224 research outputs found

    Comparison of Formwork use in Building X Project in Surabaya City

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    The Value Engineering method is a method that analyzes the problems of a project through a systematic and organized approach by eliminating unnecessary costs without reducing the function, appearance, quality, and reliability of the project. The object x building, which has an estimated project value of IDR 42,812,329,371 in structural work. With the estimated value of the work costing a lot, it is, therefore, necessary to make efforts to streamline costs by using the value engineering method; this study aims to choose an alternative material for it. This research method uses a Pareto chart to find the highest work value. The results of this study indicate that the beam work is priced at IDR 15,088,457,899, floor plate work of IDR 12,530,471,281, column work of IDR 10,228,438,679. The results of the analysis of alternative structural calculations using semi-system formwork and full system formwork, which initially used conventional formwork, were simulated using alternative 1, namely semi-system formwork,k and by using alternative two full system formwork. The two alternatives are applied to column, beam and floor plate formwork. So, for this building, it is recommended to replace formwork because the conventional formwork used in this building incurs a large enough price, it is necessary to save on beam parts, and it is recommended to use full system formwork because the cost of beam formwork using full system formwork is IDR 134,950 per square meter. For the floor plate formwork, it is recommended to use a full floor plate formwork system because the cost per square meter is IDR 202,360. And for columns, it is recommended to use full system formwork because the cost of column formwork if using full system formwork is IDR 115,290. And from the use of all the full-system formwork for structural work, a total cost of IDR 40,312,992,291.32

    Pengaruh Variasi Jarak Pondasi Dari Tepi Lereng Dan Tebal Lipatan Geotekstil Terhadap Daya Dukung Pondasi Pada Pemodelan Fisik Lereng Pasir Kepadatan 74%

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    Terbatasnya lahan datar di Indonesia mengakibatkan semakin meningkatnya pembangunan rumah atau gedung yang dibangun di atas lereng. Padahal menurut penelitian bahwa daya dukung di lereng lebih kecil apabila dibandingkan dengan di tanah datar, oleh karena itu pembangunan rumah atau gedung di atas tanah lereng sungguh berbahaya. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian untuk melakukan perkuatan pada lereng dengan menggunakan geotekstil. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perhitungan pengaruh pemasangan perkuatan geotekstil pada penurunan pondasi menerus di lereng pasir. Analisa perkuatan dilakukan pada tanah pasir yang diberikan perkuatan 1 lapis dengan variasi jarak pondasi dari tepi lereng dan tebal lipatan geotekstil untuk mendapatkan daya dukung yang maksimal. Dari hasil yang didapatkan adalah lereng pasir mengalami peningkatan daya dukung setelah diberi perkuatan geotekstil, dimana untuk daya dukung maksimum terjadi saat jarak pondasi dari tepi lereng adalah 12 cm dengan tebal lipatan yaitu 7,7 cm

    Distribution service performance optimization of PDAM Tirta Taman Bontang City East Kalimantan Province

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    To achieve the level of service performance from PDAM Tirta Taman Kota Bontang, obtained based on user perceptions of PDAM Taman Tirta obtained from the results of a questionnaire with a Likert scale using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. From the IPA analysis results, interviews were conducted using the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) method. The results of the IPA analysis were used in quadrant I, namely service to the registration process (x11), the survey of prospective customer locations (x12), time of survey implementation (x13), Payment orders before installation (x15), Notice the length of the installation process (X15). Registration up to installation (X16), the supplied water meets health standards, attributes (X21 ), the quality of the supplied water (color, smell, taste) (X22), report to PDAM Tirta Taman if there is a disturbance or it doesn't work smoothly (x 33 ), the duration of handling the damage house connection (x 43 ), customer or prospective customer database of PDAM Tirta Taman (x 71 ). Then the SWOT quadrant matrix with the SO ( Strengths-Opportunities ) strategy, namely development with IT and social media Periodic pipe rejuvenation to avoid pipe leaks that can affect quality, Providing Customer Service via WhatsApp for service notifications, disruptions and payment orders, Issuing SOPs new and regular schedule for maintenance. Continue to perform security updates on the database storage system. Use official forms for prospective customers interested in installing a new connection. Keywords: PDAM Taman Tirta, Validity Test, Reliability Test, Service Performance, Importance Performance Analysis, SWO
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