26 research outputs found
Abstract ; The learning science result of autism student was still low. It appeared the student’s ability mentioning and recognizing human absorbtion and also the function still low. in mentioning the absorption orderly the student found difficulty and in explaining the function of each human absorption the student were not perfect especially autism student of class V In SDLB Putra Harapan Bojonegoro. Based on the background above, the purpose of this research was to know the influence of discussion method with torso media toward learning science result to autism students of class V in SDLB Putra Harapan Bojonegoro.This research used quantitative approach with pre experiment arrangement and the design was “one group pre test post test”. The data collection method used test to obtain the data of learning result before and after giving intervention. The data analysis used statistic non parametric with sign test formula.The research result indicated there was enhancement of learning science result value of human absorption material in pre test it was 29,6 becoming 86,9 in post test. The data analysis using sign test formula about the influence of using discussion method with torso media toward learning science result to autism student was that Z Table 5% to two sides that was 1,96. Zh value obtained was 2,05. It proved that null hypothesis was refused and work hypothesis was accepted.The research conclusion was “there was significant influence of using discussion method with torso media toward learning science result to autism student of class V in SDLB Putra Harapan Bojonegoro”.Keyword : Discussion method, Torso Medi
Abstract ; The learning science result of autism student was still low. It appeared the student’s ability mentioning and recognizing human absorbtion and also the function still low. in mentioning the absorption orderly the student found difficulty and in explaining the function of each human absorption the student were not perfect especially autism student of class V In SDLB Putra Harapan Bojonegoro. Based on the background above, the purpose of this research was to know the influence of discussion method with torso media toward learning science result to autism students of class V in SDLB Putra Harapan Bojonegoro.This research used quantitative approach with pre experiment arrangement and the design was “one group pre test post test”. The data collection method used test to obtain the data of learning result before and after giving intervention. The data analysis used statistic non parametric with sign test formula.The research result indicated there was enhancement of learning science result value of human absorption material in pre test it was 29,6 becoming 86,9 in post test. The data analysis using sign test formula about the influence of using discussion method with torso media toward learning science result to autism student was that Z Table 5% to two sides that was 1,96. Zh value obtained was 2,05. It proved that null hypothesis was refused and work hypothesis was accepted.The research conclusion was “there was significant influence of using discussion method with torso media toward learning science result to autism student of class V in SDLB Putra Harapan Bojonegoro”.Keyword : Discussion method, Torso Medi
ABSTRAK Pengambil keputusan yang akurat dan tepat sasaran dapat diperoleh dari sistem yang dapat mendukung suatu keputusan dengan salah satunya metode yang ilmiasalah satunya adalah pemilihan siswa berprestasi pada SMK Bistek. Metode Simple Aditive Weighting (SAW) dipilih sebagai metode yang cocok untuk menyelesaikan keputusan dlam pemilihan siswa yang paling berprestasi karena hasil yang diperoleh SAW akurat dan mudah dalam alur langkah penyelesaiannya. Kriteria yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa sebagai penilaian untuk menjadi siswa berprestasi adalah nilai raport, kehadiran dan keaktifandi sekolah dalam berorganisasi. Langkah dalam penyelesaian metode ini dilakukan dengan mendapatkan bobot atribut, proses perankingan yang untuk mendapatkan alternatif yang optimal, yaitu siswa yang terpilih untuk mendapat bimbingan dalam peningkatan prestasi dan pengajuan beasiswa.Kata kunci : Metode SAW, Siswa, Berprestasi,Bobot, AtributABSTRACTAPPLICATION OF THE SAW METHOD IN SELECTING ACHIEVEMENT STUDENTS IN BISTEK GUNUNG SINDUR VOCATIONAL SCHOOL. Decision makers who are accurate and right on target can be obtained from a system that can support a decision by one scientific method. one of them is the selection of outstanding students at Bistek Vocational School. The Simple Aditive Weighting (SAW) method was chosen as a suitable method for completing decisions in the selection of the most outstanding students because the results obtained by SAW were accurate and easy in the flow of completion steps. Criteria that must be possessed by students as an assessment to become high achieving students are the value of report cards, attendance and activeness in schools in organizations. The step in completing this method is carried out by obtaining attribute weights, ranking processes to obtain optimal alternatives, namely students who are selected for guidance in improving national achievement and submitting scholarships. Keywords: SAW Method, Students, Achievement, Weight, Attribute
The Very Suitable Methods of Profile Matching and Analytical Hierarchy Process for Major Selection (Case Study: SMK Global Tangerang)
Problems in choosing majors at SMK Tangerang Global make students less careful in choosing majors. The problem in choosing a major is the incompatibility of the concentration of the chosen major with academic values, interests, skills and abilities, and following the advice of friends or parents. The purpose of this research is for prospective students who will register as new students at the Tangerang Global Vocational School which will make students focus on their talents and expertise. Decision making regarding the selection of majors must be appropriate so that students are able to develop talents, understand the material, and are not burdened in learning activities at school. This study uses the Profile Matching method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process method to help provide recommendations to students in choosing majors so that decision making becomes more effective and accurate. This research is for prospective students who will register as new students and grade X students in Odd Semesters. Determination of criteria including science test scores, math test scores, Indonesian test scores, English test scores, TPA test scores, interview test scores and interest test scores. This study makes a comparison which is more effective between the two methods. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Profile Matching methods are suitable because they are alternatives for students who will take more effective majors and the decisions obtained are not only subjective, but can be more objective. The results of testing the system that was built will determine students according to their choice of majors and the criteria that have been set so that they are not wrong in choosing the concentration of majors at SMK Tangerang Global so that students can get the best grades and achieve more.Keywords: Major Selection , Profile Matching, Analytical Hierarchy Prose
Analisis Enterprise Resource Planning dalam Persediaan Material dengan Metode Manufacturing Resource Planning Menggunakan Software Odoo 13 Manufacturing (Studi Kasus PT. Yuasa Battery Indonesia)
PT. Yuasa Battery Indonesia is a manufacturing company engaged in the manufacture of batteries for motor vehicles, both cars and motorcycles. The production system in this company is make to order. The production process that occurs is that the recording of production activities is still carried out in their respective work sections such as manufacturing, inventory, purchasing so that the information needed for the production line is slow and inaccurate which results in the production plan not being achieved. The purpose of this research is to integrate data and information in all lines of the company so that the constraints faced by the company can be overcome. The material flow for the production process is controlled using the Material Requirement Planning method while the software used to integrate data and information in the production line is Odoo 13 manufacturing. The results showed an increase in productivity from the planned production of 128,387 pcs, 128,381 pcs with and 6 pcs was achieved and the percentage of production achievement was 100% and users accepted the implementation of Odoo 13 with an average test result of 82.3%
Pengembangan Sistem Kontrol Pemilah Kematangan Buah Pisang Pada Konveyor Menggunakan Metode Klasifikasi K-Nearest Neighbors Berbasis OpenCV
This research focuses on developing a micro-controller-based banana ripeness sorting tool with the implementation of the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm for the classification of ripeness levels based on RGB color image processing using the OpenCV library. Banana is an important fruit in society because of their high nutritional content, but manual sorting of banana fruit is a challenge for farmers and officers. The tool built uses Arduino UNO as a controller, a conveyor belt with a dynamo motor, and a servo motor for sorting. The KNN method is used for classification based on banana skin color. The results showed that the success rate of sorting reached 100% at the neighboring value of K = 3, 93.33% at K = 5, and 86.66% at K = 1. This tool can be an efficient solution for automatically sorting bananas based on ripeness level with high accuracy
Analisis Sentimen Pelayanan Pelanggan Mini Market Alfamart Pada Media Sosial Twitter Dengan Naïve Bayes Classifier
Twitter is one of the social media that is currently popular, here the public is free to have opinions, write, and comment on anything. PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya with its trademark Alfamart is a company engaged in the retail sector. Not infrequently consumers submit complaints, criticisms, and suggestions through this social media. Community opinion can be used as evaluation material in improving services. In this study, sentiment analysis for Alfamart minimarket customer service was carried out based on data obtained from Twitter. This sentiment analysis aims to classify Alfamart's customer service tweets into positive, negative, and neutral sentiments using the naive Bayes classifier algorithm. The data used is 2000 tweet data and then preprocessing is carried out so that 1691 tweets are clean data. Of the 1691 data analyzed, 1017 positive tweets, 297 negative tweets, and 377 neutral tweets were obtained. Then the data will be divided into 80% training data and 20% test data. The results of the accuracy value are 70% with a Precision value of 70%, a Recall value of 70%, and an F1-Score value of 66%
Analisis Aplikasi Iuran Pengelolaan Lingkungan Berbasis Web Dengan Proses Monitoring dan Evaluasi COBIT 4.1 (Studi Kasus Perumahan Metro Residence)
Metro Residence Housing has a total of 381 houses. The sales admin manually inputs environmental management contribution data into Excel every month. To address this, an application was created using the Scrum method, chosen for its adaptability and efficiency. Sprints one to three, each lasting two weeks, completed in six weeks. Post-development, a black box test with eight menu tests confirmed the system's functionality, with all tests passed. Subsequent direct testing with the admin over a month led to application acceptance. An IT governance audit followed, involving five respondents: sales admin, estate admin, admin manager, branch IT staff, and HO IT staff. The COBIT 4.1 audit rated Bogor Metro Residence at level three, indicating standardized, documented, and communicated IT procedures. Limited IT staff understanding prevented a higher score. The application can be further developed into a mobile app for residents to monitor bills and make payments
Analisis Prediksi Hasil Pemilu Legislatif DPR RI DKI Jakarta Tahun 2024 Menggunakan Metode Random Forest dan Gradient Boosting
In general elections, it is closely related to predictions, predictions play an important role in obtaining results in future legislative elections. Predicting general election results can be done through a series of processes to find patterns and knowledge from a set of data using data mining techniques. To get accurate prediction results in the future, a method is needed that can be used as predictive modeling. This research aims to find out the results of model testing and predictions for the 2024 DPR RI DKI Jakarta legislative election using random forest and gradient boosting methods and to find out patterns and knowledge from the prediction results themselves. Based on the model testing results, the gradient boosting method has an accuracy value of 95.8%, precision 72.2% and recall 61.9%. Meanwhile, random forest has an accuracy value of 95.4%, precision 63.6% and recall 33.3%. The pattern and knowledge from the prediction results is that the elected legislative candidates on average are in serial numbers 1 and 2, have valid votes starting from 63,529, are male and have a doctoral degree
Decision Support System of Web-Based Scholarship Admission Selection Using Analytical Hierarchy Process And Simple Additive Weighting Methods (Case: STIE Tribuana Bekasi)
STIE Tribuana Bekasi has a scholarship program for its students, but in making the selection it is difficult because of the large number of applicants and the absence of standard standards in the selection of scholarship recipients, because currently they are still using manual selection. To facilitate the selection of scholarship recipients, the authors developed a Decision Support System for scholarship recipients by comparison using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). AHP is a decision-making method according to predetermined criteria, where the decision-making criteria can be multi-criteria by setting priorities using a logical and structured procedure. Meanwhile, the SAW method is a method used to solve the problem of Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (FMADM). The advantages of this research are doing comparisons and comparisons using 2 methods in finding and getting the best results from the selection of applicants for scholarship recipients, so that in the end the results of the selection are better and computerized, and through stages that are more selective and can be felt more fair and in accordance with the purpose of the scholarship, which is right on target for prospective scholarship recipients . Based on the results of the AHP and SAW methods, the AHP method is a more effective and optimal method to use. Because the AHP method has the closest value to zero with an average value of 0.246806737, while SAW has an average value of 1.60644. Thus, in the future for cases like this, the AHP method should be used.Keywords : Scholarship Acceptance, Decision Support System, AHP, SA