1 research outputs found
MembránszeparáciĂłs eljárások elmĂ©leti Ă©s kĂsĂ©rleti vizsgálata az Ă©lelmiszeriparban Ă©s környezetvĂ©delemben = Theoretical and experimental investigations of membrane separation process in the food industry and environmental protection
A kutatás nĂ©gyĂ©ves idĹ‘szaka alatt 9 tĂ©makörben vĂ©geztĂĽnk kutatásokat Ă©s Ă©rtĂĽnk el nemzetközileg is elismert eredmĂ©nyeket: 1. Bor Ă©rtĂ©kes anyagainak besűrĂtĂ©se, 2. Must besűrĂtĂ©se, magas cukortartalmĂş sűrĂtmĂ©ny előállĂtása, 3. Cukoripari levekbĹ‘l szennyezĹ‘k eltávolĂtása, 4. Instant Ă©lelmiszertermĂ©kek előállĂtása kávĂ©-extraktumbĂłl Ă©s homoktövis levĂ©bĹ‘l, 5. TejsavĂł komplex feldolgozása, 6. IvĂłvĂzbĹ‘l huminsav Ă©s arzĂ©n eltávolĂtása, 7. NövĂ©nyolajbĂłl foszfatidok eltávolĂtása, 8. Olajos szennyvizek olajmentesĂtĂ©se. 9. KĂĽlönbözĹ‘ ipari szennyvizek komplex kezelĂ©se a maradĂ©k csökkentĂ©se Ă©s a vĂz ĂşjrahasznosĂtása cĂ©ljábĂłl. Ă–sszefoglaláskĂ©nt megállapĂthatĂł, hogy a kutatás nĂ©gy Ă©ve sikeres volt, mert a tĂ©mához kapcsolĂłdĂłan 27 folyĂłiratcikket publikáltunk (ebbĹ‘l 15 impakt faktoros), 26 elĹ‘adás anyaga jelent meg teljes terjedelmĂ©ben a konferencia nyomtatott kiadványaiban, illetve CD-ROM-on, továbbá 56 elĹ‘adás Ă©s poszter anyagának egyoldalas összefoglalĂłja is megjelent a konferenciakiadványokban. A tĂ©mához kapcsolĂłdĂłan kĂ©t PhD Ă©rtekezĂ©s sikeres vĂ©dĂ©se (HU Xianguo, 2002 Ă©s MORA MOLINA Jesus, 2003 ) törtĂ©nt meg az elmĂşlt idĹ‘szakban, három PhD dolgozat (Koris András, Kiss István, Galambos IldikĂł) kĂsĂ©rleti munkái fejezĹ‘dtek be, amelyek vĂ©dĂ©se 2006-ban várhatĂł. Továbbá több mint 20 a tĂ©mához diplomamunka kĂ©szĂĽlt el az elmĂşlt nĂ©gy Ă©vben. | In the past 4 years of this research project the investigations was carried out in 9 topics: 1. Concentration of valuable components of wine, 2. Concentration of grape juice (must), production of high sugar content concentrate, 3. Removal of non-sugar compounds from sugar industry juices, 4. Production of instant foods from coffee extract and sea buckthorn juice, 5. Complex treatment of whey, 6. Removal of humic substances and arsenic from drinking water sources, 7. Dry degumming of vegetable oils, 8. Separation of oil in water emulsions, 9. Complex treatment of different wastewaters - waste minimisation and water reuse and recycling. On the basis of the results it can be concluded that the research work in the past four years period was succesfull. In the frame of this investigations 27 articles (15 with impact factor) has been published in different journals. 26 presentations were published in the Proceedings of the congresses/conferences and 56 has been published as abstract. Two PhD dissertations were defended in the topics of this research project (HU Xianguo, 2002 and MORA MOLINA Jesus, 2003), and for another 3 (Koris András, Kiss István, Galambos IldikĂł) the experimental work has been carried out. More than 20 MSc thesis is related to the topics of this research work