13 research outputs found

    Studi Kandungan Logam Berat Pb Dan Cd Dalam Sedimen Di Perairan Pesisir Kecamatan Genuk Semarang

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    Heavy metals; lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) are commonly used in the industrial sectors, including the industryof batteries, pesticides, detergents, paints, and chemical factories. Heavy metals which get into the water can damage the ecosystems and organisms in it. The aim of this study is to determine the contents of heavy metals Pb and Cd in sediments at Genuk coast waters district, Semarang. This research was conducted on October 7, November12, and December112012 at Genuk Coast Water District, Semarang. The sampling was conducted in 8 stationpoints. The method used for the analysis of heavy metals wasAtomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS), while the sediment fraction was analyzed using wet sieving method in Soil Mechanics Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. Based on the research result, the contents of heavy metals Pb was higher compared with Cd, i.e heavy metal Pb ranging from 13,99 ppm - 38,11 ppm and heavy metal Cdranging from 0,17 ppm – 0,25 ppm, while the percentage of sediment fraction in all research stations dominated by silt fraction. The resultof correlation test has showed a positive correlation between heavy metals Pb and Cd to the grain size and organic matter in the amount of 11.4% and 49.6%

    Studi Kandungan Bahan Organik Sedimen Terhadap Kelimpahan Bivalvia Di Perairan Semarang Bagian Timur

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    The condition of waters east of Semarang allegedly tainted by the many human activities such as settlements, ports, industries, fishing and bivalves are large, it will create different ecological conditions for the biota that are inside. Study of the bivalves is considered important because of its high tolerance and live it life in order to describe the environmental changes that occur in this waters. This research was conducted on October 7, 12 November and 11 December in the waters of eastern Semarang. The material on this research was substrate or sediment, and bivalves were taken using a modification dredge. The result showed that 8 species were found, there were, Anadara granosa, Anadara gubernaculum, Anadara innaequivalvis, Anadara pilula, Marcia hiantia, Placuna placenta, Paphia undulate, and Pharella javanic. The species with the highest abundance was Anadara granosa ( 301.1 Ind / ha (Station III)). Organic matter content was highest at station II, period 2, amounting to 22.56%, and lowest was at station V, period 3, amounting to 9.48%. The correlation between organic matter content of sediment with an abundance of bivalves in the waters of eastern Semarang overall was not significant

    Kajian Kondisi Lahan Mangrove Di Desa Bedono, Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak Dan Kelurahan Mangunharjo, Kecamatan Tugu, Kota Semarang

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    Mangrove ecosystem have an important role in coastal and marine areas. The existence of these ecosystems in the midst of human life provides many benefits. There are several benefits that are directly or indirectly. Utilization of these ecosystems can slowly lead to a problem that needs to be done the proper management efforts for the utilization of mangrove areas can be done in an optimal and sustainable. One of these management is to evaluate mangrove land condition. The results showed that in both study site physical factor of inundation was the most dominant, while chemical factor even though mostly also similar. Land use and land interaction against current and wave were the most influence factor on mangrove land suitability in Bedono, while in Mangunharjo the most dominant was land use. In term of land suitability for mangrove both Bedono and Mangunharjo were fall into sufficient enough category with physical factors more dominant than the chemicals

    Analisis Kesesuaian Wisata Pantai Di Teluk Lombok Kabupaten Kutai Timur Kalimantan Timur

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    Pantai Teluk Lombok merupakan salah satu pantai yang terdapat di Kabupaten Kutai Timur tepatnya di Kota Sangatta. Pantai Teluk Lombok dengan segala kondisinya diharapkan dapat berkembang menjadi salah satu obyek wisata pantai yang dapat diandalkan dalam meningkatkan pendapatan baik bagi pemerintah Kabupaten maupun masyarakat disekitar Teluk Lombok. Namun, dalam melakukan upaya pengembangan wisata pantai di Teluk Lombok perlu adanya identifikasi dan pendekatan permasalahan terlebih dulu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan studi mengenai tingkat kesesuaian wisata pantai di Teluk Lombok. Penelitian dilakukan dengan survei lapangan (pengumpulan data primer dan data sekunder) selama 14 hari pada bulan Desember 2012, yang terbagi dalam tiga titik lokasi sampling. Pengumpulan data primer terdiri dari data parameter kesesuaian wisata pantai, seperti tipe pantai, lebar pantai, kemiringan pantai, kecerahan pantai, kecepatan arus, kedalaman perairan, substrat dasar perairan, penutupan lahan pantai, keberadaan biota berbahaya dan ketersediaan air tawar. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis hasil penelitian adalah metode deskriptif dengan bantuan analisis Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW). Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat dari perhitungan Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata untuk kegiatan wisata pantai yaitu pada stasiun I 91%, stasiun II 85,4%, stasiun III 91%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kawasan Pantai Teluk Lombok tergolong dalam kategori sangat sesuai (S1) untuk kegiatan wisata pantai

    Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Perikanan Dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Dipenogoro

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    Human activities such as setlement, harbor, industry and fishing and bivalve catching in the shoreline directly or indirectly will force the changing of waters environment quality, for example the changing of physical and chemical quality of waters. Ecological study on benthic such as bivalve has an important rule because its high life tolerances could describe the environmental changing of the waters. In the dynamic environment, biology analysis, in particular biota benthic community analysis, could give clear description on waters area quality. This research intends to discover point of ecology bivalvia and also examined the correlation of waters quality towards bivalve ecological value. The research was held on March 3, March 24 and April 18, 2012 in 8 stations in Eastern Semarang waters. The material research was bivalve. The research indicates that 10 species from 5 families which are Anadara granosa, Anadara gubernaculum, Anadara inaequivalvis, Anadara pilula, Placuna placenta, Pharella javanica, Siliqua winteriana, Mactra violacea, Marcia hiantina and the highest affluence as 1274,4 Ind/Ha² ( station III), Paphia undulate. Average Diversity index (H') of bivalve was around 0,3-1,2. Average Uniformity Index (e) was around 0,4-0,9. Bivalve distribution pattern in the research location in general indicated grouped distribution (Clumped). The result of cluster analysis divided 3 class areashile the lowest was found in class I. Double linier regression indicated examined waters parameter which were temperature, salinity, depth, organic content and silt depend on the affluence and diversity of bivalve

    Akumulasi Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Histologi Akar Mangrove Avicennia Marina (Forssk). Vierh. Di Perairan Mangunharjo Semarang

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    Mangunharjo areas water is an area of coastal waters and the sea which close to the settlement industry and community activities. Where feared result of industrial waste were dumped around it that cause pollution. One form of pollution is the waste produced in the form of lead (Pb) heavy metals is a heavy metal element that can not be broken down by natural processes. The existence of Pb in nature have an impact on coastal vegetation is mangrove. Mangroves are coastal ecosystems which have an important role in estuarine areas. Other mangrove function is to absorb organic and non-organic materials. The purpose of this research was to study the accumulation of lead (Pb) heavy metals in Avicennia marina mangrove roots and influences the type of heavy metal accumulation of lead (Pb) to root tissue in Avicennia marina waters Mangunharjo. This research was conducted with descriptive analytic method. The results showed the amount of heavy metals on the roots of Avicennia marina Pb higher than the Pb content of heavy metals in sediment and water indicating that these plants are able to accumulate heavy metals in the roots to absorb these elements in sediments and water. Observations cell histology showed no change in root tissues of Avicennia marina

    Studi Kelimpahan Gastropoda Di Bagian Timur Perairan Semarang Periode Maret – April 2012

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    Coastal environment in Eastern part of Semarang is an area that changed in ecological conditions caused by the influence of a variety of human activities such as ports activity, industries, fishing activity, and common people's residence which causes a decrease in water quality that directly affect the presence, and abundance of gastropods in that area. Purpose of this study is to find out the abundance of gastropods in coastal water environment, Eastern part of Semarang, during periods March to April 2012. This study using the descriptive method, sample survey method, and method used in determining station is purposive sampling method. Sample collected are including water quality measurement, sediments, and samples of biota that is gastropods. Sample of gastropods taken by using the dredge, by width 138cm, height 137cm, and net 500 cm long. Samples of gastropods founded then identified in Marine Biological Laboratory, Marine Faculty, Diponegoro University. Water quality measurement including physical factors, are : depth, water brightness, temperature, substrate, and chemical factors, they are : salinity, acidity (pH), dissolved oxygen (DO), and organic content. There are 14 spesies founded, they are : Architectonica perdix, Busycon canaliculatum, Conus tenuistriatus, Engina zonalis, Fasciolaria salma, Murex trapa, Nassarius javanus, N. pullus, Natica lineata, N. tigrina, Pseudoeptunea varicose, Terebralia palustris, Trigonostoma scalariformis, and Turricula javana. Highest abundance is on station II (183,67), and the lowest abundance is station VII (2,67)

    Kandungan Kolesterol Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Serrata) Jantan Dan Betina Pada Lokasi Yang Berbeda

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    Mud crab (Scylla serrata) have potency commercial market in this country and the other country. That thing because mud crab (Scylla serrata) flesh has a delicious taste and high nutrition. People haven't knowed about cholesterol content in both male or female mud crab (Scylla serrata), whereas the knowledge about cholesterol content is important to consider nutrition intake to keep in good health. This research aim to determine cholesterol content in Scylla serrata by observing male and female crab in Pemalang and Demak. This research used descriptive method and sampling used purposive random sampling method. Determination of sampling position used purposive sampling method. This research has done in October 30th – November 25th 2011. This research used 30 male and 30 female with mean body weigh 60 - 100 g. Analysis of cholesterol content used method by Lieberman–Burchad. Result from this research indicates that S. serrata from Pemalang has cholesterol content more large than S. serrata from Demak, while the male crab from both place has higher cholesterol content than female crab (66,67 mg/100g and 61,67 mg/100g in male crab, and 64,67 mg/100g and 58,33 mg/100g in female crab)