66 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Panduan Wisata Belanja Menggunakan Indoor Maps Berbasis Android di Surabaya ( Studi Kasus : Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Surabaya)

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    Surabaya has great potential in the field of tourism, one corresponding to the tourism potential of Surabaya is a shopping tour. The emergence of various shopping malls and entertainment facilities are diverse, can be one of the biggest assets for Surabaya to turn into the City Shopping Tour. City Government (City Government) Surabaya, which this year plans to increase the attraction Surabaya, was not accompanied by step guide wisata.Sehingga increasing number of tourists who travel to Surabaya less informative about where and what can be obtained as a shopping tour of Surabaya. Shopping information retrieval applications in android based mobile by using the indoor map, which is a technology that uses the internet and mobile phones to access the required information to the tenant level. Today, the Internet and mobile phones are many who use it, so for applications that supported the implementation of Internet and mobile android is very important With the applications that implement the use of mobile-based technology and supported features android indoor map, is expected to solve problems and provide ease of information for tourists who want to find information on a shopping tour promo, event, tenant, products offered and tenant site plan without having to depend at the time and location as they are accessed

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Gangguan Preferensi Seksual Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor pada Institusi Kepolisian

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    A sexual preference disorder or Paraphilia is a deviate act that is hidden by the subject. It appears to be ignoring or hurting other people. Currently, Police institutions have implemented ways to know about this sexual abnormality. However, in the identification process there are similar symptoms that leads to the same conclution of the specific kind of paraphilia. In this case, it can cause a mistake in determining the type of sexual preference disorder along with the limitation to psychology staff and time limitation also made the solution to the case to be delayed. Based on the problems above, then the expert system is made that can help part of the psychology especially to those who do not have a clinical background to diagnose this sexual preference disorder to expedite the process of the psychological test and not to delay the settlement of the case. The certainty factor expert system will identify every symptom that is experienced by the problematic person, and the system will produce a diagnosis of sexual preference disorder result towards the problematic person. The trial result of the expert system application shows that the system is capable to identify the type of the disturbance in sexual preference with the accuracy of 93, 3%. The following result is made based on the input that is given by the user and compared with the diagnose result that is been done by police expert clinical psychology in the amount of 15 cases

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pencatatan Penjualan Suku Cadang dan Jasa Service Motor Berbasis Desktop pada PT. AS MOTOR

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    The process of recording the sale of spare parts and services, the service motor that includes the company\u27s interaction to the customer and internal interactions between parts of the PT. As Motor not computerized. The problem that exists is in the process of identifying damage to vehicle in which the mechanics are not doing service in accordance with the standard operating procedure as well as the mechanics are working on improvements often work vehicle repair other customers and service advisors are not directly know the stock of spare parts that exist when the sales of spare parts, the impact is disturbing the development and progress of the workshop.The solution to solve the problem is an application that can automate customer interactions to the company and the interaction between the internal parts is to design and build applications recording sales of spare parts and services, the service -based motor desktop. These applications generate sales reports information in the form of spare parts, spare parts sales reports per period, circulation reports sales of spare parts, service revenue reports per mechanics, spare parts inventory reports, and reports the purchase of spare parts

    Perencaan Strategis Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi pada PT. Qta Travelindo Jaya Surabaya

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    PT Qta Travelindo Jaya Surabaya is a travel agency company that has been supported by the application, but the application that is not met expectations, for the development of applications based only on immediate needs with different platforms. This resulted in no integration of data between parts, occurs redundancy of data, not optimal application USAge, budget development of Information Systems and Information Technology (IS/IT) is not controlled, and the disjointed IS/IT with business objectives.In order to overcome the constraints mentioned above, it is necessary to Strategic Planning IS/IT. In drawing up the Strategic Planning IS/IT used method of Ward & Peppard so that IS/IT can be aligned with its business strategy. In this method the synchronization between the company's objectives with the aim of IS/IT. Besides Ward & Peppard method, there is a method of analysis or ancillary aspects, as follows: Strenghts, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT), Finance, Marketing, Operations, Human Resources, Industrial Markets, Competitors, Political Regulations, and McFarlan.The results of the Strategic Planning in the form of IT/IS document. This document contains the Application Portfolio namely Sales Information System (Invoice), Mobile Web Application Airlines plane and hotel, and webstite Gotravelindo. Documentation is made for three (3) years of the coming period and will be used as a recommendation IS/IT development be focused, IS/IT strategy aligned with business strategy, and can determine the competence of the resources needed in the IS/IT Qta Travelindo PT Jaya Surabay

    Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Penyakit Jamur Kulit pada Manusia Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor

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    Indonesia is a tropical country with high levels of humidity . High humidity levels can make a flourish of mushrooms , one of which is a fungal disease of the skin. many people assume that the skin fungal disease if left unchecked it can heal itself . it is so wrong , skin fungal diseases if not faster handling of it will have a negative effect on human health it . one of the adverse effects will occur in humans as a permanent hair loss or hearing loss . the existence of such problems is then made of skin fungal disease expert system uses certainty factor method . in order to help people who suffer from fungal diseases of the skin. after the system is created by the acquisition of knowledge from experts , to replace the expert and has been tested with a black box method can result out of 100 % . so that the system is fit for use by people suffering from fungal diseases of the skin

    Perancangan Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Event Management pada Laboratorium Komputer STMIK STIKOM Surabaya

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    Computer Laboratory (Labkom) STMIK STIKOM Surabaya supported by the infrastructure of Information Technology (IT) for running the business process services Information Systems and Information Technology (IS/IT). IT infrastructure can't be separated of an event, such as the reduced capacity of the hard disk server, weakened network speed, decreased of computer performances, and other events. The problem faced Labkom is didn't have event management, so the impact on the delivery of IS/IT services because they still find the user can't access the website practicum, can't upload the result of practicum, some softwares can't run well, and another impacts. Based on these problems need an Event Management then organized and managed so as to produce the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). This Event Management used by Labkom to prevent the impact of the event so that IS/IT services can be delivered. The SOP design refers to the Policy of Services IS/IT Labkom and ITIL V3 Service Operation phase, particularly on Event Management process. The results of this research are five SOP, eight Work Instructions, nine Work Records which serves to manage events, and Event Management Guide which used as a reference in improving service of Labkom
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