10 research outputs found

    Slippery to Sticky Transition of Hydrophobic Nanochannels

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    Contrary to common intuition that hydrophobic surfaces trivially cause water to slip, we discover a slippery-to-sticky transition in tunable hydrophobic nanochannels. We demonstrate this remarkable phenomenon by bringing out hitherto unveiled interplay between ion inclusions in the water and the interfacial lattice configuration over molecular scales. The consequent alterations in frictional characteristics illustrate that so-called hydrophobic nanochannels can be switchable to manifest features that are otherwise typically associated with hydrophilicity, causing water to stick. Our proposition may bear immense consequences toward fluidically functionalizing a hydrophobic interface without necessitating elaborate surface treatment techniques, bringing in far-ranging implications in diverse applications ranging from nature to energy

    Combined Effects of Interfacial Permittivity Variations and Finite Ionic Sizes on Streaming Potentials in Nanochannels

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    In this work, we investigate the effects of local permittivity variations, induced by a preferential orientation and exclusion of water dipoles close to channel walls, and the effects of finite-sized ions on the induced streaming potential in nanochannels. We make a detailed analysis of the underlying physicochemical interactions by considering combinations of cases where ions are considered to be point sized/finite sized and permittivity variation effects to be present/absent. By accounting for the dielectric friction (which in turn is a function of the local permittivity) in addition to the classical Stokes friction, we show that for high interfacial potentials and narrow confinements, the induced streaming potential field for the cases in which the polarization effects are considered for finite-sized ions is remarkably higher than for the cases in which the polarization effects are neglected. Thus, by coupling the nonlinear effects of finite-sized ions and water dipole polarization along with the dielectric friction, we open a new paradigm of streaming potential predictions for narrow fluidic confinements, bearing far-ranging scientific and technological consequences in nanoscale science and technology

    Spreading of a Droplet over a Nonisothermal Substrate: Multiple Scaling Regimes

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    We envisage the spreading behavior of a two-dimensional droplet under a thin-film-based paradigm, under a perfect wetting condition, while the droplet is placed over a nonisothermal substrate. Starting from the onset of thin-film behavior (or equivalently beyond the inertia-dominated initial stage), we identify the existence of mutually contrasting multiple scaling regimes defining the spreading behavior at different time scales. This is attributable to the time-stage-wise upsurge of capillarity or thermocapillarity over the other. In particular, the spreading behavior is characterized by the foot-width (<i>w</i>) evolution with time (<i>t</i>) in a power-law fashion <i>w</i> ∼ <i>t</i><sup>α</sup>, with α being the spreading exponent, defining the rate of spreading. Following pertinent thin-film and subsequent similarity analysis, we identify different asymptotes of α over disparate temporal scales, leading to the characterization of different scaling regimes over the entire spreading event starting from the inception of thin-film behavior. Reported literature data are found to correspond well to the present interpretations and estimations

    Combined Effects of Surface Roughness and Wetting Characteristics on the Moving Contact Line in Microchannel Flows

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    The present study investigates moving contact lines in microfluidic confinements with rough topographies modeled with random generating functions. Using matched asymptotic expansion, the description of the whole contact line is obtained and the dynamic contact angle is extracted by extrapolating the bulk meniscus to the channel wall. Significant variations are observed in the contact angle because of the heterogeneities of the confining walls of the microfluidic channel. The effects of the surface wetting condition also play a crucial role in altering the description of the contact line bearing particular nontrivial interactions with the topological features of the solid boundaries. In an effort to assess the underlying consequences, two different surface wetting conditions are studied; namely, complete wetting substrate and partial wetting substrate. Our studies reveal that the consequent wetting characteristics are strongly influenced by action of intermolecular forces in presence of surface roughness. The effect of slip, correlation length, and roughness parameters on the dynamic contact angle have been also investigated

    Contact Line Dynamics during the Evaporation of Extended Colloidal Thin Films: Influence of Liquid Polarity and Particle Size

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    Exercising control over the evaporation of colloidal suspensions is pivotal to modulate the coating characteristics for specific uses, wherein the interactions among the liquid, the particles, and the substrate control the process. In the present study, the contact line dynamics of a receding colloidal liquid film consisting of particles of distinctly different sizes (nominal diameters 0.055 and 1 μm and surface unmodified) during evaporation is analyzed. The role of the liquid polarity is also investigated by replacing the polar liquid (water) with a relatively nonpolar liquid (isopropyl alcohol) in the colloidal suspension. The characteristics of the evaporating receding meniscus, namely, the film thickness and the curvature are experimentally evaluated using an image-analyzing interferometry technique. The experimental results are assessed in conjunction with the augmented Young–Laplace equation, highlighting the roles of the relevant components of the disjoining pressure and the polarity of the liquid involved in the colloidal suspension

    Effect of Surface Wettability on Crack Dynamics and Morphology of Colloidal Films

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    The effect of surface wettability on the dynamics of crack formation and their characteristics are examined during the drying of aqueous colloidal droplets (1 μL volume) containing nanoparticles (53 nm mean particle diameter, 1 w/w %). Thin colloidal films, formed during drying, rupture as a result of the evaporation-induced capillary pressure and exhibit microscopic cracks. The crack initiation and propagation velocity as well as the number of cracks are experimentally evaluated for substrates of varying wettability and correlated to their wetting nature. Atomic force and scanning electron microscopy are used to examine the region in the proximity of the crack including the particle arrangements near the fracture zone. The altered substrate–particle Derjaguin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek (DLVO) interactions, as a consequence of the changed wettability, are theoretically evaluated and found to be consistent with the experimental observations. The resistance of the film to cracking is found to depend significantly on the substrate surface energy and quantified by the critical stress intensity factor, evaluated by analyzing images obtained from confocal microscopy. The results indicate the possibility of controlling crack dynamics and morphology by tuning the substrate wettability

    Contact Line Dynamics during the Evaporation of Extended Colloidal Thin Films: Influence of Liquid Polarity and Particle Size

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    Exercising control over the evaporation of colloidal suspensions is pivotal to modulate the coating characteristics for specific uses, wherein the interactions among the liquid, the particles, and the substrate control the process. In the present study, the contact line dynamics of a receding colloidal liquid film consisting of particles of distinctly different sizes (nominal diameters 0.055 and 1 μm and surface unmodified) during evaporation is analyzed. The role of the liquid polarity is also investigated by replacing the polar liquid (water) with a relatively nonpolar liquid (isopropyl alcohol) in the colloidal suspension. The characteristics of the evaporating receding meniscus, namely, the film thickness and the curvature are experimentally evaluated using an image-analyzing interferometry technique. The experimental results are assessed in conjunction with the augmented Young–Laplace equation, highlighting the roles of the relevant components of the disjoining pressure and the polarity of the liquid involved in the colloidal suspension

    Dynamics of Electrically Modulated Colloidal Droplet Transport

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    Electrically actuated transport dynamics of colloidal droplets, on a hydrophobic dielectric film covering an array of electrodes, is studied here. Specifically, the effects of the size and electrical properties (zeta-potential) of the colloidal particles on such transport characteristics are investigated. For the colloidal droplets, the application of an electrical voltage leads to additional attenuation of the local dielectric-droplet interfacial tension. This is due to the electrically triggered enhanced colloidal particle adsorption at the dielectric-droplet interface, in the immediate vicinity of the droplet three-phase contact line (TPCL). The extent of such interfacial particle adsorption, and hence, the extent of the consequential reduction in the interfacial tension, is dictated by the combined effects of the three-phase contact line spreading, particle size, the interfacial electrostatic interaction between the colloidal particles (if charged) and the charged dielectric surface above the activated electrode, and the interparticle electrostatic repulsion. The electrical driving force of varying magnitude, stemming from this altered solid–liquid interfacial tension gradient in the presence of the colloidal particles, culminates in different droplet transport velocity and droplet transfer frequency for different colloidal droplets. We substantiate the inferences from our experimental results by a quasi-steady state force balance model for colloidal droplet transport. We believe that the present work will provide an accurate framework for determining the optimal design and operational parameters for digital microfluidic chips handling colloidal droplets, as encountered in a plethora of applications

    Is the nexus between capital structure and firm performance asymmetric? An emerging market perspective

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    The nature of the relationship between leverage and firm performance has been a subject of investigation in extant literature. We re-examine the nature of the association by using a sample of 78 non-financial firms listed in the Nifty 100 index during the 2013-2023 period by applying the quantile regression technique and comparing the result with the linear regression approach (system GMM technique). Our empirical analysis demonstrates that leverage negatively impacts the performance of firms. Further, results show that the association is non-homogeneous among firms of different quantiles: leverage withers the performance of highly profitable firms (upper quantile) than low profitable firms (lower quantile). The identified concave relationship highlights the prominence of optimal capital structure and the role of finance managers in designing a sound financial policy that matches firm characteristics and borrowing requirements. The findings of our study draw insightful implications for managers and policymakers while contributing to the ongoing leverage and firm performance debate reported in previous studies. Since the pioneering work of Modigliani and Miller, the debate on the relationship between Capital Structure (CS) and Firm Performance (FP) has been a subject of discussion. Consequently, the CS and FP linkage has garnered the attention of several academic scholars. However, the majority of the empirical studies have demonstrated a linear link between CS and FP, whereas the studies on the nonlinear relationship are scant in the existing scholarly studies. Thus, to provide more insights, we used quantile regression techniques, and our results corroborate that the CS and FP relationship is non-homogeneous among Indian firms. To succinctly put, the magnitude of the negative impact of leverage is found to be more around highly profitable firms. Our regression result highlights the importance of maintaining the right capital mix and suggests that large firms should refrain from excessive borrowing. Further, we contend that policymakers must strengthen corporate governance mechanisms and restrict the earnings management activities of the management. Overall, our robust findings enhance the existing body of knowledge while drawing significant implications for management, policymakers, and other stakeholders.</p

    Droplet Impact Dynamics on Biomimetic Replica of Yellow Rose Petals: Rebound to Micropinning Transition

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    Rose petals exhibit a phenomenal wetting property of being sticky and superhydrophobic simultaneously. A recent study has shown that for short timescales, associated with drop impact phenomenon, lotus leaf and rose petal replicas exhibit similar wettability, thereby highlighting the difference between long and short time wettability. Also, short time wetting on rose petals of different colors remains completely unaddressed, as almost all existing study on wetting of rose petals have been performed with the classical red rose (Rosa chinensis). In this paper, we compare the drop impact studies on replicas of a yellow rose petal, with those on extensively studied red rose petal replicas and the lotus leaf over a wide range of Weber number (We), by varying the height of fall (h) from 10 to 375 mm. Our results reveal that over the replica of a yellow rose petal, the initial impact outcome varies from complete rebound to micro pinning and eventually complete pinning depending on the kinetic energy of the impacting drop, in contrast to that on red rose petal replica on which the droplet always pinned. Based on experimental finding, we present a comprehensive regime phase map of the post impact behavior of the drop on different surfaces as a function of impact height. We also present a simple scaling analysis to understand the combined effect of pattern height and periodicity on the critical h corresponding to wetting regime transition. Additionally, variation of maximum spreading diameter and spreading time with the h for the different surfaces is also discussed. The results highlight that the initial impact dynamics of a water drop over a topographically patterned substrate is a strong function of the topographical parameters and can be very different from the equilibrium wetting state