21 research outputs found

    Mortality rate per 100 person-years.

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    <p>The black dotted line is the mortality rate; the grey shaded area represents the 95% confidence-intervals.</p

    Rates of CD4 recovery and VL suppression.

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    <p>Unadjusted Kaplan-Meier curves for A) Rates of CD4 recovery of 150 cells/mm<sup>3</sup> by 12 months and B) Rates of VL suppression to below 1,000 copies/ml by 12 months.</p

    MOESM6 of Fecal microbiota transplantation against intestinal colonization by extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae: a proof of principle study

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    Additional file 6: Table S3. Abundances of taxa in responders vs nonresponders. Relative abundances of significantly different taxa (only < 0.9 or > 1.1 fold shown) between responders and nonresponders at baseline. Median relative abundance (percentage) is shown, also the ratio between the medians of responders and nonresponders and the p-value are given

    Characteristics of included patients with malignant lymphoma in five hospitals in the region of Amsterdam, overall and by HIV testing within 3 months before and after malignant lymphoma diagnosis, treatment or work-up, 2015–2020.

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    Characteristics of included patients with malignant lymphoma in five hospitals in the region of Amsterdam, overall and by HIV testing within 3 months before and after malignant lymphoma diagnosis, treatment or work-up, 2015–2020.</p

    Additional file 1: of The need to scale up HIV indicator condition-guided testing for early case-finding: a case-control study in primary care

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    The proportion of persons classified by number of STIs and HIV indicator conditions in the period of one year or five years prior to the index date among HIV cases compared to matched controls. (DOC 54 kb