7 research outputs found

    Effect of Precursor Heating on Radiating and Chemically Reacting Viscous Flow Around a Jovian Entry Body

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    The influence of changes in the precursor region flow properties (resulting from absorption of the radiation from the shock layer) on the entire shock layer flow phenomena around a Jovian entry body is investigated under physically realistic conditions. In the precursor region, the flow is considered to be inviscid and the variations in flow properties are determined by employing the small perturbation technique as well as the thin layer approximation. The flow in the shock layer is assumed to be steady, axisymmetric and viscous. The analysis is carried out by considering both the chemical equilibrium and nonequilibrium composition of the shock layer gas. The effects of transitional range behavior (slip boundary conditions on the body surface and at the shock wave) are included in the analysis of high altitude entry conditions. Realistic thermo-physical and radiation models are used and results are obtained by employing the implicit finite difference technique in the shock layer and an iterative procedure for the entire shock layerprecursor zone. Results obtained for a 45° hyperboloid blunt body entering the Jupiter\u27s atmosphere at zero angle of attack indicate that pre-heating of the gas significantly increases the static pressure and temperature ahead of the shock for entry velocities exceeding 36 km/sec. The nonequilibrium radiative heating rate to the body is found to be significantly higher than the corresponding equilibrium heating. The precursor heating, in general, increases the radiative and convective heating to the body, and this increase is slightly higher for the nonequilibrium conditions

    A user guide for the EMTAC-MZ CFD code

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    The computer code (EMTAC-MZ) was applied to investigate the flow field over a variety of very complex three-dimensional (3-D) configurations across the Mach number range (subsonic, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic flow). In the code, a finite volume, multizone implementation of high accuracy, total variation diminishing (TVD) formulation (based on Roe's scheme) is used to solve the unsteady Euler equations. In the supersonic regions of the flow, an infinitely large time step and a space-marching scheme is employed. A finite time step and a relaxation or 3-D approximate factorization method is used in subsonic flow regions. The multizone technique allows very complicated configurations to be modeled without geometry modifications, and can easily handle combined internal and external flow problems. An elliptic grid generation package is built into the EMTAC-MZ code. To generate the computational grid, only the surface geometry data are required. Results obtained for a variety of configurations, such as fighter-like configurations (F-14, AVSTOL), flow through inlet, multi-bodies (shuttle with external tank and SRBs), are reported and shown to be in good agreement with available experimental data

    Full potential methods for analysis/design of complex aerospace configurations

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    The steady form of the full potential equation, in conservative form, is employed to analyze and design a wide variety of complex aerodynamic shapes. The nonlinear method is based on the theory of characteristic signal propagation coupled with novel flux biasing concepts and body-fitted mapping procedures. The resulting codes are vectorized for the CRAY XMP and the VPS-32 supercomputers. Use of the full potential nonlinear theory is demonstrated for a single-point supersonic wing design and a multipoint design for transonic maneuver/supersonic cruise/maneuver conditions. Achievement of high aerodynamic efficiency through numerical design is verified by wind tunnel tests. Other studies reported include analyses of a canard/wing/nacelle fighter geometry

    Supersonic flow computations for an ASTOVL aircraft configuration, phase 2, part 2

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    A unified space/time marching method was used to solve the Euler and Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations for supersonic flow past an Advanced Short Take-off and Vertical Landing (ASTOVL) aircraft configuration. Lift and drag values obtained from the computations compare well with wind tunnel measurements. The entire calculation procedure is described starting from the geometry to final postprocessing for lift and drag. The intermediate steps include conversion from IGES to the patch specification needed for the CFD code, grid generation, and solution procedure. The calculations demonstrate the capability of the method used to accurately predict design parameters such as lift and drag for very complex aircraft configurations

    Treatment of supersonic flows with embedded subsonic regions

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