26 research outputs found

    Towards Zn-dominant tourmaline: A case of Zn-rich fluor-elbaite and elbaite from the julianna system at Piława Górna, Lower Silesia, SW Poland

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    Tourmalines are a group of minerals which may concentrate various accessory components, e.g., Cu, Ni, Zn, Bi, Ti, and Sn. The paper presents fluor-elbaite and elbaite from a dyke of the Julianna pegmatitic system at Piława Górna, at the NE margin of the Bohemian Massif, SW Poland, containing up to 6.32 and 7.37 wt % ZnO, respectively. Such high amounts of ZnO are almost two times higher than in the second most Zn-enriched tourmaline known to date. The compositions of the Zn-rich tourmalines from Piława Górna, studied by electron micropropy and Raman spectroscopy, correspond to the formulae:X(Na0.733Ca0.013□0.254)Y Σ1 (Al1.033Li0.792 Zn0.755Fe2+0.326Mn0.094)Z Σ3 Al6(TSi6O18)(BO3)V 3 (OH)W 3 (F0.654OH0.344), andX(Na0.779Ca0.015□0.206)Σ1 Y(Al1.061Li0.869Zn0.880Fe2+0.098Mn0.094)Z Σ3 Al6(TSi6O18)(BO3)V 3 (OH)W 3 (OH0.837F0.163), respectively, with Zn as one of the main octahedral occupants. A comparison with other tourmalines and associated Zn-rich fluor-elbaite and elbaite from the pegmatite indicates that atypically high Zn-enrichment is not a result of Zn-Fe fractionation, but dissolution and reprecipitation induced by a late (Na,Li,B,F)-bearing fluid within the assemblage of gahnite spinel and primary schorl-type tourmaline. This strongly suggests Na-Li-B-F metasomatism of gahnite-bearing mineral assemblages as that is the only environment that can promote crystallization of a hypothetical Zn-dominant tourmaline. The compositions of the Zn-rich fluor-elbaite and elbaite suggest three possible end-members for such a hypothetical tourmaline species: NaZn3Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH), □(Zn2Al)Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH) and Na(Zn2Al)Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O by analogy with other tourmalines with divalent Y occupants, such as schorl/foitite/oxy-schorl and dravite/magnesio-foitite/oxy-dravite.National Centre for Atmospheric Scienc

    Chemical composition of Mn-and Cl-rich apatites from the szklary pegmatite, central sudetes, SW Poland: Taxonomic and genetic implications

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    The research was founded by the National Science Centre (Poland) grant number 2015/17/B/ST10/03231 and the University of Wroclaw grant 0401/0156/18Although calcium phosphates of the apatite group (apatites) with elevated contents of Mn are common accessory minerals in geochemically evolved granitic pegmatites, their Mn-dominant analogues are poorly studied. Pieczkaite,M1 Mn2 M2 Mn3 (PO4)3 X Cl, is an exceptionally rare Mn analogue of chlorapatite known so far from only two occurrences in the world, i.e., granitic pegmatites at Cross Lake, Manitoba, Canada and Szklary, Sudetes, SW Poland. In this study, we present the data on the compositional variation and microtextural relationships of various apatites highly enriched in Mn and Cl from Szklary, with the main focus on compositions approaching or attaining the stoichiometry of pieczkaite (pieczkaite-like apatites). The main goal of this study is to analyze their taxonomical position as well as discuss a possible mode of origin. The results show that pieczkaite-like apatites represent the Mn-rich sector of the solid solutionM1 (Mn,Ca)2 M2 (Mn,Ca)3 (PO4)3 X (Cl,OH). In the case of cation-disordered structure, all these compositions represent extremely Mn-rich hydroxylapatite or pieczkaite. However, for cation-ordered structure, there are also intermediate compositions for which the existence of two hypothetical end-member species can be postulated:M1 Ca2 M2 Mn3 (PO4)3 X Cl andM1 Mn2 M2 Ca3 (PO4)3 X OH. In contrast to hydroxylapatite and pieczkaite, that are members of the apatite-group, the two hypothetical species would classify into the hedyphane group within the apatite supergroup. The pieczkaite-like apatites are followed by highly Mn-enriched fluor-and hydroxylapatites in the crystallization sequence. Mn-poor chlorapatites, on the other hand, document local contamination by the serpentinite wall rocks. We propose that pieczkaite-like apatites in the Szklary pegmatite formed from small-volume droplets of P-rich melt that unmixed from the LCT-type (Li–Cs–Ta) pegmatite-forming melt with high degree of Mn-Fe fractionation. The LCT melt became locally enriched in Cl through in situ contamination by wall rock serpentinites.National Science Centre (Poland), University of Wrocla

    Żabińskiite, ideally Ca(Al_(0.5)Ta_(0.5))(SiO_4)O, a new mineral of the titanite group from the Piława Górna pegmatite, the Góry Sowie Block, southwestern Poland

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    Żabińskiite, ideally Ca(Al_(0.5)Ta_(0.5))(SiO_4)O, was found in a Variscan granitic pegmatite at Piława Górna, Lower Silesia, SW Poland. The mineral occurs along with (Al,Ta,Nb)- and (Al,F)-bearing titanites, a pyrochlore-supergroup mineral and a K-mica in compositionally inhomogeneous aggregates, ∼120 μm × 70 μm in size, in a fractured crystal of zircon intergrown with polycrase-(Y) and euxenite-(Y). Żabińskiite is transparent, brittle, brownish, with a white streak, vitreous lustre and a Mohs hardness of ∼5. The calculated density for the refined crystal is equal to 3.897 g cm^(–3), but depends strongly on composition. The mineral is non-pleochroic, biaxial (–), with mean refractive indices ≥1.89. The (Al,Ta,Nb)-richest żabińskiite crystal, (Ca_(0.980)Na_(0.015))Σ=0.995(Al_(0.340) Fe^(3+)_(0.029) Ti_(0.298)V_(0.001)Zr_(0.001)Sn_(0.005)Ta_(0.251)Nb_(0.081))Σ=1.005[(Si_(0.988)Al_0.012)O_(4.946)F_(0.047)(OH)_(0.007))Σ=5.000]; 60.7 mol.% Ca[Al_(0.5)(Ta,Nb)_(0.5)](SiO_4)O; is close in composition to previously described synthetic material. Żabińskiite is triclinic (space group symmetry Ai and has unit-cell parameters a = 7.031(2) Å, b = 8.692(2) Å, c = 6.561(2) Å, α = 89.712(11)°, β = 113.830(13)°, γ = 90.352(12)° and V = 366.77 (11) Å3. It is isostructural with triclinic titanite and bond-topologically identical with titanite and other minerals of the titanite group. Żabińskiite crystallized along with (Al,Ta,Nb)-bearing titanites at increasing Ti and Nb, and decreasing Ta activities, almost coevally with polycrase-(Y) and euxenite-(Y) from Ca-contaminated fluxed melts or early hydrothermal fluids

    Environmental Magnetism : Magnetic Susceptibility Research in Micro-Scale and 3D Visualization

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    Podatność magnetyczna gleb jest parametrem geofizycznym wykorzystywanym, między innymi, w badaniach środowiskowych, w kontekście zanieczyszczeń atmosferycznych deponowanych na powierzchnię gleby. Właściwości magnetyczne cząstek powstających w procesach technologicznych (spalanie paliw kopalnych, hutnictwo, przemysł cementowy) pozwalają na ich łatwą detekcję w terenie. W warunkach lądowych, gleba jest finalnym odbiorcą zanieczyszczeń pochodzenia atmosferycznego. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów podatności magnetycznej gleby leśnej przeprowadzone w rdzeniach pobranych w gęstej siatce pomiarowej (1 m × 1 m) pod okapem buka zwyczajnego (Fagus sylvatica L.). Łącznie pobrano 102 rdzenie, na których w rozdzielczości co 1 cm wykonano 3060 pojedynczych pomiarów objętościowej podatności magnetycznej. Przestrzenny rozkład wartości podatności magnetycznej przedstawiono wykorzystując program do wizualizacji przestrzennej TerraSurveyor 3D. Wyniki potwierdzają kluczową rolę poziomów organicznych w procesie zatrzymywania cząstek magnetycznych. Przestrzenne zobrazowanie wyników wskazuje na wertykalną i horyzontalną zmienność koncentracji cząstek magnetycznych pod koroną pojedynczego drzewa.Magnetic susceptibility is a geophysical parameter effectively applied in environmental research concerning air derived pollutants and its deposition into topsoil. Magnetic properties of particles formed in technological processes (solid fuel combustion, metallurgical processes, cement industry) simplify their detection in field. Soil is a final receiver of the air borne pollutants in terrestrial ecosystems. The paper present results of magnetic susceptibility measurements conducted on soil cores sampled in dense grid (1 m × 1 m) under European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) crown. On the total amount of 102 soil cores, volume magnetic susceptibility (κ) was measured in 1 cm interval giving 3060 single values. On the basis of such data set, spatial distribution of topsoil magnetic susceptibility was performed with application TerraSurveyor3D software. Results confirmed critical role of topsoil organic horizons in capture and storage of anthropogenic magnetic particles and indicate vertical and horizontal variability under individual tree

    Environmental Magnetism : Type of Magnetic Enhancement on the Example of Lithosol and Ranker

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    Celem niniejszej pracy było scharakteryzowanie źródeł pochodzenia cząstek magnetycznych na przykładzie gleby inicjalnej skalistej i rankera. Analiza rozkładów pionowych wybranych parametrów magnetycznych i geochemicznych prowadzona była w trzech profilach glebowych wytworzonych z/na różnym podłożu skalnym (serpentynicie, amfibolicie i granitoidzie). Prezentowane badania oparte zostały o wykorzystanie wybranych parametrów magnetycznych: podatność magnetyczna (χ) i jej zależność częstotliwościowa (χfd), wspartych przez analizy geochemiczne (określenie zawartości wybranych potencjalnie toksycznych pierwiastków (PTEs: Pb i Zn) oraz Fe, a także zastosowanie wskaźnika geoakumulacji (Igeo). Wyniki wskazują na wertykalną zmienność wartości χ w profilach glebowych, która także odzwierciedla stopień zmienności pozostałych parametrów. W przypadku geogenicznego wzbogacenia magnetycznego wysoka wartość podatności magnetycznej w poziomie mineralnym (przejściowym) AC wskazuje na dominującą rolę procesów wietrzenia i redystrybucji ferrimagnetycznych minerałów z podłoża skalnego (poziomu R) do wierzchnich poziomów gleby. Natomiast, pedogeniczne wzbogacenie magnetyczne związane było z podpoziomem organicznym Ofh, gdzie stwierdzona została obecność superparamagnetycznych cząstek. W odniesieniu do profilu wytworzonego z granitu, magnetyczny i geochemiczny sygnał w wierzchnim poziomie mineralnym (Ah) jest efektem wzbogacenia w technogeniczne cząstki magnetyczne (TMPs).The primary aim of this study was to characterize the origin and nature of magnetic particles on the example of Lithosol and Ranker. Analyses of the vertical distribution of selected magnetic and geochemical parameters were conducted in three different soil profiles developed on various bedrock to describe the local conditions and factors affecting magnetic enhancement. Examined soil profiles represent two type of soils (one Brown Ranker and two Lithosol) developed from igneous – plutonic (granitoid) and metamorphic (amphibolite and serpentinite) rocks, respectively. The measured magnetic parameters include: volume (κ) and mass magnetic susceptibility (χ) as well as frequencydependent of magnetic susceptibility (χfd). Moreover, magnetic data were supported by geochemical measurement of the selected Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs: Pb and Zn) and Fe content, and quantification of soil pollution parameter (i.e. Geoaccumulation Index – Igeo). The results show that the vertical variability of χ values in soil profiles results also in a high variability of other presented ‘parameters’. In the case of geogenic magnetic enhancement, the high magnetic susceptibility values measured in mineral (transitional) horizon AC indicated the predominant role of weathering processes together with the redistribution of ferrimagnetic minerals from bedrock (i.e. R horizon) to the topsoil. Whereas, the pedogenic magnetic enhancement was related to organic subhorizon Oea (in soil profile developed on amphibolite) and reflects the occurrence of ultra-fine superparamagnetic particles. Magnetic and geochemical signal in the topsoil horizon (i.e. Ah) of profile developed from granite cause the enhancement of Technogenic Magnetic Particles (TMPs), i.e. the increment of χ is accompanied with the high concentration of iron, lead and zinc

    Environmental Magnetism : Application of Integrated Geophysical and Geochemical Techniques to Assess the Anthropopressure Degree in the Regions of Historical Mining Activity (Upper Silesian Conurbation, Southern Poland)

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    Głównym celem badań była ocena stopnia antropopresji na obszarach historycznej działalności górniczej w oparciu o uzyskany szczegółowy rozkład przestrzenny (pionowy i powierzchniowy) anomalii (i.e. podatności magnetycznej i gradientu składowej pionowej pola magnetycznego) oraz geochemicznych występujących w glebie (zawartości wybranych potencjalnie toksycznych pierwiastków (Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb i Zn), Fe i Mn). Uzyskane wyniki badań pokazują, iż wieloletnia, historyczna działalność górnicza prowadzona w rejonie badań skutkuje obecnością w glebie rozmaitych artefaktów (np. śruby, gwoździe, nakrętki, pręty, żużel, cegły oraz węgiel drzewny), przede wszystkim związanych bezpośrednio bądź pośrednio z wydobywanymi rudami metali (Ag, Fe, Zn czy Pb). Anomalie, zarówno podatności magnetycznej, jak i gradientu składowej pionowej pola magnetycznego, występujące w glebach badanych obszarów są efektem współwystępowania artefaktów i technogenicznych cząstek magnetycznych. Przy czym, w oparciu o wyliczone wartości współczynnika przekształcenia, należy podkreślić, że dominującym źródłem tych anomalii są artefakty i przekształcenia terenu związane z historyczną eksploatacją występujących na badanych obszarach rud metali. Ponadto, z punktu widzenia badań podstawowych, interesujące są wyniki pomiarów częstotliwościowej zależności podatności magnetycznej (powyżej 5%), które związane były z próbkami gleby, gdzie stwierdzono obecność węgli drzewnych, co wymaga dogłębnego przeanalizowania i dodatkowych specjalistycznych pomiarów magnetycznych, przed wyciągnięciem dalszych wniosków.The main project objective was to assess the anthropopressure degree in the areas located in the historical mining activity regions, on the basis of the results obtained in detailed spatial distribution (vertical and surface) of the magnetic (i.e. magnetic susceptibility and gradient of the vertical magnetic field component) as well as geochemical (concentration of characteristic Potentially Toxic Elements (Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn), Fe and Mn) anomalies in soil.The results show that the long-term historical mining activity has had a significant influence on the presence of various magnetic artefacts (e.g. metal scraps: screws, nails, twigs; slags; bricks; and charcoal particles) related to the metal bearing ore mining (Ag, Fe, Pb or Zn). The studied magnetometeric and gradiometric anomalies occur in the soil are effect of co-occurrence artefacts and technogenic magnetic particles. However, values of the Topsoil Transformation Factor, indicating artefacts as the predominant source of the studied anomalies and the post-exploitation land transformations of the soil. Moreover, in terms of basic research, unexpected were results of the frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements (above 5%) related to soil samples characterised by the presence of charcoal particles, but this needs to be verified

    Technogenic magnetic particles of topsoil from different sources of emission - A case study from upper silesian conurbation, Poland

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    Studies on the effects of dust deposition on soils in urban-industrial areas were conducted with application of magnetic (soil magnetometry, thermomagnetic analysis) and geochemical (elements content) methods. The study area covers three different forest sites on Upper Silesian Conurbation. The purpose of the research was an estimation of soil pollution and characteristic of air derived particles. Results show magnetite and maghemite as dominant magnetic components of analyzed soil samples. The highest volume magnetic susceptibility (κ) and no correlation with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) were stated close to metallurgical plant whilst the highest correlation coefficient between κ and PTEs was stated in samples from the urban area and in a vicinity of coking plant

    Technogenic magnetic particles of topsoil from different sources of emission - A case study from upper silesian conurbation, Poland

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    Studies on the effects of dust deposition on soils in urban-industrial areas were conducted with application of magnetic (soil magnetometry, thermomagnetic analysis) and geochemical (elements content) methods. The study area covers three different forest sites on Upper Silesian Conurbation. The purpose of the research was an estimation of soil pollution and characteristic of air derived particles. Results show magnetite and maghemite as dominant magnetic components of analyzed soil samples. The highest volume magnetic susceptibility (κ) and no correlation with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) were stated close to metallurgical plant whilst the highest correlation coefficient between κ and PTEs was stated in samples from the urban area and in a vicinity of coking plant

    Green to blue-green quartz from Rakowice Wielkie (Sudetes, south-western Poland) – a re-examination of prasiolite-related colour varieties of quartz

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    The green colour of prasiolite, defined as naturally occurring transparent macrocrystalline α-quartz with primary colouration, results from the optical absorption centred at ∼13,660 cm-1 and attributed to the FeVI2+→FeVI3+ intervalence charge transfer (Platonov et al. 1992). However, optical absorption spectroscopy of blue-green to green quartz from Rakowice Wielkie, Sudetes, south-western Poland, shows that its primary colouration results from the combination of this band and absorptions at ∼18,500 cm-1 and ∼16,250 cm-1. The first is assigned to a hole centre Fe4+s(Fe3+s-e- ) combined with an electron centre Fe2+I6(Fe3+I6+e- ), while the second from AlO4 4- defects. The quartz is blue-green if the 18,500 cm-1 prevails and becomes pale green if the 16,250 cm-1 band predominates. These colours seem to represent intermediate colour varieties between amethyst and prasiolite. We also suggest that spectral features of coloured quartz varieties might be useful indicators of changes in the physical- and chemical characteristics of the mineral-forming fluids