22 research outputs found

    Karakter Kuantitatif Kacang Hijau Pada Lingkungan Naungan

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    Tolerance to shade among mungbean genotypes were assessed based on their environmental stress tolerance indices (ITC). Through an approach of direct and indirect relationships between quantitative characters, quantitative characters that play roles in mungbean tolerance to shade was identified. The trial was conducted at Kendalpayak Experimental Farm, Malang. Treatments were without shading and with a 52% shading using 12 mungbean genotypes representing 9 genotypes tolerant to shading and susceptible genotypes. Under each shaded environment, the treatments were arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. Observations were carried out on plant morphology (leaf number, leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf hairs number, plant height, stem diameter, age of flowering and harvesting, number of pods, pod dry weight, seed weight and seed size) and leaf anatomy (thickness of leaves, epiderm cells, palisade tissue length, and number of leaf stomates). Mungbean genotypes that were tolerant to shading had different plant morphology and leaf anatomy from those of susceptible genotypes. The tolerant mungbean genotypes had larger leaves, less number of leaf hairs, thicker leaves, thinner leaf epidermal cells, longer palisade tissue, more number of stomates, higher contents of chlorophyll a and b, larger diameter of stem, higher pod dry weight, larger seed size, and higher grain yields than those of the susceptible genotypes. Three characters of mungbean plants that need to be taken into account in determining tolerance to shade were the leaf area, number of leaf hairs, and seed weight per plant. Selection of the immatured beans can be done using indirect selection based on the three characters, namely stem diameters at 2 and 4 weeks after planting (WAP), plant height at 4 WAP, and weight of 100 seeds

    Karakteristik Agronomis Dan Fisikokimia Umbi Klon Ubikayu Genjah

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    The research was aimed to characterize agronomic characters and physico-chemical tubers of early maturating cassava clones. Total of 10 cassava clones and five varieties (UJ 3, UJ 5, Adira 1, Adira 4 and Malang 6) were evaluated in two locations, namely at the experiment station of Muneng, Probolinggo and at farmer's land in South Malang. The experiment was planted in April to November 2009, using a completely randomized block design with three replications. Each clone was planted in plots measuring 5 m x 4 m with plant spacing of 100 cm x 80 cm. Fertilization was applied in three stages by using 10 t/ha of manure and 200 kg urea + 100 kg SP36 + 100 kg KCl/ha. Manure was given at the time of land preparation, while urea, SP36, and KCl were given at one month after planting (MAP) (100 kg of urea, 50 kg of KCl, 100 kg of SP36/ha), and three MAP (100 kg of urea and 50 kg of KCl/ha). Observations on the agronomic characters included: plant height, number of fresh leaves, number of node and diameter of stem conducted at 3 WAP until the harvest, at intervals of 1 month. Yield and yield components, and physical-chemical characters of tuber were measured at harvest. Combined analyses of two locations showed that the interaction between clones and locations were significant on all observed agronomic characters. OMM 9076 clone was consistently out yielded at two locations. Based on physicochemical characters, CMM 03001-10, CMM 03094-12, CMM 03009-6, CMM 03097-11, CMM 03013-11, CMM 03094-13, CMM 03018-10, M4-p, OMM 9076 and Adira 1 clones were considered suitable for food. Clone M4p was also suitable for starch or flour industries, and CMM 03013-11 was suitable for ethanol

    Kesesuaian Genotipe Kedelai Untuk Tanaman Sela Di Bawah Tegakan Pohon Karet

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    This research was aimed to identify shade-tolerant soybean genotypes that was suitable for planting under rubber tree plantation. The research was conducted at three locations of rubber tree plantation in Central and East Lampung where the rubber tree were at age of 3 to 4 years, during dry season of 2011. The materials consisted of 30 soybean genotypes, where 23 lines were shadetolerant, and seven were as check varieties (Pangrango, Burangrang, Malabar, Argomulyo, Grobogan, Ijen, and Tanggamus). Each genotype was planted in plot of 4 m x 2.2 m, plant spacing was 40 cm x 15 cm, two plants /hill. The experiment used a randomized block design, repeated four times. Before planting, dolomite of 1.5 t/ha was applied, and 75 kg Urea / ha + 100 SP36 kg/ha + 100 kg KCl /ha was applied at planting time. Observations were done on flowering date, harvesting date, plant height, number of branches, number of reproductive nodes, number of pods, seed weight per plant and grain yield. The light intensity under the rubber tree canopy was observed every week after the soybean age was 30 days (DAP), at 11:00 to 12:00 pm. The levels of shade made by the rubber tree canopy at three locations were different; at Tulangbalak (East Lampung) and Gunungsari (Central Lampung) ranged between 20% to 40%, at Gunungadi (Central Lampung) between 40% to 60%. Genotypes IBM22-861-2-22-3-1 and AI26-1114-8-28-1-2 yielded consistently well in two locations, in East Lampung (1.40 t/ha and 1.43 t/ha), in Central Lampung (1.19 t/ha and 1.18 t/ha). Genotype IBM22-861-2-22-3-1 and AI26-1114-8-28-1-2 produced the highest average yield out of the three locations, i.e 1.13 t/ha. Genotype IBM22-861-2-22-3-1 and AI26-1114-8-28-1-2 were considered as suitable genotypes for planting under the rubber tree of 3 to 4 years of age

    Tingkat Adaptasi Beberapa Varietas Kedelai Terhadap Naungan

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    The aim of this research was to identify adaptability of 7 soybean varieties under five levels of shading. The soybean varieties tested were Tanggamus, Pangrango, Sinabung, Willis, Ijen, Lokon, and Malabar, while the five shading treatments were: no shading (N0), 15%-15% (N1), 30%-15% (N2), 45%-15% (N3), and 60%-15% (N4). The trial in each shading environment was arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. The data collected were growth variables (leaf numbers, plant heights, and stem diameters), number of filled pods, and seed yields. Data of the seed yields were analyzed using the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) analysis method. Results showed that adaptability of soybean varieties to different levels of shading varied. Based on the interaction Ammi-1 biplot graph, variety Ijen was not suitable to be grown under shading environment. Varieties Sinabung and Wilis were more suitable for low level of shading environment (15%); Malabar was more suitable for moderate level of shading (45%), and Lokon was more suitable for planting under shading (60%) condition. Variety Pangrango was considered as adaptive to all levels of shading environments

    Respons Tanaman Kedelai terhadap Lingkungan Tumbuh

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    Tanaman kedelai (Glycine max L.) dapat memberikan respon positif dan negatif terhadap Perubahan lingkungan tumbuh di atas tanah maupun di dalam tanah. Respon tersebut dapat diketahui dari Perubahan Perubahan fenotipik dan fisiologis tanaman. Lingkungan di atas tanah yang berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai terutama adalah lama dan intensitas penyinaran, suhu udara dan kandungan CO2 di atmosfer. Lama penyinaran yang optimal adalah 10-12 jam. Berkurangnya intensitas cahaya matahari menyebabkan tanaman tumbuh lebih tinggi, ruas antar buku lebih panjang, jumlah daun dan jumlah polong lebih sedikit, dan ukuran biji semakin kecil. Respon kedelai terhadap Perubahan suhu tergantung pada fase pertumbuhan. Suhu yang sesuai pada fase perkecambahan adalah 15-22oC, fase pembungaan 20-25oC, dan pada fase pemasakan 15-22oC. Peningkatan CO2 atmosfer dari 349 µL menjadi 700 µL meningkatkan laju pertukaran karbon (C), menurunkan laju transpirasi, dan meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan air. Kondisi lingkungan di dalam tanah yang berperan terhadap pertumbuhan kedelai terutama adalah tekstur tanah, kadar air tanah dan unsur hara, unsur-unsur toksik, kemasaman tanah, suhu tanah, dan salinitas. Kedelai tumbuh baik pada tanah bertekstur ringan hingga berat, namun tanah yang padat (BI >1,38 kg/m3) tidak sesuai untuk kedelai. Kebutuhan air tanaman kedelai pada fase generatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada fase vegetatif, sehingga pada fase generatif lebih peka terhadap kekeringan terutama pada fase pembungaan hingga pengisian polong. Kandungan air optimal adalah 70-85% dari kapasitas lapangan. Kandungan unsur hara tanah harus di atas batas kekahatan agar tanaman tumbuh optimal. Nilai kritis suatu unsur hara dalam tanah beragam tergantung jenis tanah dan metode analisis yang digunakan. Pengaruh suhu tanah terutama pada fase perkecambahan, dan suhu tanah optimal adalah 24,2-32,8°C. Kedelai agak sensitif terhadap kemasaman tanah, unsur-unsur toksik, dan salinitas. Nilai kritis pH, Al, Mn, dan salinitas berturut-turut adalah pH 5,5, Al-dd 1,33 me/100 g, Mn 3,3 ppm, dan 1,3 dS/m. Rhizobium berperan dalam memasok kebutuhan N tanaman kedelai, namun inokulasi tidak efektif pada tanah yang sering ditanami kedelai

    Interaksi Genotipe X Lingkungan Dan Stabilitas Karakter Agronomi Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill)

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    Research aimed to determine effect of genotype x environment interactions (GEI) on agronomic characters and yield stability of soybean genotypes were conducted at eight locations, namely Ngawi, Probolinggo, Banyuwangi, Jember, Malang, Sleman-Yogyakarta, Rembiga and Sesela-West Lombok. Materials used in the study were nine soybean genotypes consisting of six promising lines and three improved cultivars (Malabar, Wilis, and Ringgit). A randomized complete block design was used in each location, repeated four times. Observations were made on flowering days, maturity days, plant height, number of filled pods, seed weight per plant, 100 seed weight and seed yield. Results showed that the effect of GEI was significant on all of the observed agronomic characters. Maturity days, filled pods number, seed weight per plant, and seed yield were predominantly influenced by environmental factors, plant height and 100 seed weight were predominantly influenced by genetic factors, whereas flowering days was influenced by GEI. Genotype I/M-824-19 was stable with yield average lower compared to that of all genotypes and Agl/I-1114-8 was stable with yield average higher than the yield average of all genotypes. Wilis and M/IB-895-2 were classified as unstable, but gave yield average higher than the yield average of all genotypes

    Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Biji Genotipe Kedelai Di Berbagai Intensitas Naungan

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    Intensity and quality of sunlight received by plants during the reproductive period greatly influence the soybean yield and yield components. Growth and seed yield of soybean genotypes at different shade intensities were assessed through research conducted at the Research Station of Kendalpayak, Malang, in the year 2011. Three soybean varieties, namely: Pangrango, Argomulyo, and Grobogan, and twelve soybean promising lines tolerant to shade were tested on four artificial shade intensities, ie without shade (N0), shade of 25% (N1), 50% (N2), and 75% (N3). Placement of treatments in each level of shade was arranged in a randomized block design, replicated three times. Results showed that: shade treatment changed the microclimate under the shading. Shade treatment of 25%, 50%, and 75% caused different stress intensities. Shade intensity of 75% caused an increase in plant height and specific leaf area, a reduction in the number of leaves and leaf area, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorption rate, photosynthetic rate, leaf chlorophyll index, number of filled pods, and seed weight per plant. Number of filled pods was considered effective to be used as a basis for selecting soybean genotypes having high yield in shaded conditions. Plant height and seed weight could be used as an indicator for soybean shade tolerance. Genotype AI26-1114-8-28 and IIj9-299-1-4 were considered as shade-tolerant up to 75% shade based on the stress index tolerance value (ITC)

    Pengujian 15 Genotipe Kedelai Pada Kondisi Intensitas Cahaya 50% Dan Penilaian Karakter Tanaman Berdasarkan Fenotipnya

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    The Examination of 15 Soybean Genotypes at 50% Light Intensity and Evaluation of Crop'sPhenotypic Characters. Sunlight is one of the important plant growth requirements. In orderto understand morphological character changes in the crops due to different light intensity, 15genotypes of soybean consisted of Willis, D3578-3/3072-11, Seulawah, Aochi/W-62, Kaba,IAC 100/Brr-1, MLGG 0081, MLGG 0059, MLGG 0120, 9837/Kawi, D-6-185, IAC 100, MLGG0383-1, Pangrango, MLGG 0069 and MLGG 0122 were tested. The research was conducted inKendalpayak (grey Alluvial soil type, 450 above sea level, C3 climate type), Malang at dryseason in 2006. The research design was Randomize Complete Block under two differentenvironmental conditions, with three replications. The experiment was conducted under fulland 50 %light intensity. The results indicated that the reduction of light intensity as much as50 % resulted in some changes in phenotypic characters such as size and lifespan of the 15genotype being tested, included the increase of plant height, the longer distance betweennodes, the decrease in node number, the smaller size of stem diameter, the decrease on thenumber of leaves, the narrower of the leaf ‘s width and the decrease in pod number. Lessenedseed weight, the low weight of 100 seeds, the lowering level of the leaf's greenness, and theaccelerate age of flowering and harvesting. IAC 100, MLGG 0383-1 and IAC 100/BBR-1 producedhigh under 50% of light intensity