180 research outputs found

    Acoustic Cyclotron Resonance and Giant High Frequency Magnetoacoustic Oscillations in Metals with Locally Flattened Fermi Surface

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    We consider the effect of local flattening on the Fermi surface (FS) of a metal upon geometric oscillations of the velocity and attenuation of ultrasonic waves in the neighborhood of the acoustic cyclotron resonance. It is shown that such peculiarities of the local geometry of the FS can lead to a significant enhancement of both cyclotron resonance and geometric oscillations. Characteristic features of the coupling of ultrasound to shortwave cyclotron waves arising due to the local flattening of the FS are analyzed. PACS numbers 71.18.+y; 72.15.Gd; 72.15.-vComment: 8 pages, 3 figures, text revise

    Accretion Disk Instabilities, CDM models and their role in Quasar Evolution

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    We have developed a consistent analytical model to describe the observed evolution of the quasar luminosity function. Our model combines black hole mass distributions based on the Press - Schechter theory of the structure formation in the Universe with quasar luminosity functions resulting from a physics-based emission model that takes into account the time-dependent phenomena occurring in the accretion disks. Quasar evolution and CDM models are mutually constraining, therefore our model gives an estimation of the exponent, n, of the power spectrum, P(k), which is found to be -1.8 < n < -1.6. We were able to reject a generally assumed hypothesis of a constant ratio between Dark Matter Halo and the Black Hole mass, since the observed data could not be fitted under this assumption. We found that the relation between the Dark Matter Halos and Black Hole masses is better described by M_{BH}=M_{DMH}^{0.668}. This model provides a reasonable fit to the observed quasar luminosity function at redshifts higher than ~2.0. We suggest that the disagreement at lower redshift is due to mergers. Based on the agreement at high redshift, we estimated the merger rate at lower redshift, and argue that this rate should depend on the redshift, like (1+z)^3.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for Publication in Ap

    Quantum Oscillations of Elastic Moduli and Softening of Phonon Modes in Metals

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    In this paper we present a theoretical analysis of the effect of magnetostriction on quantum oscillations of elastic constants in metals under strong magnetic fields. It is shown that at low temperatures a significant softening of some acoustic modes could occur near peaks of quantum oscillations of the electron density of states (DOS) at the Fermi surface (FS). This effect is caused by a magnetic instability of a special kind, and it can give rise to a lattice instability. We also show that the most favorable conditions for this instability to be revealed occur in metals whose Fermi surfaces include nearly cylindrical segments.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Implications of a Nonthermal Origin of the Excess EUV Emission from the Coma Cluster of Galaxies

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    The inverse Compton (IC) interpretation of the excess EUV emission, that was recently reported from several clusters of galaxies, suggests that the amount of relativistic electrons in the intracluster medium is highly significant, W_e>10^{61} erg. Considering Coma as the prototype galaxy cluster of nonthermal radiation, we discuss implications of the inverse Compton origin of the excess EUV fluxes in the case of low intracluster magnetic fields of order 0.1 muG, as required for the IC interpretation of the observed excess hard X-ray flux, and in the case of high fields of order 1 muG as suggested by Faraday rotation measurements. Although for such high intracluster fields the excess hard X-rays will require an explanation other than by the IC effect, we show that the excess EUV flux can be explained by the IC emission of a `relic' population of electrons driven into the incipient intracluster medium at the epoch of starburst activity by galactic winds, and later on reenergized by adiabatic compression and/or large-scale shocks transmitted through the cluster as the consequence of more recent merger events. For high magnetic fields B > 1 muG the interpretation of the radio fluxes of Coma requires a second population of electrons injected recently. They can be explained as secondaries produced by a population of relativistic protons. We calculate the fluxes of gamma-rays to be expected in both the low and high magnetic field scenarios, and discuss possibilities to distinguish between these two principal options by future gamma-ray observations.Comment: LaTeX, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Spin chirality induced by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and the polarized neutron scattering

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    We discuss the influence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction in the Heizenberg spin chain model for the observables in the polarized neutron scattering experiments. We show that different choices of the parameters of DM interaction may leave the spectrum of the problem unchanged, while the observable spin-spin correlation functions may differ qualitatively. Particularly, for the uniform DM interaction one has the incommensurate fluctuations and polarization-dependent neutron scattering in the paramagnetic phase. We sketch the possible generalization of our treatment to higher dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, no figures, references added, to appear in PR

    Central factorials under the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform of polynomials

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    We show that slight modifications of the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform lead to an automorphism of the vector space of polynomials. This circumstance along with the Mellin transformation property of the modified Bessel functions perform the passage of monomials to central factorial polynomials. A special attention is driven to the polynomial sequences whose KL-transform is the canonical sequence, which will be fully characterized. Finally, new identities between the central factorials and the Euler polynomials are found.Comment: also available at http://cmup.fc.up.pt/cmup/ since the 2nd August 201

    Superbubble evolution including the star-forming clouds: Is it possible to reconcile LMC observations with model predictions?

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    Here we present a possible solution to the apparent discrepancy between the observed properties of LMC bubbles and the standard, constant density bubble model. A two-dimensional model of a wind-driven bubble expanding from a flattened giant molecular cloud is examined. We conclude that the expansion velocities derived from spherically symmetric models are not always applicable to elongated young bubbles seen almost face-on due to the LMC orientation. In addition, an observational test to differentiate between spherical and elongated bubbles seen face-on is discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, accepted to ApJ (September, 1999 issue

    Hydrodynamic Stability Analysis of Burning Bubbles in Electroweak Theory and in QCD

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    Assuming that the electroweak and QCD phase transitions are first order, upon supercooling, bubbles of the new phase appear. These bubbles grow to macroscopic sizes compared to the natural scales associated with the Compton wavelengths of particle excitations. They propagate by burning the old phase into the new phase at the surface of the bubble. We study the hydrodynamic stability of the burning and find that for the velocities of interest for cosmology in the electroweak phase transition, the shape of the bubble wall is stable under hydrodynamic perturbations. Bubbles formed in the cosmological QCD phase transition are found to be a borderline case between stability and instability.Comment: preprint # SLAC-PUB-5943, SCIPP 92/56 38 pages, 10 figures (submitted via `uufiles'), phyzzx format minor snafus repaire

    Structural features and formation of lower Cretaceous AV[1] layer in the Soviet oil field (Tomsk Oblast)

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    The analysis of the collected geological and geophysical information on AV[1] layer known as Ryabchik formation is carried out. The facial conditions of this formation which define structural features of "Ryabchik" sandstones formations are considered. Maps characterizing permeability and porosity of reservoir are plotted. Areal tracking technique of sand streaks is given

    Boundary conditions in the Unruh problem

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    We have analyzed the Unruh problem in the frame of quantum field theory and have shown that the Unruh quantization scheme is valid in the double Rindler wedge rather than in Minkowski spacetime. The double Rindler wedge is composed of two disjoint regions (RR- and LL-wedges of Minkowski spacetime) which are causally separated from each other. Moreover the Unruh construction implies existence of boundary condition at the common edge of RR- and LL-wedges in Minkowski spacetime. Such boundary condition may be interpreted as a topological obstacle which gives rise to a superselection rule prohibiting any correlations between rr- and ll- Unruh particles. Thus the part of the field from the LL-wedge in no way can influence a Rindler observer living in the RR-wedge and therefore elimination of the invisible "left" degrees of freedom will take no effect for him. Hence averaging over states of the field in one wedge can not lead to thermalization of the state in the other. This result is proved both in the standard and algebraic formulations of quantum field theory and we conclude that principles of quantum field theory does not give any grounds for existence of the "Unruh effect".Comment: 31 pages,1 figur