9 research outputs found

    Kandungan Logam Berat Cd Pada Air, Sedimen Dan Daging Kerang Hijau (Perna Viridis) Di Perairan Tanjung Mas Semarang Utara

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    Tingginya aktifitas di sepanjang daerah perairan Tanjung Mas diduga mengalirkan berbagai limbah yang dapat menimbulkan pencemaran. Salah satu bentuk pencemaran tersebut adalah buangan limbah logam berat Cd. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan logam berat Cd dalam air, sedimen dan daging P. viridis dan mengetahui sebaran ukuran cangkang P. viridis. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November-Desember 2013 di tiga wilayah perairan Tanjung Mas yaitu muara, tambak dan pelabuhan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif sedangkan penentuan lokasi pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode Purposive Sampling. Analisa logam berat menggunakan AAS (Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometry). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kandungan logam berat Cd dalam air berkisar <0,001-0,004 mg/l, sedimen 2,382-7,121 mg/kg, dan P.viridis <0,01 mg/kg. Hasil ini berarti bahwa air dan daging P. viridis di Perairan Tanjung Mas masih sesuai dengan baku mutu KMLH No 51 2004 dan SNI 7387.2009 sedangkan pada sedimen telah tercemar ringan oleh logam berat Cd. Sebaran ukuran panjang cangkang yang paling mendominasi yaitu P. viridis dengan ukuran 37,26-47,25 m

    Stimulasi Fission Reproduksi Aseksual Teripang Holothuria Atra Dan Teripang Holothuria Impatiens

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    Natural production of sea cucumbers in decline, it is because of overfishing and use without any attempt for cultivation. There are several ways for the provision of seeds, one with a reproduction. Sea cucumbers can reproduce sexually and asexually. Sexual reproduction involves the sea cucumber sperm and egg cells, and that asexual reproduction through fission technique. Fission is the process of cleavage of the specimen the anterior, middle and posterior to the sea cucumber. The third part will grow into new individuals after each specimen was able to grow the missing part. The research was conducted on April-June 2012 at Bandengan, Jepara with the aim of analyzing the ability of the sea cucumber Holothuria fission reproduction impatiens and Holothuria atra and observe individual performance and survival of fission results from the fission through the stimulation of 1, 2, and 3 fission plane in sea cucumber Holothuria atra and Holothuria impatiens for the supply of seed. The method used was field experimental research. The results of this research showed stimulation of fission with 1 fission plane is faster than 2 fission plane and 3 fission plane. H. atra to fission faster than H. impatiens. On the stimulation of 2 fission plane, the anterior fission faster than the middle or posterior. The results of regeneration of the species H. impatiens are not able to regenerate. The posterior regenerate faster than the anterior and middle. The posterior regenerate faster than the anterior and middle. In general, sea cucumbers which were going through the stimulation of fission stage, wound closure phase, the stage of regeneration, which in turn will form the mouth and anus on the part of the divide

    Studi Kandungan Logam Berat Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr Pada Kerang Simping (Amusium Pleuronectes), Air Dan Sedimen Di Perairan Wedung, Demak Serta Analisis Maximum Tolerable Intake Pada Manusia

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    Wedung, Demak which have large potential of asian moon scallop (Amusium pleuronectes). This potential has leaded the increasing activities of fishing, industrial, and dense residential in Wedung. Those activities were thought to be one of the sources of heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr) accumulated in the simping. This study was aimed to determine the concentration of Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr in the A. pleuronectes, in the water and the sediment. Moreover, this study was also aimed to investigate the maximum weekly consumption A. pleuronectes which contained Pb, Cu, Cd, and Cr in Wedung waters area, Demak. The study was conducted in October-November 2011. The method used in this study was a study case method, while the purposive sampling method was used to determine the sampling locations. Sampling was conducted once every two week, with three repetitions. AAS (Atomic Absorbtion spectrophotometry), were used to analyze the heavy metal concentration, while the consumption of security analysis was used to analyze the MTI (Maximum Tolerable Intake). The range of the analysis results of Pb concentration in the scallop's shells were 33,1362 – 35,0762 ppm, and 11,1272 – 13,0852 ppm in the sediments, while the concentration in the soft tissues and water, were not detected. The Cu concentration in the soft tissue were ranged from 8,9849 – 9,4659 ppm, where in the scallop's shells were 11,9836 – 12,2358 ppm, water were 0,07 – 0,14 ppm, and in the sediments were 13,0624 – 17,6040 ppm. The Cd concentration in soft tissue were ranged from 5,9212 – 8,0136 ppm, scallop's shell were 2,6195 – 5,0125 ppm, and water were 0,01 ppm at 2nd and 3rd samplings, while at the first sampling was not detected, whereas in the sediments the concentration ranged from 0,4694 – 0,7257 ppm. Cr concentration in the soft tissue were only detected in the third sampling with 0,7285 ppm, while in the scallop's shells ranged from 1,9694 – 2,6924 ppm, and in the sediments were 0,9693 – 1,6933 ppm, while its concentration in water was not detected. Maximum weekly intake of scallop in Wedung water which are safe for consumption were 22,64 kg for Cu; 0,06 kg for Cd; and 5,76 kg of Cr per week for people with average body weight 60 kg, while the Pb concentration not detected

    Aktivitas Anti Bakteri Kitosan Dari Cangkang Kerang Simping Pada Kondisi Lingkungan Yang Berbeda : Kajian Pemanfaatan Limbah Kerang Simping (Amusium SP.)

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    Waste is one of the major problems in various countries in the world, one of which is the waste of marine products, for example clam shells. This waste can be processed into chitin and chitosan. Chitosan alone has a lot of benefits that have relatively high economic value, such as chitosan as a natural source antibacterial that can be effectively produced. Deacetylation degree of chitosan determined by using data from FTIR spectra and the value was 69.11349%. The results showed that there were soluble chitosan with 1% acetic acid. In the antibacterial test of chitosan on E. coli and S. aureus showed inhibition zone on agar medium. Chitosan provided large inhibition zones on 0.01 ΞΌg/disk and 0.02 ΞΌg/disk concentrations , however conditions factor of the media effected the growth of those bacteria. Bacteria E. coli bacterium was more sensitive to salinity than thah of S. aureus, while the S. aureus bacterium is more sensitive to pH than that of E. coli bacterium

    Studi Bioekologi Kerang Simping (Amusium Pleuronectes) Di Perairan Semarang Dan Kendal

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    Asian Moon Scallop (Amusium pleuronectes) is one of scallop species which catch as the secondary crops of the fishing activity. This condition need to understand his biological background, such as the relationship between length and weight, growth, condition index and gonad index. The research purpose is to identify the relationship between length and weight, growth, condition index and gonad index of the Asian Moon Scallop, collected from the Semarang and Kendal Waters. This research was carried out from June to July, 2011 in the Semarang and Kendal waters. Three times collections was done during the research period. A total of 594 individuals of Asian Moon Scallop were collected, which determined there shell length, height, thickness and the total weight. Measurement and observation processes were held in Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Diponegoro University, Semarang. The descriptive-explorative methods was used as the research method. While the purposive sampling was applied as the data collection method, and determined the research site. The Asian Moon Scallop growth was determined using the nisbi mothod. The relationship between length and weight, condition index and gonad index were also determined. The b constanta show the value of 3.070, 2.853 and 2.862, which show that the length and weight relationship of Asian Moon Scallop is isometric and alometric negative. The Asian Moon Scallop growth with nisbi method show an equation of 1 cm for the shell length, 0.5 cm for the height, 0.2 sm for the thickness and 5 gr for the total weight of shells. The condition index value of Asian Moon Scallop (A. pleuronectes) is approximately for about 36.01 % - 61.44 %, while the gonad index value is about 8.31 % - 12.09 %

    Biometrika Kerang Darah (Anadara Granosa) Pada Tambak Budidaya Di Desa Menco Kecamatan Wedung Kabupaten Demak

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    Kerang Darah (Anadara granosa) termasuk ke dalam kelas Bivalvia yang kebanyakan hidup di laut terutama di daerah litoral, dasar perairan yang berlumpur atau berpasir, tetapi dapat juga dibudidayakan di Tambak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Biometrika Kerang Darah (Anadara granosa ) pada 3 Tambak yang berbeda. 1200 sampel Kerang Darah diambil dari 3 Tambakdi Desa Menco, Kecamatan Wedung, Demak selama bulan Januari sampai Maret 2014 dengan interval 2 minggu sekali untuk diamati pertumbuhan dan indeks kondisinya. Hasil penelitian ini berupa bentuk model pertumbuhan absolut atau mutlak panjang Kerang Darah (Anadara granosa) pada stasiun 1, 2, dan 3 yaitu = Lt = 12,9944 ( 1 - e –0.0713(t-0,492017)) , Lt = 11,21197 ( 1 - e –0,0618(t-0,756669)), dan Lt = 10,68319 ( 1 - e –0,0565(t-0,620325)). Model pertumbuhan absolut atau mutlak berat kerang darah pada Stasiun 1, 2 dan 3 yaitu = Wt = 13,4798 ( 1 - e –0,0716(t-0,485747)), Wt = 13,1795 ( 1 - e –0,0713(t-0,490326)), dan Wt = 13,1795 ( 1 - e –0,0713(t-0,490326)). Nilai indeks kondisi dominan kategori sedang (2,5 – 4,5) berjumlah 254 ekor (Stasiun 1), 206 ekor (Stasiun 2), dan 276 ekor (Stasiun 3) kemudian kategori gemuk (>4,5) berjumlah 133 ekor (Stasiun 1), 175 ekor (Stasiun 2), dan 87 ekor (Stasiun 3