5 research outputs found

    Design and Application of Materials and Tools Work at PT. Dwi Karya Prasetya Nusantara

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    During this time in doing receipt of customer orders, PT Dwi Prasetya Nusantara Works still experienced constraints because there is no regulatory process in the reduction of the amount of the stock tools of work and material. Method of SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) is required to create an application setting materials and tools work-based websites that can help sales manager to perform acceptance customer orders accurately and quickly. Applications can provide information about the materials and work tools data, and can deliver results in the form of the report results.By using this application, the sales manager can accelerate the process of service especially in performing the acceptance of customer orders

    Anlysis of Effect Website STIKOM Institutional Repositories (SIR) at Institute of Business and Information STIKOM Surabaya

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    STIKOM library has four online services such as web one sir.stikom.edu, sir.stikom.edu is institutional repository that contains information collection of scientific papers related to the work of the academic society that is open to anyone. Nevertheless website sir.stikom.edu now deemed less attractive academic faculty and students STIKOM, even based on the results of interviews with the library manager that the academic faculty and students STIKOM more like its old access online services web digilib.stikom.edu. Based on these problems, then this final project conducted a preliminary study to measure the quality of a website in terms of end-user satisfaction and site visitors using WebQual, Of the deployment of questionnaires conducted obtained a sample of 90 respondents. Data from the questionnaire testing the variables with the validity and reliability. Furthermore, the normality test data and test assumptions as a condition for the implementation of the next step that multiple linear regression. Based on the results of this test showed that the variable quality of use (USAbility) with a coefficient of 0.266, the quality of information (information quality) of 0.141, and the quality of interaction (interaction quality) amounted to 0.196 positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction (customer satisfaction) with a coefficient of determination amounting to 0.611 which means WebQual contribution to customer satisfaction by 61%

    Evaluasi Penerimaan Website pada SMA Barunawati dengan Menggunakan Model TECHNOLOGY Acceptance Model 2 (Tam2)

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    Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Barunawati adalah salah satu SMA Swasta yang beralamatkan di JL. Perak Barat No. 173 Surabaya, SMA Barunawati berakreditasi A dan berada dibawah naungan Yayasan Barunawati Biru Surabaya. Berdasarkan data stelah di inputkan dalam www.similarweb.com menunjukkan adanya penurunan jumlah pengunjung website. Dengan menurunnya jumlah pengunjung tersebut, pihak terkait merasakan tidak maksimalnya informasi karena website SMA memiliki kontribusi seperti Fasilitas, profil visi misi, hal seragam sekolah, kontak. Penelitian ini memakai ‘Technology Acceptance Model'2 yang dikatakan dpat untuk memprkirakan tingkat penerimaan aplikasi. Penyesuaian dan pngambilan data dilakukan dengan memberi sebuah kuesioner secara offlinee dengan ditentukan jumlah banyaknya sampel. maka kuesionner terbagi di case ini sebanyak 120 orang.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja memengaruhi penggunaan yang diteliti ditopik ini adalah smabarunawati-sby.sch.id. Lalu Hingga tujuan tersebut dicapai dengan menjelaskan pengaruh antar variabel eksternal

    Design Build the Application Analysis Satisfaction Visitors in the Library and Chancery East Java

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    On the processing officers are still use microsoft excel for performing calculations customer satisfaction that require a long process in the questionnaire and will have an impact on delays in the construction of the evaluation.On a calculation the questionnaire is only in the average satisfaction users and descriptive analysis.In the process of making final report was late as service representative difficulties in the decision to improve the service.For want of customer services will continue to increase who made the gap between hope users and library service.So based on these problems, then required analysis users application satisfaction library. The application can help raise, store, cultivate all the questionnaire at a time and he knows the gap between hope and the fact that able to improve services properly.Then will be tested validity and reliabilitasnya employing correlation product momment pearson and cronbach alpha.After a questionnaire valid data and it is reliable, then will be calculation using modeling gap analysis. With the application it may help staff of the agency library and chancery East Java to analyse satisfaction visitors exact in service of the library