18 research outputs found

    Quality properties of vegetables and fodder crops grown on salt-affected soils

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    This physiological study have demonstrated that enhanced hydrolysis of total carbohydrates may regulate the adaptation of plants to salt-affected soils as environmental stress. Pepper, tomato, parsley, carrot, alfalfa and red clover were cultivated on open field in Ovce Pole region

    Macedonian Genebank: Seed Protein Content of Wild Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.) Accessions

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    During this study, the content of crude protein content in seeds of 23 wild red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) populations, collected in East part of Macedonia, district Probistip, was assessed. On the basis of the average crude protein content, the collected accessions were divided into 3 groups with the crude protein content ≥ 15.0% (MKD01527, MKD01530, MKD01531, MKD01539, MKD01540, MKD01542, MKD01543); ≥ 16.0% (MKD01525, MKD01528, MKD01529, MKD0538, MKD01541, MKD01553, MKD01554, MKD01560) and ≥ 17.0% (MKD01536, MKD01537, MKD01544). The highest crude protein content of 17.3% was determined for population MKD01535 and the lowest (14.4 %) for MKD01526. Information on protein content, as an indicator of wild red clover quality, could be used as a selection tool for identifying accessions to be included in red clover breeding programs

    Macedonian Genebank: Seed Protein Content of Wild Red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.) Accessions

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    During this study, the content of crude protein content in seeds of 23 wild red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) populations, collected in East part of Macedonia, district Probistip, was assessed. On the basis of the average crude protein content, the collected accessions were divided into 3 groups with the crude protein content ≥ 15.0% (MKD01527, MKD01530, MKD01531, MKD01539, MKD01540, MKD01542, MKD01543); ≥ 16.0% (MKD01525, MKD01528, MKD01529, MKD0538, MKD01541, MKD01553, MKD01554, MKD01560) and ≥ 17.0% (MKD01536, MKD01537, MKD01544). The highest crude protein content of 17.3% was determined for population MKD01535 and the lowest (14.4 %) for MKD01526. Information on protein content, as an indicator of wild red clover quality, could be used as a selection tool for identifying accessions to be included in red clover breeding programs

    Ultrasound influence on coleoptile length at Poaceae seedlings as valuable criteria in prebreeding and breeding processes

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    The study includes research on the effect of ultrasound on the ability of seed germination and coleoptile development of cereal landraces (fam. Poaceae): oat (Avena sativa L.) brodski, rye (Secale cereale L.) rakotinska, Triticale svetinikolsko and soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) govrlevska. The experiment with ultrasound was carried out at frequency of 30-40 kHz on the thermostatic ultrasonic bath. Seeds were sonicated at a constant temperature (25ºC) for 15 min. Ultrasound effect is reflected in the length of the coleoptyl and mesocotyl, although in a good deal is genetically predetermined. Coleoptile length was the longest in Triticale (3.3-5.5 cm) and approximately the same lengths are evident in rye (3.0-6.1 cm). Concerning the mesocotyl the longest one (5.525 cm ± 0.697) is recorded at rye, even significantly longer than control of oat and Triticale. Longer coleoptile of sonicated seeds indicates faster seedling development, good water supply and rapid development and emergence of first leaves. Correlation coefficient showed very high (0.821) and high R2 (67,472%) dependence among variables both, in length of coleoptiles (as dependent variable) and mesocotyl (as independent) with low standard error (0.225). With the simple use of ultrasound the germination period could be shorten, water supply more efficient, the sowing periods will be shorten and good yields even under conditions of climate change with increased temperatures could be achieved


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    The winter barley crop growing has not been adequately researched regarding soil tillage systems, especially in crop rotation with the soybean, both crops gaining importance as food or fodder. Also, productivity of such crop rotation in low nitrogen environment is especially interesting for organic crop growing, where mineral nitrogen fertilization is not allowed. The research on two soil tillage systems, the conventional one, based on mouldboard ploughing (PLOW) and reduced soil tillage, based on discharrowing (DISC), with no other nitrogen source except symbiotic soybean bacterial fixation, was conducted at the experimental site Bokšić (Croatia), during the seasons 2004/05 and 2005/06. Results showed low but stable yields of winter barley, between 2.1 and 2.6 t ha-1, where PLOW treatment recorded lower yield than DISC in 2005, and usual soybean yields (between 2.8 and 3.4 t ha-1), with higher soybean grain yields for PLOW only in 2006. The absolute mass and hectolitre mass did not show any statistical differences among treatments either.Uzgoj ozimog ječma nije adekvatno istražen glede sustava obrade tla, posebice u plodoredu sa sojom, a oba usjeva dobivaju na važnosti kao hrana za ljude ili krma za životinje. Isto tako, produktivnost ovakvog plodoreda u uvjetima niske gnojidbe dušikom je osobito zanimljiva za ekološku poljoprivredu, gdje korištenje mineralnih dušičnih gnojiva nije dopušteno. Istraživanje dvaju sustava obrade tla, konvencionalnog, baziranog na oranju lemešnim plugom (PLOW), te reduciranog, baziranog na tanjuranju (DISC), bez ikakvog izvora dušika osim dušika simbiotski vezanog kvržičnim bakterijama na soji, provedeno je na pokušalištu Bokšić (Hrvatska), tijekom sezona 2004/05-2005/06. Rezultati su pokazali niske ali stabilne urode ozimog ječma, između 2.1 i 2.6 t ha-1, gdje je na PLOW tretmanu zabilježen niži prinos nego na DISC tretmanu u 2005. godini, te uobičajene urode soje (između 2.8 i 3.4 t ha-1), s višim urodima zrna soje na PLOW tretmanu samo u 2006. godini. Razlike apsolutne i hektolitarske mase među tretmanima nisu bile statistički opravdane

    Variations in level of oil, protein, and some antioxidants in chickpea and peanut seeds

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    Background: Chickpea and peanut are two legume species not frequently used in human diets. Chickpea is rich in starch and proteins, while peanut is mainly a source of oils and proteins and they could be successfully used as protein sources in vegetarian diets. Seeds of 19 chickpea and 13 peanut landraces were colorimetrically analyzed in respect to antioxidant content (i.e., free soluble phenolics, total glutathione, and phytate). Oil and protein contents in grain were also determined. Results: Free soluble phenolics content varied in range from 520 to1,050 mg kg(-1) in peanut and from 720 to 1,370 mg kg(-1) in chickpea. Total glutathione content ranged from 1,495 to 2,365 mmol kg(-1) in peanut and from 955 to 1,232 mmol kg(-1) in chickpea. Relatively low content of phytic phosphorus was found in grain of both species, ranging from 2.5 to 4.5 g kg(-1) in peanut and from 1.4 to 3.0 g kg(-1) in chickpea, respectively. Considering the lack of data for phytate variability in Macedonian chickpea and peanut local landraces up to date, the observed high variation in phytic phosphorus content could represent the great basis for further breeding programs for phytate decrease in seeds of those genotypes. This is significant, since phytate is an important antinutrient which affects availability of mineral elements. Regression analysis revealed positive and highly significant interdependence between oil content and total glutathione in chickpea seeds, as well as between oil content and phytic phosphorus in peanut seeds. In chickpea, significant and negative correlation between oil and phytic phosphorus content was also observed. Conclusions: Results obtained indicated that chickpea genotypes with higher oil content could have increased nutritional value due to higher glutathione and lower phytate content observed. However, lower level of phytate content, along with higher level of soluble phenolics and total glutathione found in peanut seeds with lower oil content, indicated higher digestibility and increased antioxidant activity of those genotypes

    Green manure as a way of organic produced carrot (Daucus carota L. cv. Nantes)

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    During October 2003 to August 2004 has been study with winter common vetch Vicia satiua L. cv. NS Sirmium. Early spring plowing of plots and "green manure" practicing enabled soil organic fertilization. On the same plots were set up carrot cv. Nantes compared with control. Soil samples were taken before common vetch sowing, after its decomposition and first carrot gathering. Carrot quality is evaluated through chemical analyzing of carbohydrates, protein and vitamin C content. Resulted of "green manuring" soil humus, nitrogen, light available phosphorous and potassium were larger. Number of carrot plants (39.27). dimensions (20.75 cmx2.07 cm), weight (59.88 g) and extracted sap (22.18 ml per plant) after Ist gathering are an average increased and yield per plant as well yield in total. Except extracted sap all investigated mentioned parameters were continue gained after the 2nd gathering (23.22 cmx2.69-dimensions. 62.44 g-weight. 18.45-extracted sap). Carbohydrate content is higher at organic produced carrot (20.15 %/100 g d.m.-total; 7.48 %/100 g d.m). protein either less as well (10.56 %/100 g d.m) and vitamin C significantly 3.41 %/100 g f.m then control 2.47 %/100 g f.m

    Green manure as a Tool of organic produced potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Amorosa)

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    During September 2003 to August 2004 has been done study with winter common vetch Vicia sativa L. cv. MS Sirmium as pre-culture of followed vegetables. After "green manure" practicing on the same plots were set up potato cv. Amorosa. Soil samples were taken before common vetch sowing, after its decomposition and carrot. Carrot quality was established through chemical analyzing of total and soluble carbohydrates, vitamin C and proteins compared with control. Resulted by "green manure" soil humus, soil nitrogen, light available soil phosphorous and potassium are larger. After Ist gathering potato dimensions are characterized with increased average dimensions, yield per plant and yield in total as well. Total carbohydrate content at manure plots is amounted 17.02 %/100 mg d.m. that means 33.45 %/100 g d.m. increasing compared with control ones, while soluble content is 3.24 %/100 g d.m. and recorded 11.72%/100 g d.m. even. Protein content is increased for 4.22 %/100 g d.m. at green manure plots, differs of vitamin C content that is not higher compared with control and corresponded with literature data. Analyzed parameters are increased as result of potato tendency of soil potassium using

    Examination of Genetic Diversity of Common Bean from the Western Balkans

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    In this study, genetic diversity of 119 accessions of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) from five former Yugoslav republics constituting the western Balkans was assessed by 13 microsatellite markers. This set of markers has proven before to efficiently distinguish between bean genotypes and assign them to either the Andean or the Mesoamerican gene pool of origin. In this study, 118 alleles were detected or 9.1 per locus on average. Four groups (i.e., Slovene, Croatian, Bosnian, and Serbian) showed similarly high levels of genetic diversity as estimated by the number of different alleles, number of effective alleles, Shannon's information index, and expected heterozygosity. Mildly narrower genetic diversity was identified within a group of Macedonian accessions; however, this germplasm yielded the highest number of private alleles. All five germplasms share a great portion of genetic diversity as indicated by the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). On the basis of the scored number of migrants, we concluded that the most intensive gene flow in the region exists in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cluster analysis based on collected molecular data classified the accessions into two large clusters that corresponded to two gene pools of origin (i.e., Andean and Mesoamerican). We found that Andean genotypes are more prevalent than Mesoamerican in all studied countries, except Macedonia, where the two gene pools are represented evenly. This could indicate that common bean was introduced into the western Balkans mainly from the Mediterranean Basin. Bayesian cluster analysis revealed that in the area studied an additional variation exists which is related to the Andean gene pool. Different scenarios of the origin of this variation are discussed in the article

    Genetic diversity of the autochtonous Phaseolus bean germplasm originating from five South east European countries

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    Genetic differentiation of 167 Phaseolus vulgaris L. accessions originating from five South east European countries was performed using 13 SSR markers. Analysis included 21 accessions from Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15 accessions from Croatia, 73 accessions from Macedonia, 38 accessions from Serbia and 20 accessions from Slovenia. Calculated mean number of alleles per locus was 9.8. The average polymorphic information content over all loci reached value of 0.710 where the most informative locus was GATS91 (0.926). These results showed that selected set of SSR markers are highly informative and applicable for studies of genetic diversity within germplasm collected in the five South east European countries, which was also confirmed with the calculated value of probability of identity (1.831x10). High mean value of expected heterozygosity (0.731) and Shannon’s information index (1.486) reflects high genetic diversity within accessions from five countries, where accessions from Macedonia are genetically the most uniform, due to 17completely identical accessions included