449 research outputs found

    Analisis Skala Ekonomis pada Industri Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    This research also to analyze economies of scale . From this analysis, we will get the degree of Islamic Banking Industry,that is economies or diseconomies degree. The object of this research is Commonly Islamic Banking/ Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) that has operated at least since 2005. This research is using data panel during 2005- 2009 period. The data used is data of quarterly bank unit from financial report of Islamic Banking, there are contain the data of total financing, earnings, current assets, cost of employee, fixed assets and total deposits. From the calculation, has found that during 2005 – 2009 period, Islamic Banking Industry, from the calculation has found that economies of scale is more than 1 , it is mean that Islamic Banking Industry is in economies of scale condition. Individually, Islamic Banking also shows the same condition. The values shows that the existence of Islamic Banking Industryrelatively has a good performance

    Analisis Struktur dan Kinerja: Studi pada Industri Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    The existence of Islamic banking in Indonesia is driven by the desire of the people of Indonesia, especially the Muslims who believe that interest is haram. However, the actual principle of sharing in financial institutions has been widely recognized both in the Islamic and non-Islamic countries. During its development, the Islamic banking industry continue to fluctuate in line with the economic situation that occurred. Such as the global financial crisis of 2008, which adversely affected the economy of Indonesia. However, Islamic banking has the durability and good performance. This research analyzes the market structure and performance of the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. From the research found that the structure of the Islamic banking market in Indonesia led to an oligopoly market structure type 1. In addition a variable structure, market share, FDR and positive influence on the performance of assets, while the NPF negatively affect the performance of the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. This study suggests necessary regulatory implementation of Islamic banking and Islamic principles consistent run, that will create healthy competition in Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. In addition, Islamic banking needs to continue to improve efficiency in its operations, so that the performance of the industry will remain intact

    Analisis Model Vector Auto Regression (Var) terhadap Hubungan antara Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dengan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) di Indonesia

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    This Research interrelationship analysis between economic growth and capital investment foreign (PMA) in Indonesia by using Vektor Auto Regression (VAR). Analysis VAR is good enough analyzer in the case of forecasting. If two variables are anticipated have interrelationship, then in estimate making for first variable must consider second variable behavior, conversely. From research that conducted find that interrelationship between Capital investment foreign (PMA) with Economic growth (PDB) in range of time 1990 pin-cushions 2006 unprovable. Relation/link that happening is unidirectional that is PMA influences Economic growth (PDB) No the happening of interrelationship is referred [as] statistically also can give other indication, that is that economic growth are more determined by other factors, outside Capital investment Asing. If seen data series PDB according to USAge, economic growth Indonesia are more predominated by consumption, not by investment Must existence of continuation research by join capital investment variable, that consisted of PMA and PMDN. For government, effectivity of withdrawal policy PMA must continuity, remember persangan PMA inter-states growing tightens

    Analisis Efisiensi Laba pada Industri Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia dengan Pendekatan Stochastic Frontier Approach (Sfa)

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    This research is to analyze profit eficiency at Islamic Banking Industry in Indonesia, by using Parametric Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA). A purpose to wish influence analysis factor input and output to profit efficiency at Islamic Banking Industry in Indonesia The object of this research is Commonly Islamic Banking/ Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) that has operated at least since 2005. This research is using data panel to measure efficiency during 2005- 2009 period.The data used is data of quarterly bank unit from financial report of Islamic Banking, there are contain the data of total financing, earnings, current assets, cost of employee, fixed assets, total deposits,  From the calculation, has found that during 2005 – 2009 period, Islamic Banking Industry has average of profit eficiency level about 93,41 percent, that is below the 100 percent. Even though, the trend shows that the condition is more efficient. The values shows that the existence of Islamic Banking Industry relatively has a good performance

    The effectivities of zakat productive funds toward zakat recipient income in Palembang

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    This study to investigate effectivities of zakat productive funds toward zakat recipient income in Palembang. Data using primary data which collect through interviews, observation, and documentation with instruments a questionnaire. The method in this study uses the quantitative approach with applying a regression model. The population in this study are all the recipients who receive the funding of zakat productive from BAZNAS of South Sumatra. The findings of this study indicated that the capital of zakat productive, length of business and training has a significant effect on zakat recipient income in Palembang city


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    A purpose this research to the analysis of influence revenue sharing promotion, third party fund, non-performance finances and market share to credit supply at the industry of Islamic banking in Indonesia. This Study use microeconomic . Can be all data system from statistic monthly of Islamic banking and report Islamic banking of Bank Indonesia  Tabulation technique and regression double linear is made the discussion in this research.   From analysis result quantitative by using regression indicates that variable of promotion, third party fund, market share has an effect on positive and significant, nonperformance finances variable has an effect on negative and significant.  Nevertheless, revenue sharing variable not significant, although has an effect on positive to credit supply at the industry of Islamic banking industry in Indonesia. The suggestion is must existence of continuing research by join model in simultaneous between saving and funding.  In other hand policy development of Islamic banking must sharpened and modified in order to market penetration and competitive higher Keywords: Credit Supply, Islamic Banking Â

    Non-Cash Instruments and Money Supply in Indonesia During Pandemic Covid-19

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    The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic phenomenon at the end of 2019 caused non-cash transactions to increase, but several macro variables decreased. The study investigates the relationship between Non-Cash Transactions (through APMK and E-money proxies), National Income (GDP), Money Supply (M0), and Velocity of Money with the Vector Auto Regression method. The data was used from 2010 to 2021 at three different times, before Covid-19 and during Covid-19. Our result confirms that there was a relationship between money supply and non-cash transactions, the positive response occurred in all periods, and the negative response occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic. National income positively impacts money supply and velocity of money during all periods and Covid-19. It implicates that electronic money should be increased because it accelerates the circulation of money and can increase the flow of goods and services.How to Cite:Ferlicia, S., Suhel, S., & Andaiyani, S, (2022). Non-Cash Instruments and Money Supply in Indonesia During Pandemic Covid-19. Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi, 11(2), 383-398. https://doi.org/10.15408/sjie.v11i2.26491.JEL Classification: E41, E5


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    This research also to analyze economies of scale . From this analysis, we will get the degree of Islamic Banking Industry,that is economies or diseconomies degree. The object of this research is Commonly  Islamic Banking/ Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) that has operated at least since 2005. This research is using data panel during 2005- 2009 period. The data used is data of quarterly bank unit from financial report of Islamic Banking, there are contain the data of total financing, earnings, current  assets, cost of employee, fixed assets and total deposits.  From the calculation, has found that during 2005 – 2009 period, Islamic Banking Industry, from the calculation has found that economies of scale is more than 1 , it is mean that Islamic Banking Industry is in economies of scale condition. Individually, Islamic Banking also shows the same condition. The values shows that the existence of Islamic Banking Industryrelatively has a good performance. Keywords: Economic of Scale, Bank Syariah


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    This Research interrelationship analysis between economic growth and capital investment foreign (PMA) in Indonesia by using Vektor Auto Regression (VAR).  Analysis VAR is good enough analyzer in the case of forecasting. If two variables are anticipated have interrelationship, then in estimate making for first variable must consider second variable behavior, conversely.  From research that conducted find that interrelationship between Capital investment foreign (PMA) with Economic growth (PDB) in range of time 1990 pin-cushions 2006 unprovable.  Relation/link that happening is unidirectional that is PMA influences Economic growth (PDB) No the happening of interrelationship is referred [as] statistically also can give other indication, that is that economic growth are more determined by other factors, outside Capital investment Asing.  If seen data series PDB according to usage, economic growth Indonesia are more predominated by consumption, not by investment Must existence of continuation research by join capital investment variable, that consisted of PMA and PMDN.  For government, efectivity of withdrawal policy PMA must continuity, remember persangan PMA inter-states growing tightens. Key Words: Economic growth, Capital investment foreign

    Analisis Kausalitas antara Tabungan Masyarakat dengan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Kota Palembang (Tahun 1995-2013)

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    The goal of this research is to analyze the pattern of the relationship between private savings and economic growth in Palembang period 1995-2013. To determine the relationship pattern used Granger causality test. There are four possibilities causal relationship between St (public savings) and Yt (economic growth) will appear on the causality test: (1). Causality one direction is Yt (economic growth) effect or causes St. (public savings), (2). Causality one direction ie St (public savings) affect or cause Yt (economic growth), (3). Yt (economic growth) and St (public savings) are independent of each other, and (4). Yt (economic growth) and St (public savings) are dependent on each other. Granger causality test results indicate that the economic growth of the previous year affecting people\u27s savings in Palembang. Savings communities affected by the economic growth of 97% and 3% are influenced by other factors. Each 1% increase in economic growth will increase public savings in Palembang is 86%. Future studies are expected to incorporate other factors that affect people\u27s savings and economic growth as the variable interest rates of savings and investment in the city of Palembang
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