih čelika nakon simulacije tehničkih procesa u laboratorijskim uvjetima uspoređuju se s zajedničkim svojstvima pojedinih grupa limova. Govori se također o procesima toplog valjanja s naglaskom na feritno valjanje

    Nanostrukturalno oblikovanje jakom plastičnom deformacijom

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    The influence of severe plastic deformations on structural, mechanical and plastic properties of ARMCO-Fe in equal-channel angular pressing procedure was investigated. Mathematical simulations of stress and temperature fields were applied, too.Istraživao se utjecaj snažnih plastičnih deformacija na strukturalna, mehanička i plastična svojstva ARMCO-željeza u postupku prešanja s istiskivanjem kroz jednake kanale (ECAP) postavljene pod nekim kutom. Primjenjivale su se također i matematičke simulacije područja naprezanja i temperaturnih područja

    Effect of Low Strain Rate on Formability of Aluminium Alloy

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    Effect of low strain rate on formability of aluminium alloy 2014 by means of torsion test was performed. The presented experimental results exhibit decrease of the ductility with increase and decrease of ε and T, respectively, and optimal values of , ε T are thus obtained

    Stvaranje ultrafino zrnate (UFZ) strukture i mehanička svojstva sa intenzivnom plastičnom deformacijom (IPD)

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    Commercial pure cooper (99,9% Cu) was deformed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) using up to 10 passes, route C. The evolution of microstructure and fracture character were observed by OM, SEM and TEM. The mean grain size decreased with increasing deformation, after 10 passes to 100 – 300 nm. TEM analysis suggested the possible nanostructure formation mechanism by the formation of cellular structure in grains, forming of subgrains and then forming of high angle nanograins with random orientation. Fractures of ECAP Cu material after 10 passes had transcrystalline ductile character with dimple morphology.Trgovački čisti bakar (99,9%) deformiran je kanalnim kutnim prešanjem (KKP) do 10 provlaka-putanje. C. Razvitak mikrostrukture i karakter loma praćeno je sa OM, SEM i TEM. Veličina zrna se smanjuje povećanjem deformacije poslije 10 provlaka na 100-300 nm. TEM analiza ukazuje mogućnost nastajanja mehanizma nanostrukture stvaranjem celularne strukture u zrnima, nastanak subzrna i zatim obrazovanje nanozrna pod visokim kutem sa slučajnom orjentacijom. Lomovi KKP Cu materijala poslije 10 provlaka imali su transkristalni duktilni karakter sa jamičastom morfologijom

    Utjecaj uvjeta zagrijavanja i hlađenja na strukturu i mehanička svojstva C-Mn-Si čelika

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    The paper deals with structure and properties development of AHSS (advance high-strength steel) and UHSS (ultra high-strength steel) steel grades for various groups of automotive parts. C-Mn-Si type steel properties are evaluated based on the results of laboratory controlled rolling and cooling. The important influence on mechanical and plastic properties, amount of residual austenite (RA) and final structural type has, except for cooling rate, also starting temperature of intensive cooling (TIC) which follows after hot plastic deformations. If TIC is from interval of 620-760°C the final structure predominantly consists of ferrite with RA. Mostly acicular ferrite with RA, as well as bainite with RA was obtained when TIC was kept in the range of 760-850°C.Utjecaj uvjeta zagrijavanja i hlađenja na strukturu i mehanička svojstva C-Mn-Si čelika. Članak daje razvitak strukture i svojstava NVČČ (napredno visoko čvrstih čelika) i UVČČ (ultra visoko čvrsti čelici) za raznolike skupine dijelova automobila. Svojstva čelika C-Mn-Si su utvrđena na temelju laboratorijskog kontroliranog valjanja i hlađenja. Najveći utjecaj na mehanička i plastična svojstva uz zaostali austenit (ZA) i završni tip strukture, ima osim brzine hlađenja i početna temperatura intenzivnog hlađenja (Tpo) koja je nastavak vruće plastične deformacije. Ako je Tpo u intervalu 620-760°C, završna struktura se sastoji od ferita sa ZA. Pretežito acikularni ferit sa ZA, također bainit sa ZA je uočen kad je Tpo bila u intervalu 760-850°C