104 research outputs found

    Rubber and Oil-Palm-Based Farming System for the Southern Sumatera Transmigration Areas

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    IndonesianKetidaksesuaian pola usahatani dianggap sebagai salah satu masalah penting di daerah transmigrasi, khususnya daerah transmigrasi Sumatera Selatan. Sehubungan dengan hal itu, fokus tulisan ini adalah pengembangan pola usahatani untuk daerah tersebut. Kerangka teoritis yang digunakan adalah keterpaduan produksi-konsumsi yang dianalisis dengan multi period linear programming dengan horison waktu 25 tahun. Fungsi tujuan adalah maksimisasi aliran surplus kas yang didiskonto; dan kegiatan yang dipertimbangkan adalah beberapa tanaman tahunan, tanaman setahun, kredit, pengembalian kredit, dan tabungan. Kendala yang dispesifikasi meliputi iklim, luas lahan, kemantapan persediaan bahan makanan, kredit, pengembalian kredit, dan kebutuhan hidup minimum. Disamping itu, faktor risiko juga dianalisis secara tidak langsung melalui analisis sensitivitas dan analisis sensitivitas Monte Carlo. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa dengan bantuan kredit dari pemerintah, para transmigran dapat mengelola lahannya sendiri, membayar seluruh hutangnya, dan mencapai peningkatan pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup minimum. Hal ini dapat dicapai melalui pengembangan pola usahatani karet dan kelapa sawit. Disamping itu, pola usahatani kelapa sawit lebih menguntungkan namun lebih tinggi risikonya daripada pola usahatani karet

    Dampak Putaran Uruguay terhadap Industri Minyak Nabati

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    The succes of the Uruguay Round was projected to have positive impacts on the edible oil industries although the impacts are not proportionally distributed. Edible oil procedures in Asia Pasific countries were projected to enjoy most of the gains,while most African countries which are net importers will suffer form prices increase. Commitments related to edibe oil trade in Uruguay Round will induce the incerase in price, production , consumption , and trade of edible oils 4.0 , 3.4 , 3.8 , and 11.6 percent , respectively. Moreover,palm oil producers such as Indonesia, was projected to be most beneficial from the trade liberalization of the edible oils

    Kebijakan Subsidi Pupuk: Ditinjau Kembali

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    Subsidi pupuk yang terus meningkat merupakan salah satu tulang punggung kebijakan pertanian sejak tahun 1969. Berbagai prestasi di bidang pertanian seperti peningkatan produksi dan produktivitas serta swasembada beras, sampai batas tertentu merupakan dampak dari kebijakan subsidi pupuk. Namun, berbagai masalah dan dampak negatif dari kebijakan tersebut, seperti sistem distribusi yang tidak efisien, tidak tepat sasaran, dualisme pasar, penggunaan pupuk yang berlebihan, serta pengembangan industri pupuk yang terhambat, tidak dapat diabaikan. Tulisan ini mencoba meninjau ulang dampak positif dan negatif kebijakan subsidi pupuk. Berdasarkan hasil tinjauan, diusulkan dua pilihan kebijakan. Pilihan pertama adalah melanjutkan kebijakan subsidi pupuk dengan memperbaikiperencanaan, pemantauan, sistem distribusi, dan pemberdayaan penyuluh lapangan. Pilihan kedua adalah mengganti kebijakan subsidi pupuk dengan kebijakan lain yang lebih efektif, seperti subsidi benih unggul, subsidi kredit, perbaikan dan pemeliharaan saluran irigasi, subsidi alat mesin pertanian, perbaikan pemasaran, dan pemberdayaan penyuluh lapangan


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    Motorized vehicles which continue to increase have an impact on increasing the fuel needed. the higher the fuel consumption, the higher the emissions produced, so that more environmentally friendly fuels are needed. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality and yield of biodiesel from rubber seed oil using the non-catalyst method in accordance with the standards set by the Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conversion Number: 189 K/DJE/2019 with variations in molar ratios of 170, 180, 190 , and 200. The process of making biodiesel includes three stages, namely: the stage of producing rubber seed oil, biodiesel production, and quality testing. This research shows that the molar ratio of 170 is the best variation because it produces the most methyl esters and the least glycerol. Testing the quality of biodiesel from rubber seed oil using a non-catalyzed semi-continuous flow method that meets the standards set by the Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conversion Number: 189 K/DJE/2019 are: The carbon residue parameter is 0.03% , while the viscosity parameter, cetane number and flash point, are still not fulfilled. The highest yield was obtained at the 170 molar ratio variation of 24.4%. Keywords: rubber seed, biodiesel, non-catalyst, molar rati


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    The use of petroleum in the transportation sector in Indonesia is increasing, especially in pertalite fuel. The way to reduce pertalite fuel consumption is to use bioadditives added to pertalite fuel. One of the bioadditives is essential oil. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pertalite fuel, Pertamax turbo and a mixture of pertalite and essential oils on engine performance and exhaust emissions on Honda CBR 150R motorcycles. This experimental type research used the 2016 Honda CBR 150R motorcycle engine as the research object. This study varied the pertalite fuel mixture with essential oils (PAS0, PAS2, PAS3, and PAS4). The results of this study are expected to vary the use of pertalite fuel (PAS0), a mixture of pertalite and essential oils (PAS2, PAS3, and PAS4). The engine performance test uses the SAE J 1349 test method. Meanwhile, the exhaust emission test uses the SNI 19-7118.3-2005 test standard. Using a mixture of pertalite and essential oil (PAS30) fuel on a CBR 150R motorcycle can improve engine performance (Torque, Effective Power) with a torque yield of 1.19 kgf.m with a percentage increase of 16.6% at 7000 rpm, Effective power of 14.49 PS with an increase percentage of 39.33% at 8000 rpm  Keywords:  Essential Oil, Pertalite, Performance, Torque, Power, Fuel Consumption, Exhaust Emissions.  &nbsp


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    petroleum fuel is predicted to run out if used continuously. One of the renewable energy sources that is an alternative fuel is biodiesel. More than 30 kinds of plants in Indonesia can produce vegetable oil. One of the potential sources is rubber seed oil as a diesel fuel blend. The researcher had the idea to conduct a performance test on the use of biodiesel for a Jeep Willys brand motorized vehicle with Mitshubishi 4DR5 engine using biodiesel based on rubber seed oil. The composition of the mixture used is B30, B40, and B50. The type of research used includes experimental method research. In this research, experimental testing of diesel fuel + biodiesel blends from rubber seed oil will be carried out and continued with dynotest and road show tests on diesel vehicles. The test variables used in this research are B30, B40, and B50 fuel blends. Then the performance test carried out to determine the performance of the results of this biodiesel fuel mixture is using the dynotest test and roadshow test or can be called a road test. The lowest power value was obtained in the pure diesel test variable of 36.5 HP. Then the highest power value was obtained in the B40 and B50 test variables of 37.5 HP. B30 has a lower power of about 0.8% compared to B40 and B50. The lowest torque value was obtained in the B50 fuel testing variable. Then the highest torque value was obtained in the B40 fuel testing variable. B30 has a lower torque value of 2.3% compared to B40. In the -1st dynamic test during the day, diesel fuel spent 1 liter of fuel can travel 8.8 Km, B40 fuel spent 1 liter of fuel can travel 9.5 Km. In the 2nd test during the day, diesel fuel spent 1 liter can travel along 8.7 Km, B40 fuel spent 1 liter of fuel can travel along 9.3 Km. In the -1st night test, diesel fuel consumes 1 liter of fuel can travel a distance of 8.5 Km, while B40 fuel consumes 1 liter of fuel can travel a distance of 8.7 Km. In the 2nd test at night, diesel fuel spent 1 liter of fuel can travel a distance of 8.6 Km, while the B40 fuel spent 1 liter of fuel can travel a distance of 9.0 Km. Keywords: Rubber Seed Biodiesel, Performance Test, Dynotest Test, Roadshow Test


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    Biodiesel is a diesel engine fuel made from biological resources as a substitute for diesel. One way to use biodiesel for motor vehicles is to mix it with diesel in a certain ratio. The purpose of this study was to determine the emission and exhaust gas levels of the 2002 Isuzu Panther car fueled by biodiesel from bintaro seeds as an alternative solution to the use of petroleum. This study used experimental and descriptive methods. The object of this research is the 2002 Isuzu Panther engine. The variation of the tests carried out is at 1500 rpm - 3000 rpm with a range of 500 rpm using biodiesel B-0, B-20, B-30. The research instrument is a tecnomotor smoke opacity meter and uses the ISO 3930/OIML R99 standard reference according to the 2006 Minister of Environment Decree. The results show that the average composition of the CO exhaust gas which is away from the 4.5% threshold is a test engine that uses a mixture of biodiesel bintaro fruit seeds and diesel fuel (B30) by 2.93%, the composition of the CO2 exhaust gas which is close to the minimum limit of 12% is a test engine that uses biodiesel fuel from bintaro seeds mixed with diesel (B30) of 7.9%, the composition of the opacity which is away from the standard limit of 70% is engine testing using a mixture of biodiesel from bintaro seed oil and diesel (B30) of 40.8%.Keywords: biodiesel, bintaro fruit seeds,isuzu panther, emissions, exhaust gases


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    Glycerol is produced in large quantities as a waste or by-product of biodiesel production through the transesterification process. The level of purity of glycerol is still low because it contains a lot of impurities and its use is very limited if no purification process is carried out. Thus, purification of glycerol is necessary to remove impurities. This study aims to determine the best condition of the weight percent (wt) of the adsorbent to produce the highest levels of glycerol purity. Crude glycerol was first acidified with hydrochloric acid (HCl) at 70℃ for 1 hour with a mole ratio (n/n) of acid added 1:1. Then proceed with adsorption using adsorbents from bamboo leaves which have been calcined at 600℃ for 2 hours with a ratio of weight percent (% wt) of adsorbent added 12%, 14%, 16%, 18% and 20%. Crude Glycerol and purified glycerol were analyzed for glycerol content, moisture content, ash content, density, and MONG content.Crude glycerol used has a glycerol content of 35.86%. After carrying out a series of purification processes, the optimum conditions were obtained at a weight ratio (%wt) of adsorbent of 20% which xi produced the highest purity with a glycerol content of 52.23%, water content of 21.9%, ash content of 0.064%, density of 1.253 gr/ml , and MONG (Matter Organic Non Glycerol) content of 25.804%  Keywords: crude glycerol, acidified, adsorbent bamboo leaves, adsorption. &nbsp

    Rubber and Oil-Palm-Based Farming System for the Southern Sumatera Transmigration Areas

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    IndonesianKetidaksesuaian pola USAhatani dianggap sebagai salah satu masalah penting di daerah transmigrasi, khususnya daerah transmigrasi Sumatera Selatan. Sehubungan dengan hal itu, fokus tulisan ini adalah pengembangan pola USAhatani untuk daerah tersebut. Kerangka teoritis yang digunakan adalah keterpaduan produksi-konsumsi yang dianalisis dengan multi period linear programming dengan horison waktu 25 tahun. Fungsi tujuan adalah maksimisasi aliran surplus kas yang didiskonto; dan kegiatan yang dipertimbangkan adalah beberapa tanaman tahunan, tanaman setahun, kredit, pengembalian kredit, dan tabungan. Kendala yang dispesifikasi meliputi iklim, luas lahan, kemantapan persediaan bahan makanan, kredit, pengembalian kredit, dan kebutuhan hidup minimum. Disamping itu, faktor risiko juga dianalisis secara tidak langsung melalui analisis sensitivitas dan analisis sensitivitas Monte Carlo. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa dengan bantuan kredit dari pemerintah, para transmigran dapat mengelola lahannya sendiri, membayar seluruh hutangnya, dan mencapai peningkatan pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup minimum. Hal ini dapat dicapai melalui pengembangan pola USAhatani karet dan kelapa sawit. Disamping itu, pola USAhatani kelapa sawit lebih menguntungkan namun lebih tinggi risikonya daripada pola USAhatani karet
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