72 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Media Gawang Mini terhadap Lompat Jauh Siswa SMP PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau

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    The purpose of the reserach to determine the effect of media mini wicket against long jump junior high school students PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau. The research method is a method of quantitative research with experimental research form. Population are 87 people, using purposive sampling technique to sample amounted are 28 people. Data analysis was performed using t-test analysis. based on the results, the average long jump study results showed an increase that occurred between the initial test test (pretest) is 18.93 and the average final test (posttest) is 22.07 with a difference or an increase is 3.14. Value of ttest = 14.518 is greater than the value table = 2,052, meaning that the hypothesis is accepted there are significant media approach to learning outcomes mini wicket long jump at VIIIB grade students of SMP PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau. Percentage increase in the influence of the media approach to learning outcomes mini wicket long jump at VIIIB grade students of SMP PGRI 5 Selalong Sekadau the percentage increase amounts to 16.60%. Based on these results it can be concluded that the use of mini wicket media have a positive influence on the student's long jump

    Pengaruh Model Kooperatif terhadap Hasil Belajar Roll Belakang Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Subah

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    The purpose of this research is to know the influence of cooperative kind of classroom learning of the results of gymnastic the floor roll spine on students of the class of a Subah VIII B SMPN 1 . Methods used in this research is the experimental methods are in the shape of pre-eksperimental design. Using a technique that is the sampling method of sample purposive take 26 students . The results of research and analysis of data obtained the average early test 9.92 test 13,81 (average increased by 3.89 ). Next based on the analysis of the influence which the hypothesis thitung 20,82 the table of statistics to see the degrees of freedom in which the council is dk=(N-1) 26-1=25 at 5 % and the first significant ttabel 2,05954 be of value. Thus the thitung 20,82 ttabel being greater than the 2,06, by hypothesis. The percentage of increase was 39,11 %. Based on the results of the cooperative learning can be concluded that the results are positive influence on the roll back of the gym

    Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric terhadap Kemampuan Lompat Jauh Gaya Jongkok

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    The Influence of Plyometric Training on the Ability of Long Jump Squat Style. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of plyometric training on the ability of the long junp squat style on the eleventh grade male students of MAN Model Singkawang. The research methodology is experimental research. The research design is one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample of the research is 35 students. The result of the data analysis shows that t-count is higher than t-table is 19,573 > 1,697, the significance level is 5% and the degrees of freedom (db) is 34, which means that there is an influence in plyometric training on the ability of long jump squat style. The extend of plyometric training influence on the ability of long jump squat style is 5,2308%

    Kemampuan Volume Oksigen Maksimal (Vo2 Max) UKM Bola Voli Putra Pjkr Untan

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    The research problem in this research was VO2 Max very influence to the physical activities particularly volleyball sport. The aim of this research was to know the ability degree of Maximum Oxygen Volume (VO2 Max) UKM male volleyball PJKR UNTAN 2012. This research used descriptive quantitative method. The population of this research was all of the male students who were active in UKM volleyball PJKR UNTAN with number 13 students. The sample was taken by using surfeited sampling technique. The measurement technique was done with multistage fitness test to measure the ability of VO2 Max. Based on the research finding, it could conclude that; there are moderate criterions 69.2% and fewer criterions 30.8%. So, the biggest analyses score to the ability degree of Maximum Oxygen Volume (VO2 Max) UKM male Volleyball PJKR UNTAN 2012 was in sufficient category with number 69.2%

    Lempar Lembing dengan Media Pembelajaran Lempar Turbo di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 19 Serirang

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    This study has the objective to improve learning outcomes javelin with a throw of learning media turbo in class V students of State Elementary School 19 Serirang Sekadau . Forms of research is classroom action research ( PTK ) . Subjects in this study were fifth grade students of State Elementary School 19 Serirang Sekadau . The total number of male students in class V are as many as 17 students , consisting of 10 boys and 7 female student . Based on the results of the study concluded that in the first cycle are the result of the thoroughness with the number of 11 students or 65% , and students who have not completed amounted to 6 students , or by 35 % . While the second cycle there is a category of student outcomes to complete all the graduating students were 17 students or equal to 100 % and unresolved amounted to 0 or does not exist

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Pembelajaran Smash Voli melalui Pendekatan Menggunakan Bola Tenis Lapangan pada Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 12 Tanah Hitam Kecamatan Paloh Kabupaten Sambas

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    Yielding Increasing effort Learned Smash Volleyball Via ApproachingUtilizes Tennis Ball On Student brazes VI SDN 12 districts Black Earths PalohSambas's Regencies. This research intent to increase smash's game volleyball. To theeffect Special: To the effect this research special is subject to be increase permaiansmash volleyball via approaching utilizes tennis ball on student brazes VI SDN 12Regency Black Earths Sambas. Observational type that is utilized in this research isobservational descriptive with actions observational approaching braze. Subjek inobservational it is which is all class VI SDN 12 Black Earths that total 27 students,consisting of 13 son student and 14 daughter students. Instrument is data collectingby essays and sport measurement via estimation rubric. analisis's tech that is utilizedin research is descriptive analisis percentage. This observational result point out stepupamong i. cycle and cycle II. namely increases it average assesses daily dry run of76,48 previous as 79,07 by tennis ball purpose approachings

    Survei Motivasi Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Bola Voli di Kelas XI SMA Negeri 7 Pontianak

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    In this research, the researcher took the problem that was how does the students motivation in learning volleyball to the ninth grade students of SMA Negeri 7 Pontianak. This research used descriptive quantitative research, techniques of data collection with direct observation. The population of this research was the entire ninth grade students with total number of sample were 56 students. The implementation of this research used the research instrument with questionnaire consists of 44 items questions. Data analysis of this research was percentage descriptive analysis. The research finding showed that the average score of students motivation in learning volleyball to the ninth grade students of SMA Negeri 7 Pontianak was 86.04 with a percentage of 74.17% in moderate categorized. In detail, this motivation was influenced by intrinsic factors, extrinsic, and understanding in learning volleyball. The average score of intrinsic factor was 48.45 with a percentage of 75.70% in moderate categorized, and the average of extrinsic factor was 37.59 with a percentage of 72.29% in moderate categorized.Then, for understanding in learning volleyball were 42.02 with a percentage of 70.03% in moderate categorized

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Dasar Tolak Peluru Gaya Samping melalui Media Bola Kasti pada Siswa Kelas VI

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    The purpose of this research is to improve and improvement of basic skills through the shot-put style samping baseball media in the sixth grade students of SDN 26 Sabing. The method is classroom action research, consisting of two cycles, and carried out on chapter keterampilan dasar tolak peluru gaya samping melalui media bola kasti. The research\u27s subject is sixth grade of SDN 26 Sabing that consists of 25 students. Based on the research, the initial test data is 52% and the results of the test cycle 1 is 64%, so the increase is 12%. The results of the test cycle 2 is 96%, when compared with the results of the initial test, the increase is 44%. If we compare the results with the results of cycle 1 cycle 2, the increase is 32%. These results indicate that there is an increase in basic shot-put style skills through the medium of baseball side in the sixth grade students of SDN 26 Sabing
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