12 research outputs found

    Potensi Rumput-rumputan Untuk Fitoremediasi Lahan Terdegradasi Penambangan Emas*[the Potential of Grasses on Phytoremediation of Degraded Land by Gold Mining]

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    Phytoremediation is defined as a clean up of pollutants primarily mediated by pliotosynthetic plants so its could be used as an alternative technique to overcome contaminated soil and water such an mining ecosystems. These plants have several beneficial characteristics; they have ability to accumulate metals in their shoots and especially high tolerance to heavy metals.Since Indonesia has abundant plant diversity, it is believed that some of them are potential to be used as phytoremediator.This research was carried out to study the potential of three species of grasses in accumulating Pb and Cn. The treatments were arranged on Randomized Complete Block Design (factorial design). The first treatment are species of grass: 1) Cynodon dactylon Pers., 2)Cyperus sp. and 3) Ischaemum timorense Kith.; the second treatment is planting media i.e. 1) tailing soil, 2) soil from wildmining (mining activities run by unexpected miners) and 3) top soil and the third is organic fertilizer: 1) manure, 2) compost and 3) no fertilizer.The resultsshowed that all of the three grasses are potential to accumulate Pb and Cn. Organic fertilizer mixed on planting media is significantly affected the growth of grasses and increasing the accumulation of Cn on leaf of Cyperus sp. and I.timorense. While no evidence in increasing Pb accumulation on all of those three grasses specie

    Toleransi Beberapa Genotipe Vigna Umbellata (Thumb.) Terhadap Suhu Tinggi Pada Berbagai Tahap Pertumbuhan* [Heat Tolerance of Some Vigna Umbellata (Thumb.) Genotypes at Different Growth Phases]

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    Degree of electrolyte leakage (EL) from leaf tissue after exposure to high temperature has been used as an indicator of heat tolerance. Inthe present study, EL was measured in an attempt to estimate heat tolerance of Viana umbellata (Thumb.) genotypes at three differentgrowth phases. The degree of heat injury is significantly different among the three growth phases and among the genotypes as well as their interaction. However, the degree of heat injury tends to increase over the plant growth. The 18 genotypes of V. umbellata shows moderate genetic variability as shown by its value of genetic variance (46,25 ±16,35), phenotypic variance (85,37 ±27,60), and coefficientof genetic variation (26,36%)

    Respon Pupuk Daun Npk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Nepenthes Ventrata Dan Nepenthes Neglecta

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    Leaf NPK fertilizer experiments on pitcher plant (Nepenthes neglecta and ventrata) conducted in May 2008 to March 2009 in a greenhouse, Botany Division, Research Center for Biology-LIPI, Cibinong Science Center, Cibinong. The objective is to study the effect of leaves NPK fertilizer on the growth of the two Nepenthes species tested. Experiments using Random Complete Factorial Design with two factors, namely the two Nepenthes species and threedoses of fertilizer each treatment repeated six times. Growth parameters measured include; long shoot leaves, plant height, number of leaves, number of mature pitchers and growth pitchers. Results showed that the dose of NPK fertilizer provided (2 and 4 ml / lt) have no effect on plant height and number of leaves, but little effect on the number of mature pitchers thanthe control plants. The statistical tests also showed no interaction between the two Nepenthes species with a given dose of fertilizer on the growth of plants. Minimum-maximum temperature recorded in the greenhouse during the experiment was 22.20C and 38.50C. Meanwhile, air humidity between 43,6-64,7%

    Pemanfaatan Salvinia Molesta D.s. Mitchell, Akumulator Merkuri Di Sawah Tercemar Limbah Penambangan Emas

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    Mercury is one of important contaminants in mine lands. One approach to remediaterisks from this metal pollutant is phytoextraction using hyperaccumulator plants. Theseremarkable plant species accumulate appreciable high concentrations of metals thando normal plants when the normal plants suffer yield reduction from metal phytotoxicity.Some plant species growing in gold mine contaminated areas indicated high toleranceand potentially effective in accumulating mercury in their roots and above groundportions. Salvinia molesta is one of them. This plant could be utilized as hyperaccumulatorfor cleaning up mercury contaminated sites. This research aim to study phytoextractionof mercury by Salvinia molesta and the effectiveness of mercury degradator bacteria onplant tolerance and mercury phytoextraction. In this study Salvinia molesta was grown inmercury contaminated liquid gold mine waste, added with Mercury (II) Chloride (HgCl2)0 ppm Hg, 10 ppm Hg, 30 ppm Hg and 50 ppm Hg. Mercury degradator bacteria wasapplied in the media. The results showed that Salvinia molesta was able to survive evenin media with high level of mercury concentration (50 ppm), although the number ofplant survival tend to decrease with the increase of mercury concentration. Variables ofsurface coverage and live plants decreased with the increase of mercury concentrationin the media. There was a close correlation between plant growth variables and mercuryconcentration in the media. The effects of mercury toxicity on plants seems to decreasein bacteria treated plants. It was indicated by the higher percentage of surface coverageand plant survival in bacteria treated plants than that of untreated plants up to 30 ppm Hg.Recovery from toxicity was shown in bacteria treated plants up to 30 ppm Hg. Mercuryaccumulation in plants tent to increase with the increase of mercury concentration inmedia. It can be concluded that plant performance was better and mercury concentrationdecreased in bacteria treated plants

    Variasi Karakteristik Pertumbuhan Tacca Leontopetaloides (L) Kuntze (Taccaceae) Di Pulau Jawa Dan Pulau-pulau Kecil Sekitarnya [Growth Characteristics Variation of Tacca Leontopetaloides (L.) Kuntze (Taccaceae) in Java and Surrounding Islands]

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    An increasing of population, land conversion, and the behaviour changes in many crops due to global warming could produce a significant negative effect to food security in many countries, including Indonesia. In order to maintain the availability of food, we should find out alternative foods based on corp comodities that can adapt to future agricultural land conditions. One species to be promoted for that purpose is Tacca leontopetaloides (taka). This study was aimed to determine growth characteristics variations of taka in Java and its surrounding small islands through exploration and interview methods. Results indicated that there were two morphological variations of taka based on the canopy colour, namely green and purple. Taka found growing in coastal areas up to100 m above sea level. The light intensity and soil type greatly affected their growth. These plants lived either solitary or in a groups, grow well on sandy soil to clay, under the shade and open areas. Species around taka allegedly contributed in determining taka growth and production. Taka tuber can be an alternative carbohydrate source for supporting food self-sufficiency in coastal communities

    Toleransi Sengon Buto (Enterolobium Cyclocarpum Griseb) Yang Ditanam Pada Media Limbah Tailing Tercemar Sianida Dengan Perlakuan Pupuk [Tolerance of Sengon Buto (Enterolobium Cyclocarpum Griseb) Grown on Cyanide Contaminated Tailing Media with Fertilizer Application]

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    Sengon buto (Enterolobium cyclocarpum Griseb) is one of the potential plant species for land reclamation and possibly for phytoremediation because of its fast growing even on poor soil, and its ability to fertilize soil through nitrogen fixation. For phytoremediation purpose we need fast growing plant with high ability to absorp target contaminant. Fertilization is needed to improve plant growth. This experiment was carried out to study the tolerance of sengon buto (Enterolobium cyclocarpum Griseb) grown on cyanide contaminated tailing media on various level of NPK fertilizer.The sengon buto seed were planted in the tailing of gold mine media mixed with compost (4:1) in pots. Various levels of NPK fertilizer were applied i.e. 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 g/pot at 2 and 2.5 month after planting (MAP).The plant were harvested at 6 MAP. The result showed that NPK fertilizer increase plant growth at level 2 of 2 g/pot, however the value of the increment was not significantly different with control plant (0 g/pot). Cyanide content of NPK treated plants were higher than the untreated plants. The highest value of shoot/root cyanide content ratio was on the NPK untreated plants (4.34) followed by 2 g/pot treatment (3.59). It is means that sengon buto is potential for phytoremediation of tailing of gold mining

    Potensi Hipertoleransi Calopogonium Mucunoides, Centrosema Pubescens Dan Cajanus Cajan Yang Tumbuh Pada Limbah Penambangan Emas Terkontaminasi Sianida Dan Merkuri

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    Potency of Hypertolerance of Calopogonium mucunoides, Centrosema pubescensand Cajanus cajan . Grown on Gold Mine waste Media Contaminated by Cyanideand Mercury. Cleaning up contaminated environment by using green technology ofphytoremediation is urgently needed in the future. These plants will be utilized ashyperaccumulators for cleaning up the contaminated sites. The results of plant screeningshowed that some plant species, which grow in the contaminated areas, indicated hightolerance and potentially effective in accumulating cyanide and mercury in their rootsand above ground portions. Those plants are Calopogonium mucunoides and Centrosemapubescens. This research aims to examine the potency of three candidate plants i.eCalopogonium mucunoides, Centrosemapubescens and Cajanus cajan, that were grownunder three different media i.e tailing waste of PT ANTAM contaminated by cyanide,public mine or PET1 waste that were contaminated by mercury and non contaminated topsoil as a control. The results showed that all of the species were able to grow undercontaminated media and showed a considerable tolerance by indicated high cyanide andmercury accumulation in their shoot and root. Among those three plants, Centrosemapubescens showed the highest level of cyanide and mercury accumulation i.e 3.29 mg I-' CN (in the shoot), 34.72 mg I-' Hg (in the shoot) and 17.47 mg lk' Hg (in the root),followed by Calopogonium mucunoides i.e 14,97 mg I-' CN (in the root). Concentrationratio of CN and Hg accumulation in shoot/root of Centrosemapubescens was >I indicatingthat this plant, according to the definition can beconsidered as a hyperaccumulator