32 research outputs found

    Auksin : Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Penting Meningkatkan Mutu Stek Tanamam

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    The main cutting of vegetative propagation on plant required a long time growth, because of rate to grow it is able to give growth regulator. Auxin can promote to grow of roots that producing on leaves and young buds. The influences of auxin depend on using, on fixed concentration to grow buds. On the contrary, ·the high concentration was able to inhibite to grow buds. Response of auxin on plant are differences. The strong effect on cell meristems it main a stem apical and coleoptil. Key Words : Auxin, cutting, Growth Regulato

    Analisis Kecenderungan Pencarian Pertolongan Persalinan oleh Tenaga Kesehatan di Indonesia

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    The objective of this study is do analyse the Trend of birth deliveries assisted by health worker based on location and distance of mother's residance to health services. The last five years data of health household survey had been conducted in 1995 was analited to show the Trend. The analysis use chi square for Trend to compare Java/Bali and out of Java/Bali; urban and rural also distance of mother's residance to health services.The conclusion of this study are increasing trend of birth deliveries assisted by health worker has not different between Java/Bali and out Java/Bali but there was differences between urban and rural. Mother who stay more than 5 Km from health services has not increased trend significantly

    Pengetahuan Tentang AIDS dan Perilaku Beresiko Penularannya pada Petugas di Puskesmas Dekat Lokalisasi Prostitusi

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    Objectives. The objectives of this study are: 1) investigating the basic knowledge of aids among health centre workers near prostitute areas. 2) investigating the heaith workers risk activities for tranmission diseases. Methods. Information was collected through questionaires answered by health centre workers observed by researcher. The instrument for data collecting was developed based on "Buku Petunjuk Bagi Pctugas Kesehatan Tentang AIDS" printed and distributed by MOH, and pretested. Observation the USAge of disposable syringe, handgloves and preparing of minor surgery was conducted at the dental clinics, general clinics & MCH clinics. Results. Medical doctor, dentist and paramedic showed a good score in caution, tranmission and high risk group of aids, on the other hand the score was low for case management, detecting symptoms and establishing diagnosis of HIV+. This study also indicated the disagreement on the USAge of disposable syringe for medical doctor 10%, dentist (I0%) paramedic (40%). The observation also showed that during the activities of services the health workers: 20% reuse of disposable syringe, 96,0% never bent down needle after USAge, 17,3% never put desinfection throughout surgery area, 41,3% never washed hands before or after minor surgery, 60% never use handgloves during minor surgery

    Pola Pertolongan Persalinan 5 Tahun Terakhir di Indonesia

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    Efektivitas Pendayagunaan Tenaga Keperawatan di Puskesmas di Jawa Timur

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    In decentralization era, the skill of nurse personnels, particularly who work in health centers, both the midwife and nursing skills, or program management is not enough, whereas the demand that nurses provide accessible, affordable and quality or professionally services. This study aimed to determine the utilization effectiveness of nurse personnels in health centers, nurses and midwifes, on health decentralization in East Java. It was a descriptive study with a cross sectional design conducted in Tuban, Lumajang, Mojokerlo, Magetan, Malang, and Madiun. The samples were 121 respondents composed of 66 midwives and 55 nurses municipality, during April to September 2005. The data were collected by indepth interview, questionnaires, observations, FGD and secondary data. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results showed that nurse utilizing effectiveness in health centers were still low that for nurses was 46.33% and midwife 56.72%, respectly. For nurses, culturally honest, direct compensation, socio and physic about environmental services significantly influenced the effectiveness utilization, and for midwifes are cultural honest, creativity and also reward as recognition. The time activities for nurses and midwives was mostly carried out in health centers and the nurse activities were recording, examining and serving patients whereas the midwives activities were recording, preparation and home cares. The work time ineffective utilization of nurses was 32.90% and midwives was 43.09%. Nurse personnel activities in health centers were not optimal yet, so it should develop reward system and compensation in order to improve the nurse and midwife commitment and motivation