352 research outputs found

    14C Research at the Laboratory for the Analysis of Radiocarbon with AMS (LARA), University of Bern

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    The Laboratory for the Analysis of Radiocarbon with AMS (LARA) at the University of Bern measures the radioactive carbon isotope 14C with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) in different applications. Besides radiocarbon dating of environmental and archaeological samples, the LARA focuses on source apportionment of air-borne particulate matter (i.e. aerosols) as well as greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. This approach allows the identification and quantification of fossil carbon emissions in these air components, which is relevant for measures of air-quality improvement. The LARA furthermore develops instrumental setups for and at the AMS in order to analyze 14C samples in ÎŒg-amounts with low contamination and high throughput, preferably using online-hyphenated systems

    Iod-129 : Probenvorbereitung, QualitÀtssicherung und Analyse von Umweltmaterialien

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    An optimised organic carbon ∕ elemental carbon (OC ∕ EC) fraction separation method for radiocarbon source apportionment applied to low-loaded Arctic aerosol filters

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    Radiocarbon (14C) analysis of carbonaceous aerosols is used for source apportionment, separating the carbon content into fossil vs. non-fossil origin, and is particularly useful when applied to subfractions of total carbon (TC), i.e. elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), water-soluble OC (WSOC), and water-insoluble OC (WINSOC). However, this requires an unbiased physical separation of these fractions, which is difficult to achieve. Separation of EC from OC using thermal–optical analysis (TOA) can cause EC loss during the OC removal step and form artificial EC from pyrolysis of OC (i.e. so-called charring), both distorting the 14C analysis of EC. Previous work has shown that water extraction reduces charring. Here, we apply a new combination of a WSOC extraction and 14C analysis method with an optimised OC/EC separation that is coupled with a novel approach of thermal-desorption modelling for compensation of EC losses. As water-soluble components promote the formation of pyrolytic carbon, water extraction was used to minimise the charring artefact of EC and the eluate subjected to chemical wet oxidation to CO2 before direct 14C analysis in a gas-accepting accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS). This approach was applied to 13 aerosol filter samples collected at the Arctic Zeppelin Observatory (Svalbard) in 2017 and 2018, covering all seasons, which bear challenges for a simplified 14C source apportionment due to their low loading and the large portion of pyrolysable species. Our approach provided a mean EC yield of 0:87±0:07 and reduced the charring to 6.5% of the recovered EC amounts. The mean fraction modern (F14C) over all seasons was 0.85±0.17 for TC; 0.61±0.17 and 0.66±0.16 for EC bebefore and after correction with the thermal-desorption model, respectively; and 0.81±0.20 for WSOC

    The influences of historic lake trophy and mixing regime changes on long-term phosphorus fraction retention in sediments of deep eutrophic lakes: a case study from Lake BurgÀschi, Switzerland

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    Hypolimnetic anoxia in eutrophic lakes can delay lake recovery to lower trophic states via the release of sediment phosphorus (P) to surface waters on short timescales in shallow lakes. However, the long-term effects of hypolimnetic redox conditions and trophic state on sedimentary P fraction retention in deep lakes are not clear yet. Hypolimnetic withdrawal of P-rich water is predicted to diminish sedimentary P and seasonal P recycling from the lake hypolimnion. Nevertheless, there is a lack of evidence from well-dated sediment cores, in particular from deep lakes, about the long-term impact of hypolimnetic withdrawal on sedimentary P retention. In this study, long-term sedimentary P fraction data since the early 1900s from Lake BurgĂ€schi provide information on benthic P retention under the influence of increasing lake primary productivity (sedimentary green-pigment proxy), variable hypolimnion oxygenation regimes (Fe∕Mn ratio proxy), and hypolimnetic withdrawal since 1977. Results show that before hypolimnetic withdrawal (during the early 1900s to 1977), the redox-sensitive Fe∕Mn-P fraction comprised ∌50 % of total P (TP) in the sediment profile. Meanwhile, long-term retention of total P and labile P fractions in sediments was predominantly affected by past hypolimnetic redox conditions, and P retention increased in sedimentary Fe- and Mn-enriched layers when the sediment-overlaying water was seasonally oxic. However, from 1977 to 2017, due to eutrophication-induced persistent anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion and to hypolimnetic water withdrawal increasing the P export out of the lake, net burial rates of total and labile P fractions decreased considerably in surface sediments. By contrast, refractory Ca–P fraction retention was primarily related to lake primary production. Due to lake restoration since 1977, the Ca–P fraction became the primary P fraction in sediments (representing ∌39 % of total P), indicating a lower P bioavailability of surface sediments. Our study implies that in seasonally stratified eutrophic deep lakes (like Lake BurgĂ€schi), hypolimnetic withdrawal can effectively reduce P retention in sediments and potential for sediment P release (internal P loads). However, after more than 40 years of hypolimnetic syphoning, the lake trophic state has not improved nor has lake productivity decreased. Furthermore, this restoration has not enhanced water column mixing and oxygenation in hypolimnetic waters. The findings of this study are relevant regarding the management of deep eutrophic lakes with mixing regimes typical for temperate zones

    Central European Early Bronze Age chronology revisited: A Bayesian examination of large-scale radiocarbon dating

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    In archaeological research, changes in material culture and the evolution of styles are taken as major indicators for socio-cultural transformation. They form the basis for typo-chronological classification and the establishment of phases and periods. Central European Bronze Age material culture from burials reveals changes during the Bronze Age and represents a perfect case study for analyzing phenomena of cultural change and the adoption of innovation in the societies of prehistoric Europe. Our study focuses on the large-scale change in material culture which took place in the second millennium BC and the emergence at the same period of new burial rites: the shift from inhumation burials in flat graves to complex mounds and simple cremation burials. Paul Reinecke was the first to divide the European Bronze Age (EBA) into two phases, Bz A1 and A2. The shift from the first to the second phase has so far been ascribed to technical advances. Our study adopted an innovative approach to quantifying this phenomenon. Through regressive reciprocal averaging and Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon-dated grave contexts located in Switzerland and southern Germany, we modelled chronological changes in the material culture and changes in burial rites in these regions in a probabilistic way. We used kernel density models to summarize radiocarbon dates, with the aim of visualizing cultural changes in the third and second millennium BC. In 2015, Stockhammer et al. cast doubt on the chronological sequence of the Reinecke phases of the EBA on the basis of newly collected radiocarbon dates from southern Germany. Our intervention is a direct response to the results of that study. We fully agree with Stockhammer’s et al. dating of the start of EBA, but propose a markedly different dating of the EBA/MBA transition. Our modelling of radiocarbon data demonstrates a statistically significant typological sequence of phases Bz A1, Bz A2 and Bz B and disproves their postulated chronological overlap. The linking of the archaeological relative-chronological system with absolute dates is of major importance to understanding the temporal dimension of the EBA phases

    Dynamic stability of mineral-associated organic matter: enhanced stability and turnover through organic fertilization in a temperate agricultural topsoil

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    Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a vital role for soil quality, sustainable food production and climate change mitigation. It is common knowledge that SOM consists of different pools with varying qualities, quantities, and turnover times. However, it is still poorly understood how mineral and organic fertilization affects the formation and stabilization of mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) and how long it can remain there. Here, we report on the long-term effects of different farming systems on the stability and turnover of the fine silt and clay-sized MAOM fraction (<6.3 ÎŒm) of a Haplic Luvisol (0–20 cm) in the DOK long-term trial (Switzerland). We compared three farming systems with contrasting fertilization (CONMIN = pure mineral, CONFYM = mineral + organic, BIODYN = pure organic) with an unfertilized control (NOFERT) between 1982 and 2017. We performed specific surface area (SSA) measurements on fractionated MAOM samples (<6.3 ÎŒm) from 1982 to 2017, before and after removal of OM, measured the 14C activity of all samples during the entire period and estimated the mean residence time (MRT) with a model taking into account ‘bomb 14C’ and radioactive decay. We found constant MAOM-C contents under organic fertilization. Results of SSA analysis indicate best conditions for MAOM-C stabilization under organic fertilization and different sorption mechanisms in MAOM between farming systems with and without organic fertilization. The modelled MRTs were significantly higher in NOFERT (238 ± 40 yrs) and CONMIN (195 ± 27 yrs), compared to CONFYM (138 ± 18 yrs) and BIODYN (140 ± 19 yrs), implying a high C turnover (i.e. more active MAOM) at high C contents under organic fertilization. Our findings show that MAOM is not the dead OM but corroborates the concept of ‘dynamic stability’. Continuous OM inputs from organic fertilizers and their rapid and constant turnover are needed to stabilize the “stable” MAOM-C fraction

    Soil organic carbon cycling in a long-term agricultural experiment,Switzerland

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    Soils are one of the largest organic carbon pools and changes in the carbon release from soils has considerable impact on the composition of atmospheric CO2. Alongside the accelerated carbon release from soils by anthro-pogenic warming (Crowther et al., 2016), agricultural use strongly affects soil organic carbon (SOC) (Johnstonet al., 2009). Conversion from conventional to organic farming has been suggested a valuable contribution to sequester SOC providing a great mitigation potential within agricultural practices (Smith et al., 2008).Here we present SOC contents and 14C activity under two different farming practices in the long-termagricultural DOK trial at Therwil, Switzerland (MĂ€der et al., 2002). In this long-lasting agricultural experiment, we compare biodynamic farming (biodyn), which receives manure and biodynamic preparations, with conventional farming (conmin), which receives only mineral fertilizers. We analyzed functional SOC fractions from both farming practices for SOC concentration and radiocarbon (∆14C) in two soil layers (0-20 cm and 20-50 cm).Three SOC fractions were obtained by density and particle size fractionation: particular organic matter (POM,labile pool), mineral-associated organic matter 20ÎŒm (MOM >20ÎŒm, labile pool).Our results clearly show higher SOC concentrations for biodyn compared to conmin in all SOC fractions in the upper soil layer (0-20 cm). In the subsoil (20-50 cm) we found a negligible influence of farming practices with depth. High ∆14C values in the POM and >20ÎŒm fraction indicated that they are a more labile and fastcycling carbon pool, whereas lower∆14C values in the 20ÎŒm fraction, with higher ∆14C values in the biodyn system suggesting greater input of fresh plant material with a faster turnover

    Systematic analyses of radiocarbon ages of coexisting planktonic foraminifera

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    We compare radiocarbon (14C) ages of coexisting planktonic foraminifera species from sediment cores VM12-107 and KNR166-2-26JPC from the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean for three time periods (Holocene, Heinrich Stadial 1, last glacial maximum). We find a maximum inter-species difference of 1200 14C yr. On average, the 14C ages deviate by ∌300 yr between Globigerinoides ruber and other species. In most cases, this exceeds the analytical uncertainty range of the measurements and thus renders the choice of species for generating age models as important as sample weight. While modern stratified water-column profiles imply an increase in 14C ages with water depth, we observe an expected parallel increase of 14C ages and ÎŽ18O only at VM12-107. The mismatch between 14C ages and ÎŽ18O at KNR166-2-26JPC likely results from the effects of bioturbation and the hydrographic setting. The largest difference in 14C ages between mixed-layer versus thermocline-calcifying planktonic foraminifera are observed during Heinrich Stadial 1 despite a decrease in upper-ocean stratification at that time. This difference is likely the result of inconsistent increases in 14C reservoir ages during times of reduced overturning circulation masking the potential of 14C ages of coexisting planktonic foraminifera to reflect the density stratification of the water column

    Radiocarbon sampling efforts for high-precision lake sediment chronologies

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    High-resolution chronologies with the best time control are key for comparing palaeoenvironmental studies with independent high-precision historical, archaeological or climatic data. Precise chronologies are also essential for inter-site comparisons of palaeo records at decadal to centennial time scales. We present an updated sediment chronology from BurgĂ€schisee, a small and well-studied lake in the Swiss lowlands. The new age-depth relationship was generated using a large number of new radiocarbon samples of terrestrial plant remains extracted from the BurgĂ€schisee sediments and Bayesian age-depth modelling. The results reveal 2σ uncertainties of only ±19 years for the entire record covering the Early Bronze Age (3800 cal. BP) to the Early Middle Ages (1150 cal. BP). The differences between four age-depth modelling techniques (Bayesian and non-Bayesian) are minor (around 25 years) and remain stable with lower radiocarbon date availability. The maximum age offset between the preliminary previously published and the refined chronology from BurgĂ€schisee is 225 years. Our results demonstrate the importance of a rigorous subsampling strategy that includes a careful selection of the best terrestrial plant material and avoiding radiocarbon calibration plateaus whenever possible. The new chronology from BurgĂ€schisee now allows a more accurate site-to-site comparison with archaeological, historical and other palaeoecological evidence from the region
