20 research outputs found

    Causes of Early School Leaving in Secondary Education

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    Early school leaving is a big problem both for the individual and the family, as well as for the school and the whole society. Students who leave school without qualification have much worse opportunities in the future, regarding career, income, promotion, health conditions, etc. In Hungary, secondary school dropout is a current problem; however, the ratio of it must be under 10% by 2020 according an EU strategy. There are several causes leading to school dropout, such as, family background, conflict between family and school, absenteeism from school, bad school achievements, weak school contacts, school failures, etc. The purpose of the research was to find the main causes of early school leaving – according to teachers’ opinion. The research was carried out in a Vocational Centre among teachers in the form of self-administered questionnaire in 2017. In the questionnaire, five categories were identified (students’ features, family, peers, teachers, and institution) that may contribute to dropout. The result showed that out of the five categories teachers think that mostly students and least the institution is responsible for dropout

    Munkaerőpiaci elvárások a leendő mérnökök jövőképének tükrében = Appearance of the Labour Market Requirements in Engineer Students’ Future Prospects

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    According to the report of World Economics Forum the preferred competencies of the labour market are constantly changing: the five most important skills will be analytical thinking, innovation, active learning, creativity and critical thinking in 2020. However, traditional teaching methods and attitudes of employers are not suitable enough to motivate generation Z. The research was aimed to find answers how much engineer students are satisfied with the training in accordance with their future profession, and what attitude they have towards their prospective occupation. The international questionnaire research was carried out amongst engineer students of a Hungarian and a Russian university in the spring of 2019. Based on the results, it can be stated that several differences can be found between the opinions of the two subsamples

    Pályakezdőkkel szemben támasztott vállalati elvárások vizsgálata a kimeneti kompetenciák tükrében = Examination of Employers’ Expectations towards Career Entrants from Learning Outcomes Point of View

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    Educational institutes face continuous expectations to be able to meet and answer the constantly changing requirements of the business sector, which are parallel shaping according to the social, technological, and cultural changes of the era. In this paper, authors compare competences referring to the higher education learning outcomes with the expectations of the business sector, drawing attention to the fact that although flexibility of educational institutes as well as their response time on environmental changes have become better, the distance between the two sectors is still significantly big. The data used for the comparison are partly taken from literature, while a questionnaire research and a focus group interview were conducted to survey students’ competences and the requirements of the business sphere

    A cerebralis paresis előfordulása és a betegdokumentáció minőségi vizsgálata a Semmelweis Egyetem klinikáin

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    Bevezetés és célkitűzés: A Semmelweis Egyetem klinikáin cerebralis paresis (CP) miatt gondozott gyerekek betegdoku- mentációjának minőségi ellenőrzését végeztük el. Módszer: Retrospektív audit vizsgálatunkban a 2005 és 2015 között született, CP-gyanús gyerekek elektronikus kór- házi rendszerben rögzített adatait revideáltuk, s ennek során 673, igazoltan CP-vel diagnosztizált esetet regisztrál- tunk. A fellelhető adatok alapján elvégeztük az esetek klinikai és etiológiai besorolását, valamint ellenőriztük ezen adatok elérhetőségét a betegdokumentációban. Eredmények: A gyerekek 86%-a rendelkezett a klinikai besorolásra alkalmas dokumentációval. A vizsgálható esetek 90,5%-ában spasticus, 7,8%-ában hypoton, 1,2%-ában dyskineticus és 0,5%-ában ataxiás CP-t írtak le. Az osztályoz- ható spasticus állapotok (az összes spasticus eset 98%-a) között 51% tetraparesis/tetraplegia, 26% diparesis/diplegia és 23% hemiparesis/hemiplegia volt; a maradék 2% topológiai besorolására nem volt elegendő információ a doku- mentációban. Az esetek 82%-ában volt meghatározható a súlyosság a Gross Motor Function Classification System skála szerint, 43%-ban I–II., 28%-ban III., 29%-ban IV–V. fokú mozgáskorlátozottságot véleményeztek. A születési anamnézisre vonatkozó adatokat az esetek 89%-ában találtunk. Koraszülöttség az esetek 55%-ában, perinatalis asphyxia vagy hypoxiás-ischaemiás encephalopathia 31%-ban, agykamrai vagy agyállományi vérzés 27%-ban, ikerter- hesség 19%-ban, méhen belüli sorvadás 18%-ban, intrauterin/perinatalis/csecsemőkori infekció 15%-ban, fejlődési rendellenesség 12%-ban, in vitro fertilisatio 5%-ban, stroke 3%-ban, CP-vel asszociálható genetikai mutáció pedig 3%-ban szerepelt az anamnézisben. A CP rizikótényezőinek szempontjából negatív anamnézist 16%-ban írtak le. Következtetés: Audit vizsgálatunk alapján a CP klinikai leírása egységes kritériumok szerint történt, hiányosságokat a klinikai besorolás és az anamnesztikus adatok rögzítése terén észleltünk. Az adatgyűjtés egységesítése céljából javas- latot teszünk az érintett betegek gondozása során regisztrálandó dokumentációs standardra, mely az egységes beteg- dokumentáció és egy jövőbeli hazai CP-regiszter alapfeltétele

    Investigation of the sorption of 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) on soils formed under aerobic and anaerobic conditions

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    A study was conducted on the sorption of 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2) on five soils formed under different redox conditions: an Arenosol (A_20) with fully aerobic conditions, two Gleysol samples (G_20 and G_40) with suboxic and anoxic conditions and two Histosols (H_20 and H_80) with mostly anoxic conditions. The soils were characterized on the basis of total organic carbon (TOC), specific surface area (SSA) and the Fourier transform infrared spectra of the humic acid and humin fractions (the soil remaining after alkali extraction) of the soil. The maximum adsorption capacity of the soils (Q(max)) ranged from 10.7 to 83.6 mg/g in the order G_20 > H_20 > G_40 > A_20 > H_80, which reflected the organic matter content of the soils. The sorption isotherms were found to be nonlinear for all the soil samples, with Freundlich n values of 0.45-0.68. The strong nonlinearity found in the adsorption of the H_80 samples could be attributed to their high hard carbon content, which was confirmed by the high aromaticity of the humin fraction. The maximum sorption capacity (Q(max)) of the soils did not increase indefinitely as the organic carbon content of the soils rose. There could be two reasons for this: (i) the large amount of organic matter may reduce the number of binding sites on the surface, and (ii) the decrease in SSA with increasing soil OC content may limit the ability to adsorb EE2 molecules. In anaerobic soil samples, where organic matter accumulation is pronounced, the amount of aromatic and phenolic compounds was higher than in better aerated soil profiles. Strong correlations were found between the amount of aromatic and phenolic compounds in the organic matter and the adsorption of EE2 molecules, indicating that pi-pi interaction and H-bonding are the dominant sorption mechanisms. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Longitudinal Analysis of Amplitude-Integrated Electroencephalography for Outcome Prediction in Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy

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    Objective: To investigate the prognostic accuracy of longitudinal analysis of amplitude-integrated electroencephalography (aEEG) background activity to predict long-term neurodevelopmental outcome in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) receiving therapeutic hypothermia.Study design This single-center observational study included 149 neonates for derivation and 55 neonates for validation with moderate-severe HIE and of gestational age 35 weeks at a tertiary neonatal intensive care unit. Single-channel aEEG background pattern, sleep-wake cycling, and seizure activity were monitored over 84 hours during therapeutic hypothermia and rewarming, then scored for each 6-hour interval. Neurodevelopmental outcome was assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, Second Edition. Favorable outcome was defined as having both a Mental Development Index (MDI) score and Psychomotor Development Index (PDI) score >= 70, and adverse outcome was defined as either an MDI or a PDI <70 or death. Regression modeling for longitudinal analysis of repeatedly measured data was applied, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was calculated.Resuits Longitudinal aEEG background analysis combined with sleep-wake cycling score had excellent predictive value (AUC, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.85-0.95), better than single aEEG scores at any individual time point. The model performed well in the independent validation cohort (AUC, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.62-1.00). The reclassification rate of this model compared with the conventional analysis of aEEG background at 48 hours was 18% (24 patients); 14% (18 patients) were reclassified correctly. Our results were used to develop a user-friendly online outcome prediction tool.Conclusions Longitudinal analysis of aEEG background activity and sleep-wake cycling is a valuable and accurate prognostic tool

    A COVID-19 miatt bevezetett online távoktatás hatékonysága a középiskolás tanulók szemszögéből = Effectiveness of Online Distance Education Introduced due to COVID 19 by Secondary School Students’ Point of View

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    A 21. századi pedagógusoknak jelentős kihívásokkal kell szembenézni, hiszen olyan generációt kell oktatniuk, akik a digitális korban születtek és szocializálódnak. A netgenerációnak nemcsak az online térben való viselkedése változott meg, hanem a tanulási és ismeretszerzési szokásaik, a gondolkodásuk és az agyi tevékenységük is. Ebbe a helyzetbe robbant be 2020 március közepén a COVID-19 miatt az iskolák bezárása és az online távoktatás bevezetése. A 2020 májusában a középiskolás tanulók körében (N=560) végzett online kérdőíves kutatás azt vizsgálta, hogyan élték meg azt az időszakot a serdülők, hogyan tudtak alkalmazkodni a kihívásokhoz. A kutatás eredményei azt mutatták, hogy a netgeneráció nem élvezte az online tanulást. Bár meg tudták oldani iskolai feladataikat, sőt a kapcsolatot is megfelelően tudták tartani tanáraikkal, de sem a koncentrációjuk nem növekedett, sem az iskolai eredményeik nem lettek jelentősen jobbak. Ráadásul rosszul élték meg a valós térben zajló kortárs kapcsolatok hiányát. Figyelemreméltó eredmény, hogy a hagyományos védőfaktorok (tanulmányi eredmény, szülők iskolai végzettsége) nem bizonyultak védőfaktornak

    The stages of students’ behaviour change functioning as predictors of dropout

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    Due to the expansion of higher education, the number of students attending universities has significantly grown for the last few decades. However, many students drop out of higher education due to several reasons, such as lack of motivation, inadequate learning techniques, or teachers’ requirements. One of the main reasons is motivation, which is closely connected to behaviour change. The concept is taken from the medicine discipline but can properly be applied in education as well. The stage of behaviour change can predict the possible risk of dropout. The current research was conducted among the freshmen IT students in two countries (Hungary, Israel) at the beginning of their second university semester in order to measure and identify at which stage of the behaviour change cycle they are situated. The results could draw university management’s attention whether they need to introduce and implement any prevention programs to avoid students’ dropout