6 research outputs found

    High Percentage of Rare Earth Element Connection with the Accumulation Sediment as Response Longshore Currents in the Belitung Waters

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    The study area is geographically located in the West coast of Belitung island at coordinates 105o48'00" - 106o06' 00" E and 06o46'00" - 06o50' 00" S. The beach and coastal area is influenced by wave energy from the West and North directions The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the zone of sediment accumulation of empirical approaches on oceanography parameter containing rare earth elements. The approach used is to predict the shore wave energy using wave prediction curve deep waters to obtain the energy flux of the wave at each point of reference. Sediments containing rare earth elements tend to lead to the south as a result of the movement of longshore currents. Regional coastal area of the western part of the island of Belitung, especially in the southern part of the estuary of the river Tanjung Pandan is estimated to be a zone of sediment accumulation. The movement of sediment caused by wave energy from the north led to sedimentation evolved significantly in the south which is thought to contain rare earths minerals derived from land. This sedimentation process takes place on a seasonal basis, which allegedly took place in the west. The movement of sediment to the south of the mouth of the Cerucuk River it is predicted that rare earth elements were supplied from these rivers tend to settle in the southern part of the estuary Cerucuk throughout the year.Keywords: accumulation of sediment, longshore currents, rare earth elements offshore Belitung Lokasi daerah penelitian secara geografis terletak di pesisir pantai barat Pulau Belitung pada koordinat 105o48'00" - 106o06'00" BT dan 06o46'00" - 06o50'00"LS. Pesisir pantai termasuk pantai terbuka terhadap pengaruh energi gelombang dari arah barat dan utara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melakukan analisis hubungan antara zona akumulasi sedimen dari pendekatan empirik parameter osenografi dan kandungan unsur tanah jarang. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu dengan memprediksi energi gelombang pantai menggunakan kurva prediksi gelombang perairan dalam untuk memperoleh energi fluks gelombang pada setiap titik referensi. Pengendapan sedimen bermuatan unsur tanah jarang cenderung mengarah ke selatan sebagai akibat dari pergerakan arus sejajar pantai. Daerah kawasan pesisir bagian barat Pulau Belitung terutama di bagian selatan muara sungai Tanjung Pandan diperkirakan menjadi zona akumulasi sedimen. Pergerakan sedimen akibat dari energi gelombang dari arah utara menyebabkan adanya sedimentasi berkembang cukup signifikan di bagian selatan yang diduga bermuatan mineral unsur tanah jarang asal dari darat. Proses sedimentasi ini berlangsung secara musiman, yang kemungkinan berlangsung pada musim barat. Adanya pergerakan sedimen ke arah selatan dari muara Sungai Cerucuk maka diperkirakan unsur tanah jarang yang dipasok dari sungai tersebut cenderung mengendap di bagian selatan dari muara Sungai Cerucuk sepanjang tahun

    Keterdapatan Emas dan Perak dalam Sedimen Permukaan Dasar Laut di Perairan Bayah dan Cihara, Banten Selatan

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    Sedimen permukaan dasar laut di daerah penyelidikan lebih dari 95 % terdiri atas material sedimen klastik hasil rombakan dari batuan di daratan (terrigenous sediment). Berdasarkan teksturnya, sedimen daerah telitian dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 jenis : pasir lanaun, pasir, lanau pasiran, dan pasir sedikit kerikilan. Secara lateral, pasir lanauan merupakan sedimen yang paling luas sebarannya. Berdasarkan ukuran butirannya, komposisi sedimen di daerah telitian didominasi oleh ukuran pasir halus, pasir sangat halus dan lanau. Di blok timur, kadar emas dalam sedimen berkisar antara 0,1 – 0,54 ppm, namun umumnya 0,3 ppm. Kadar perak antara 7,43 – 28,35 ppm, namun umumnya > 15 ppm. Emas dan perak dalam sedimen terutama diperkirakan berasal dari mineralisasi primer yang terdapat di daerah hulu S. Cimadur dan daerah hulu S. Cihara. Kata Kunci : Emas, perak, sedimen, Bayah & Cihara. Submarine surficial sediments of the investigated area consist of more than 95 % land derived sediments. Based on textural classification the sediments are divided into 4 units: silty sand, sand, sandy slit and slightly gravelly sand. Laterally silty sand are the widest distribution. Based on grain size analyses, the composition of the sediment consists of fine sand, very fine sand and silt grain sizes. The Gold (Au) content within the sediment of the east block area ranges beetwen 0,1 – 0,54 ppm, but generally less than 0.3 ppm. The Silver (Ag) content ranges between 5,62 - 30,85 ppm, but generally less than 15 ppm. In west block area, Au content within sediment ranges between 0,11 – 0,57 ppm, but generally > 0,3 ppm. The Ag content ranges between 7,43 – 28,35 ppm, but generally > 15 ppm. The occurrence of Au and Ag within sediments of the investigation area are mainly estimated from primary gold mineralization areas which are located in upstream areas of Cimadur and Cihara Rivers. Keyword : Gold, silver, sedimen, Bayah & Cihar

    The Occurences of Heavy Mineral Placer at Kendawangan and Its Surrounding, West Kalimantan Province

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    The main objective of this study is to identify and to determine the variation and content of heavy mineral placer of Kendawangan coastal, offshore and its surrounding area. Sediment samples were taken from 18 locations, such as 12 samples from offshore and 6 samples from coastal area. For this analysis the heavy metals were identified and analyzed using isodynamic separator and binocular microscopic. The result indicates that heavy minerals consist of zircon, cassiterite, rutile, ilmenite, topaz, chalcopyrite, epidote, pyrite, hematite, hornblende and magnetite. Cassiterite and zircon are also found in sediment samples in all locations and potentially to be further developed. Keywords: Heavy minerals placer, Zircon, Cassiterite, Kendawangan, West Kalimantan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menentukan variasi kandungan mineral berat plaser pada sedimen pantai dan lepas pantai Kendawangan dan sekitarnya. Sampel sedimen diambil dari 18 lokasi yang terdiri atas 12 sampel sedimen lepas pantai dan 6 sampel sedimen pantai. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan isodinamik separator dan mikroskop binokular. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa mineral berat terdiri atas zircon, kasiterit, rutil, ilmenit, topas, kalkopirit, epidot, pirit, hematit, hornblende, dan magnetit. Kasiterit dan zircon juga dijumpai pada sampel sedimen di semua lokasi yang dianalisis dan berpotensi untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut

    Analisis Pendapatan Masyarakat Dalam Pemanfaatan Hutan Tembawang Di Dusun Kurnia Kecamatan Kuala Behe Kabupaten Landak Analysis of Public Income in the Utilization of Forest Tembawang in the Village Kurnia District Kuala Behe, Landak Regency

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    This study aims to determine the level of income of the people in forest tembawang use in village to Kurnia of District of Kuala Behe Landak Regency. The study was conducted by direct interview by census (100%), respondents as many as 113 family based on population (KK). The overall result of tembawang forest products and forest products revenue outside tembawang shows peoples income from outside employment a result of forest tembawang Rp 1,886,681, - / month or 62.14890% of the total revenue with the highest income variation of Rp 15.575 million, - / month and the lowest revenue of Rp 425.000, - / month. While income from forest products tembawang contributed 37.8510% of the total income of society. income of farmers in forest tembawang by 40%, while 60% is influenced by other factors such as weather factors mileage and prices are constantly changing market. Kata kunci : income community, tembawang forest, kurnia villag

    Unlocking gut microbiota potential of dairy cows in varied environmental conditions using shotgun metagenomic approach

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    Abstract Food security and environmental pollution are major concerns for the expanding world population, where farm animals are the largest source of dietary proteins and are responsible for producing anthropogenic gases, including methane, especially by cows. We sampled the fecal microbiomes of cows from varying environmental regions of Pakistan to determine the better-performing microbiomes for higher yields and lower methane emissions by applying the shotgun metagenomic approach. We selected managed dairy farms in the Chakwal, Salt Range, and Patoki regions of Pakistan, and also incorporated animals from local farmers. Milk yield and milk fat, and protein contents were measured and correlated with microbiome diversity and function. The average milk protein content from the Salt Range farms was 2.68%, with an average peak milk yield of 45 litters/head/day, compared to 3.68% in Patoki farms with an average peak milk yield of 18 litters/head/day. Salt-range dairy cows prefer S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) to S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (SAH) conversion reactions and are responsible for low milk protein content. It is linked to Bacteroides fragilles which account for 10% of the total Bacteroides, compared to 3% in the Patoki region. The solid Non-Fat in the salt range was 8.29%, whereas that in patoki was 6.34%. Moreover, Lactobacillus plantarum high abundance in Salt Range provided propionate as alternate sink to [H], and overcoming a Methanobrevibacter ruminantium high methane emissions in the Salt Range. Furthermore, our results identified ruminant fecal microbiomes that can be used as fecal microbiota transplants (FMT) to high-methane emitters and low-performing herds to increase farm output and reduce the environmental damage caused by anthropogenic gases emitted by dairy cows