182 research outputs found


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    Start-ups have gained media attention since Google, Facebook and Amazon were launched in the 1990s. The book Lean Start-up, published in 2011, was another important milestone for digital start-up literature. As unicorn companies emerge around the world, topics highlighted in the news include the vast amount of capital that digital start-ups are raising, the ways in which these digital ventures are disrupting industries, and their global impact on digital economy. However, digital start-ups, digital venture ideas, and their venture creation process lack a unified venture creation model, as there is a gap in the re-search on entrepreneurial processes in a digital context. This research is an explorative study of the venture creation process of innovative digital start-ups that examines what is missing from entrepreneurial process models in a digital technology context and investi-gates how early stage digital start-ups conduct the venture creation process, starting with the pre-phase of antecedents and ending with the launch and scaling of the venture. The research proposes a novel process model of innovative digital start-up venture crea-tion and describes the nature and patterns of the process. A conceptual model was devel-oped based on the entrepreneurship, information systems, and digital innovation litera-ture and empirically assessed with a multi-method qualitative research design. The data collected from semi-structured interviews, internet sources, and observation field notes covered 34 innovative digital start-ups and their founders. Interviews were conducted in-ternationally in high-ranking start-up ecosystems, and the data were analysed with the-matic analysis and fact-checked by triangulating internet data sources. The contribution to entrepreneurship theory is a new illustrative model of the venture creation process of innovative digital start-ups, including the emergent outcome of the process having a digi-tal artefact at its core (e.g., mobile apps, web-based solutions, digital platforms, software solutions, and digital ecosystems). Digital platforms and their multiple roles in the process are presented, as well as the role of critical events as moderators of the process which trigger new development cycles. During the venture creation process, the recombining of digital technologies, modules, and components enabled by digital infrastructures, plat-forms, and ecosystem partners represent digital technology affordances. This recombina-tion provides opportunities for asset-free development of digital venture ideas

    Electrical characteristics of amorphous iron-tungsten contacts on silicon

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    The electrical characteristics of amorphous Fe-W contacts have been determined on both p-type and n-type silicon. The amorphous films were obtained by cosputtering from a composite target. Contact resistivities, pc=1×10^−7 and pc=2.8×10^−6, were measured on n+ and p+ silicon, respectively. These values remain constant after thermal treatment up to at least 500°C. A barrier height, φBn=0.61 V, was measured on n-type silicon

    Compensating impurity effect on epitaxial regrowth rate of amorphized Si

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    The epitaxial regrowth of ion-implanted amorphous layers on Si with partly compensated doping profiles of 11B, 75As, and 31P was studied. Single implants of these impurities are found to increase the regrowth rate at 475 and 500°C. The compensated layers with equal concentrations of 11B and 31P or 11B and 75As show a strong decrease of the regrowth whereas for the layers with overlapping 75As and 31P profiles no compensation has been found


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    Dunia peradilan telah mengalami perubahan yang sangat drastis, Praktek persidangan konvensional harus beralih kepada Persidangan online (elektronik). Persidangan perkara pidana secara elektronik sesuai Peraturan Mahkamah Agung (PERMA)  Nomor  4 Tahun 2020 masih banyak ditemukan kendala-kendala yuridis maupun teknis. Penelitian ini meneliti tentang mekanisme persidangan online perkara pidana, dan efektivitas persidangan online dalam perkara pidana guna menemukan kebenaran materiil di Pengadilan Negeri Singaraja Kelas IB.Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian hukum empiris, bersifat deskriptif, penelitian ini dilakukan di Pengadilan Negeri Singaraja Kelas IB dengan menggunakan jenis data primer dan sekunder, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumentasi ,wawancara dan Observasi, serta data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara kualitatif. Mekanisme persidangan online dalam perkara pidana adalah dakwaan oleh jaksa penuntut umum, eksepsi oleh terdakwa/penasihat hukum, tanggapan atas eksepsi oleh jaksa penuntut umum, putusan sela, pembuktian, tuntutan oleh jaksa penuntut umum, pledoi, replik, duplik, putusan hakim. Efektivitas persidangan online dalam perkara pidana guna menemukan kebenaran materiil di Pengadilan Negeri Singaraja Kelas IB adalah secara keseluruhan Persidangan Secara Elektronik/Online tidak efektif karena majelis hakim tidak dapat memeriksa alat bukti dengan optimal dengan adanya berbagai kendala dan tidak ada hukum acara yang mengatur proses persidangan secara online sehingga dapat terjadi ketidakseragaman pelaksanaanya

    Substrate orientation dependence of enhanced epitaxial regrowth of silicon

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    This work extends the study of dopant-enhanced epitaxial regrowth rate of amorphized Si from the to the and orientations of Si. Boron and phosphorus dopants are considered. The annealing temperatures are 500 and 550 °C. Phosphorus enhances the growth rates in all three orientations by a constant factor of 8.1±0.9. Boron produces a higher enhancement factor of 12.2±1.2, except in the case of . Implications of the results on various growth models are considered. The crystalline quality of regrown layers is improved in the doped samples

    Influence of F and Cl on the recrystallization of ion-implanted amorphous Si

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    The effect of fluorine and chlorine implantation on the solid-phase epitaxial regrowth of amorphized Si was studied in intrinsic and heavily boron doped material. Annealings were performed at 500 and 600°C. Both F and Cl retard the regrowth rate at 500°C. The growth rates are much faster in B-doped than in undoped Si. Complete regrowth in B-doped Si is obtained for all investigated doses of fluorine up to 5×10^15 F/cm^2 at 600°C for 30 min. The highest dose of chlorine (5×10^15 Cl/cm^2) stops the regrowth at this temperature

    Reaction of amorphous Ni-W and Ni-N-W films with substrate silicon

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    Amorphous films of Ni-W and Ni-N-W were deposited on single-crystal silicon with discharge gases of Ar or Ar+N2 by rf cosputtering of Ni and W. The reaction of these Ni-W and Ni-N-W films with the Si substrate were studied in the temperature range of 450–750 °C by a combination of backscattering spectrometry, x-ray diffraction, cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, and resistivity measurements. Films with composition Ni36W64 are stable below 500 °C. NiSi and NiSi2 form at 500 °C, and WSi2 forms rapidly in the temperature range of 625–650 °C. The nickel silicide forms adjacent to and within the silicon, while the outer layer becomes a mixture of WSi2 and NiSi2. The morphologies of the reacted layers are revealed by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. The crystallization temperature of amorphous Ni36W64 films on SiO2 is near 650 °C also. Adding nitrogen to form amorphous Ni30N21W49 films lowers the crystallization temperature, but raises the reaction temperature with Si to 750 °C

    Superconducting microstrip detectors

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    Superconducting NbN microstrip counters feature radiation hardness two orders of magnitude higher than conventional Si strip detectors, spatial resolution limited only by lithographic techniques (0.1 - 2 microns), intrinsic signal rise time of 2 ps, and signal transport over large distances without losses. The aim of this proposal is to improve understanding of the physics of such detectors and to establish their large- scale feasibility

    Superconducting Nb-film LC resonator

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    Sputtered Nb thin-film LC resonators for low frequencies at 0.5 MHz have been fabricated and tested in the temperature range 0.05--1 K in magnetic fields up to 30 mT. Their Q value increases towards decreasing temperature as sqrt(T) and reaches 10^3 at 0.05 K. As a function of magnetic field Q is unstable and displays variations up to 50%, which are reproducible from one field sweep to the next. These instabilities are attributed to dielectric losses in the plasma deposited SiO_2 insulation layer, since the thin-film coil alone reaches a Q > 10^5 at 0.05 K.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument
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