38 research outputs found

    A comparative study of 4-hour versus 2-hour action line on who modified partograph

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    Background: World health organization has promoted modified partograph with action line, 4 hour to left of alert line. While others have used various action line 2, 3, or 4 hours to initiate and guide ‘‘active management’’ decisions. Objectives of the study were to evaluate outcome of labour in terms of caesarean section rate, augmentation of labour and fetal outcome in whom labour has been managed with 4-hour vs 2-hour action line on WHO modified partograph.Methods: This was a randomized, prospective, comparative study. Primigravida, 19-28 years, with single live foetus in vertex presentation without any medical and obstetrical complications, at term pregnancy have been included in the study. Results were compared between Group A, with 100 cases, in whom labour has been managed with WHO modified Partograph with 4-hour action line and Group B, with 100 cases, in whom labour has been managed with that of 2-hour action line.Results: The present study shows that more women in 2-hour arm crossed the action line, compared with the 4-hour arm, and therefore received more interventions to augment labour.  Rate of caesarean section is more in group B (11%) than in group A (9%) which is statistically nonsignificant.Conclusions: Neonatal outcome measured with APGAR score at 5 minute, has shown no significant difference in both groups. Therefore, partograph with 2-hour action line doesn’t show any superiority over that of 4-hour action line but to be associated with higher incidence of intervention. Further research is required in this field of active management.

    A comparative study of oral, sublingual and vaginal route of misoprostol as cervical ripening agent before surgical method of termination of first-trimester pregnancy

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    Background: Cervical ripening is a critical step for surgical method of termination of first trimester of pregnancy. Misoprostol, PGE1 analogue have promising role as cervical ripening agent. The present study aimed to compare the efficacy and side effects of oral, sublingual and vaginal misoprostol at dosage of 400mcg for cervical priming before surgical method of termination in first-trimester pregnancy.Methods: It was a prospective hospital based randamosied study. Total 150 patients at 6-12 weeks gestation requesting for medical termination of pregnancy were divided equally in to 3 groups. Every group was advised to have single dose of 400 mcg misoprostol either oral, sublingual or vaginal route respectively 4 hour before suction and evacuation.Results: The sublingual group had highly significant cervical dilatation (P<0.001) and the duration of suction and evacuation was less as compared to the vaginal and oral routes (p<0.000). However, the mean intraoperative blood loss was more in sublingual as compared to the vaginal and oral groups. Loose motions and nausea/vomiting were more with oral routes while blood loss was more in the vaginal route.Conclusions: Thus, it can be concluded from present study that sublingual route of misoprostol is more preferable than oral or vaginal route as pro-abortion cervical ripening agent

    Prevalence of anemia during pregnancy and its association with adverse perinatal outcomes in Madhya Pradesh, India

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    Background: The prevalence of anemia in India is increasing day by day and covers almost one third population. Anemia during pregnancy leads many perinatal complications such as miscarriage, abortion and still birth. So, the aim of the study was to determine prevalence of anemia during pregnancy and its association with adverse perinatal outcomes in region of Madhya Pradesh.Methods: The study population consisted of 15-49 years women of reproductive age group from the state Madhya Pradesh, India, which were taken from the National Family Healthy Survey-4 (2015-16). Various perinatal outcomes along with age and residence was cross tabulated and frequencies were generated. The chi-square statistic was used to test the significance.Results: In severe anaemic women prevalence of miscarriage (74.0%) was statistically significantly higher (p<0.05) as comparison to other forms of anemia. Also, in the age group 25-29 years and rural population prevalence of miscarriage (40% and 55%) was highly significant (p<0.001) as comparison to other age group and urban population.Conclusions: The severity of anemia is directly proportional to poor and adverse perinatal outcomes in pregnancy

    Extension of Banach Cotraction Principle for Cone Metric space

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    In this paper an extension of Banach contraction principle is introdues for the rational contraction in cone metric space. Keywords: Fixed point, Common Fixed point ,Continuous mapping, Complete Metric space ,cone metric spac

    Fixed point Results with Soft G- Metrc spaces

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    In the present paper, we prove fixed point results of mapping defined on soft G-metric space. Keywords: - Soft set, soft G-metric space, fixed point. Mathematics Subject Classification: - 47H10, 54H25

    An Ultra High Bandwidth Microstrip Antenna for Upper L-Band and Lower S-Band Applications

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    Communication on microwave frequencies have multifold advantages and as far as wireless communication is concerned, it requires an perfectly matching antenna too, for this reason plenty of research work is going ahead in the field of Microstrip antenna at many frequencies now a days. This paper has a wider role and significance in the development of Microstrip antenna because the simulation has been done on a frequency on which many important communication devices are working i.e. 2 GHz. A novel microstrip antenna has been presented in this paper, this antenna achieves bandwidth of 60.80% when simulated on IE3D platform and retains 52.80% of bandwidth when tested using spectrum analyzer. As a matter of fact high bandwidth antennas are always desirable, this novel shape may be helpful for the various applications of higher L and lower S band application

    Comparative study of hematological parameters along with effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in different stages of breast cancer

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    Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies found among women in India. Haematological parameters have been shown to predict severity, mortality and treatment follow-up in breast cancer patients. The aim of the study was to compare haematological parameters along with effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in different stages of breast cancer patients.Methods: Total 235 human subjects were taken in the study. Out of which 100 normal ages matched healthy subjects were considered as controls and 135 breast cancer patients subjects as cases which were further divided into their respective stages according to TNM classification.Results: Estimation of haematological parameters was done by Sysmex Automated Hematology Analyzer Kx-21. The statistical differences between cases and control were determined by using student independent sample t-test.Conclusions: We found hemoglobin level, polymorphs, lymphocytes, monocytes and RBC count were statistically reduce (p<0.05) while other parameters were non-significant as compared to control healthy subjects. We also found deranged haematological parameters in all four stages of breast cancer. The data also indicated that patients which were on combined therapies i.e. radio and chemo have more deranged and decreased levels of haematological parameters as compared to individual therapies

    Status of soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 in knee osteoarthritis among type 2-diabetic postmenopausal women

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    Background: Knee osteoarthritis is the most common form of joint disorder and a leading cause of pain and functional disability among elderly female population.  Type 2-diabetes is frequently reported comorbidity in elderly female patients with knee osteoarthritis. VCAM-1 is emerging as a strong and independent predictor for severe osteoarthritis. VCAM-1 is an inducible cell surface sialo glycoprotein and mediates heterotypic cellular aggregation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the role of soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 at the onset of knee osteoarthritis among type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women.Methods: The present study includes 100 type 2-diabetic female subjects of age above 50 years as cases and 100 normal healthy female age matched individuals as controls. Osteoarthritis of knee was ascertained using the American college of rheumatology classification criteria. Serum soluble VCAM-1 concentration was measured by ELISA method in all 200 subjects. Biochemical parameters-Fasting blood sugar and lipid profile were measured using Mind ray BS-400 and HbA1c was measured by turbidimetric immunoassay method. Statistical analysis was made by student independent sample t-test. Correlation was determined by using spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.Results: Serum level of soluble VCAM-1 was found statistically highly significant (p&lt;0.001) in type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women having early stage of knee osteoarthritis as compared to control healthy subjects. The mean levels of fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, total cholesterol, TG, LDL-C and VLDL-C were also found significantly increased while HDL-C was found significantly decreased in cases as compared to controls.Conclusions: The increased level of soluble VCAM-1 in type 2 diabetic subjects shows active inflammation or cartilage damage. Therefore, it can be used as an early biomarker for osteoarthritis among type 2 diabetic postmenopausal women

    Halotolerant Plant Growth Promoting Bacilli from Sundarban Mangrove Mitigate the Effects of Salinity Stress on Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) Growth

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    Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) is one of the major crops in dry and saline areas across the globe. During salinity stress, plants encounter significant changes in their physio and biochemical activities, leading to decreased growth and yield. Bacillus species are used as biofertilizers and biopesticides for pearl millet and other crops to promote growth and yield. The use of Bacillus in saline soils has been beneficial to combat the negative effect of salinity on plant growth and yield. In this context, the present study emphasizes the use of two Bacillus species, i.e. Bacillus megaterium JR-12 and B. pumilus GN-5, which helped in alleviating the impact of salinity stress on the growth activities in salt-stressed pearl millet. Pearl millet seeds were treated with two strains, B. megaterium JR-12 and B.pumilus GN-5, individually and in combination under 50, 100 and 150 mM of sodium chloride stress. The treated plants showed higher plant height, biomass accumulation, and photosynthetic apparatus than the non-treated plants. Additionally, the treated plants showed increased osmoprotectant levels under salinity stress compared to control plants. The antioxidant enzyme content was improved post-inoculation, indicating the efficient stress-alleviating potential of both strains of Bacillus species. Moreover, inoculation of these microbes significantly increased plant growth attributes in plants treated with a combination of Bp-GN-5 + Bm-JR-12 and the reduction rates of plant growth were found to be alleviated to 9.12%, 20.30% and 33%, respectively. Overall, the results of the present study suggested that these microbes could have a higher potential to improve the productivity of pearl millet under salinity stress

    Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Colour Profile of Paneer Stored at 3±1 º C

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    Paneer, an acid coagulated dairy product, is very popular in Indian subcontinent, but its shelf life is quite low being approx. 6 days at refrigeration temperature. Hence, a study was planned to increase the shelf life of paneer by employing MAP technique. Two hundred fifty grams of paneer samples were packaged in high barrier bags (LLD/BA/Nylon-6/ BA/ LDPE) under five different atmospheres (air: atm 1; vacuum: atm 2; 100% CO2: atm 3; 100% N2: atm 4; 50% CO2/ 50% N2: atm 5), and stored at 3±1 °C. Periodically, the quality of paneer was evaluated for changes in colour profile, viz., Hunter Lab colour profile, Hunter Lab Total colour difference, Relative yellowness and Hue angle