29 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Bahan Kering Eceng Gondok sebagai Sumber Daya Pakan di Perairan yang Mendapatkan Limbah Kotoran Itik

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    A study was conducted to assess the provision of duck manure on growth and dry matter production of water hyacinth as a feed resource. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications, providing sewage ducks in each treatment (T0; 0 g / l of water, T1, 5 g / l of water, T2, 10 g / l of water , T3; 15 g / l of water, and T4; 20 g / l of water). Parameters measured were growth and dry matter production. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (significance level of 5%) followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test to see different test and trials Orthogonal Polynomials. The results showed that the addition of duck manure in water hyacinth plants can enhance the growth of Total Leaf weeks 6 and dry matter production. Growth in the number of leaf-6 weeks to the highest achieved in the addition of duck manure 12,91 g / l with real predictive value of 233 strands, but not on plant height and leaf area, while the highest dry matter production achieved in the addition of duck manure as much as 12 g / l with real predictive value of 18,56 g

    Kualitas Running Text dalam Pemberian Informasi di Lingkungan Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto YOGYAKARTA

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    Requirement about lectures information quickly, easily, accuratelly, and cheaply. To support lectures activity, such as lectures information scedules, lectures changed scedules, and the other informations based on running text with SMS Gateway in one way. In order to increase labor produktivity, data services, and information and increase computer skills in campus suroundings or college, that needs to be pursued in service enhancement effectively and efficiently, using information technology with running text based.In this application contains four interfaces, such as server application view, client application view, wireless fidelity (login hotspot) view, web view. Database design is a effort to make model of data management is still first draft. This database will be use to store data from the application.The result of whole research that can be analyze the test simulation is about mechanics work process from system over all. On the whole analyze result consist of the basic concept that built to become a system which has been discussed on the previous chapter

    Profile of Sheep Blood After Administration with CF Amofer

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    Amoniasi-Fermentation (amofer) technology should be conducted in order to improve the low quality of by product produced from palm oil plantations and mills (palm oil waste) which is used for constituent of feed ingredients in complete feed (CF). This technology also reforms the feed material into edible form. Before broad application, it must be ensured that the feed does not have toxic effects on livestock. This research was peformed to evaluate the effects of amofer palm oil waste-based CF on blood profile and liver function on local sheep. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Feed Science Diponegoro University Semarang, using 16 local male sheep aged 9 months, weight at 14.82+0.82 kg (CV=5.52%), divided into four groups and put into individual cages. They are given CF containing crude protein (CP) 10.63% (T1), 12.27% (T2), 13.70% (T3) and 15.90% (T4), with Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) range 61.83–64.21%. Blood samples were taken after the sheep consuming the CF for 37 days. Experimental design used was CRD with 4 replications. Observed variables were the levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit and blood glucose. Data were analyzed using ANOVA of CRD. The average value of blood glucose levels for T1= 80.68 mg/dl, T2=79.08 mg/dl, T3=81.18 mg/dl and T4=73.70 mg/dl. The average value of hemoglobin levels for T1=10.80 g/dl, T2=10.30 g/dl, T3=11.23 g/dl and T4=10.25 g/dl. The average value of hematocrit levels for T1=31.00%, T2=31.00%, T3=33.75% and T4=30%. There was no significant difference among four treatments (p>0.05). The administration CF did not cause hematological disorders which showed by the blood profiles were in normal range, so that suggested the CF was appropriate and safe for local sheep

    Kebijakan Pengembangan Peternakan Sapi Potong di Indonesia

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    Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, produksi maupun populasi sapi potong dalam rangka mendukung program kecukupan daging (PKD) 2010, yang direvisi menjadi 2014. Produksi daging dalam negeri diharapkan mampu memenuhi 9095% kebutuhan daging nasional. Karena itu, pengembangan sapi potong perlu dilakukan melalui pendekatan USAha yang berkelanjutan, didukung dengan industri pakan yang mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan bahan pakan lokal spesifik lokasi melalui pola yang terintegrasi. Hingga kini, upaya pengembangan sapi potong belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan daging dalam negeri, selain rentan terhadap serangan penyakit. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai kelemahan dalam sistem pengembangan peternakan. Oleh karena itu, perlu diupayakan model pengembangan dan kelembagaan yang tepat berbasis masyarakat dan secara ekonomi menguntungkan. Pemerintah sebaiknya menyerahkan pengembangan peternakan ke depan kepada masyarakat melalui mekanisme pasar bebas. Pemerintah lebih berperan dalam pelayanan dan membangun kawasan untuk memecahkan permasalahan dasar dalam pengembangan peternakan sehingga dapat mengaktifkan mekanisme pasar. Usaha peternakan hendaknya dapat memacu perkembangan agroindustri sehingga membuka kesempatan kerja dan USAha. Implikasi kebijakan dari gagasan ini adalah perlu dibuat peta jalan pembangunan peternakan nasional dan diuraikan secara rinci di setiap wilayah pengembangan ternak

    Phosphate Rock Application on Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) Production and Macronutrients in Latosol Soil

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of phosphate rocks (PRs) fertilizercompared to chemical P fertilizer for the best crop production and macronutrients of alfalfa. Acompletely randomized design under 3x3 factorial patterns was used in this research. The first factorwas different sources of P fertilizer: Guizhou Phosphate Rock (GPR), Jingxiang Phosphate Rock (JPR),and Single Super Phosphate (SSP). The second factor was level of P fertilizer: 75, 100, and 125 mgP2O5/kg soil. A control treatment (without addition of P fertilizer, CK) was added as a comparison withthe treatments. The results showed that JPR was the best for alfalfa production, whereas GPR and SSPwere better for nutrient content in the alfalfa tissue than JPR. On the whole, phosphate rocks had similareffect on alfalfa growth compared to SSP at the experimental conditions

    Potency of Palm Oil Plantation and Mill Byproduct as Ruminant Feed in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan

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    By-product produced from plantation and palm oil mill can be utilized for energy and protein source of ruminant feed. Thus, it still has potency for further exploration. The objective of the research was to investigate the nutrient value of palm oil plantation and mill's by-product used to formulate ruminant feed. The research located in 66,118.5 ha of palm oil plantation in Paser regency, East Kalimantan province. The research was carried out in palm oil plantation and mill of PTPN XIII comprising productive plants (TM) in +14,000 ha arranged in 9 divisions (afdeling). Measured variables consisted of: 1) dry mass production (mass of midrib every cutting and frond) (kg); 2) Centrosema sp mass production (kg); 3) mass of empty fruit bunches (kg); palm pressed fiber (PPF) (kg), palm kernel cake (PKC) (kg) dan palm oil sludge (POS) (kg); 4) nutrient content analyzed under proximate analysis in accordance with the procedure of Ruminant Feed Nutrient Laboratory, Faculty of Livestock, Diponegoro University. The result showed that total dry matter (DM) production was 14.82 ton/ha/year, consisting: midrib 29.09% (crude protein (CP) 3.16% and crude fiber (CF) 37.85%), frond 10.31% (CP 6.53% dan CF 30.39%), Centrosema sp. 2.48% (CP 22.58% and CF 35.12), EFB 24.31% (CP 7.01% and CF 40.22%), PPF 1.23% (CP 5.56% and CF 50.36%), PKC 1.29% (CP 15.49% and CF10.45) and POS 1.20% (CP 17.86% and CF 45.99%). This could be concluded that palm oil plantation and mill's by-product was recommended for ruminant feed as it had huge amount and appropriate nutrient contentDoi: 10.12777/ijse.5.2.56-60 [How to cite this article: Mayulu, H., Sunarso, C. I. Sutrisno, Sumarsono, M. Christiyanto, K. Isharyudono. (2013). Potency of Palm Oil Plantation and Mill Byproduct as Ruminant Feed in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, 5(2),56-60. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.5.2.56-60

    Sifat Fisik Dan Mekanik Laminasi Iratan Bambu Sebagai Komponen Mebel

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    Hingga kini pembuatan produk mebel bambu pada umumnya masih menggunakan bahan baku glondongan/batangan sebagai komponen utamanya, sehingga produk mebel yang dihasilkan terbatas, yakni bentuk-bentuk kaku atau patah-patah sesuai dengan bentuk fisik bambu,Untuk lebih menganekaragamkan produk mebel bambu telah dikembangkan teknologi pembuatan komponen mebel dengan bahan baku iratan, dan bahan pembantu yang digunakan adalah perekat jenis PVac. Peralatan utama yang dipergunakan teknologi ini adalah cetakan dan alat pres. Caranya adalah dengan mengepres susunan iratan bambu yang salah satu penampangnya sudah ditaburi perekat pada alur cetakan. Ketebalannya sesuai dengan tebal komponen yang diinginkan, sedang waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk pengepresan 24 jam. Dari hasil uji coba bentuk dan pengujian sifat fisik dan mekaniknya relah dihasilkan bentuk produk komponen yang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan dan kekuatannya memenuhi syarat untuk dijadikan bahan baku mebel.Hingga kini pembuatan produk mebel bambu pada umumnya masih menggunakan bahan baku glondongan/batangan sebagai komponen utamanya, sehingga produk mebel yang dihasilkan terbatas, yakni bentuk-bentuk kaku atau patah-patah sesuai dengan bentuk fisik bambu,Untuk lebih menganekaragamkan produk mebel bambu telah dikembangkan teknologi pembuatan komponen mebel dengan bahan baku iratan, dan bahan pembantu yang digunakan adalah perekat jenis PVac. Peralatan utama yang dipergunakan teknologi ini adalah cetakan dan alat pres. Caranya adalah dengan mengepres susunan iratan bambu yang salah satu penampangnya sudah ditaburi perekat pada alur cetakan. Ketebalannya sesuai dengan tebal komponen yang diinginkan, sedang waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk pengepresan 24 jam. Dari hasil uji coba bentuk dan pengujian sifat fisik dan mekaniknya relah dihasilkan bentuk produk komponen yang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan dan kekuatannya memenuhi syarat untuk dijadikan bahan baku mebel