67 research outputs found

    Selain Kurikulum Baru (201 3), Apalagi Agenda Pendidikan Kita: Kajian Paradigma Manajemen Pendidikan

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    In educational field, curriculum is not a new part, moreover it is undoubtely used in formal education. However, the changing of its exsistence and content always brings both positive and negative side for the teachers, learners and other elements of the school or institution. Ideally, the goverment, an agent who decides the curriculum, should given a chance tor the teachers to critcize every curriculum which is implemented or used in the school and institution in order to broader the comprehension of them in elaborating the curriculum. After the revision in 2013 about curriculum, in educational management point of view, there are many agendas need to be concerned more such as endeavoring and developing an educator's quality of teaching. Curriculum is simile to a surface of a money. Teacher must understand and accept the curriculum content which its changing in teaching methods and techniques included in, hence the classroom activity can be successfully done. ln contra st, the unreachable aspect of the teacher in intepreting and elaborating the curriculum can create the unsuccessful result of classroom activity. In conclusion, the all aspect of the curri culum implementation to classroom activity depend s on the teache


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    Inovasi merupakan sebuah pembaruan, penemuan yang baru, baik berupa gagasan, metode, alat, dan produk. Inovasi diperlukan sebagai sebuah tahapan proses riset dan pengembangan (research and development). Dalam sebuah lembaga pendidikan sebuah inovasi diperlukan. Dalam tulisan ini mencoba mengurai makna keinovatifan dalam sebuah lembaga pendidikan

    Hubungan antara Minat, dan Sikap Mahasiswa UNISMA Bekasi terhadap Aliran Islam Sempalan dan Ingkar Syariat dengan Perilaku Ibadah Mahasiswa

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    This research topic is the relationship between the Interests, and Attitudes toward Students of Unisma Bekasi Flow islamic Shari'a dissenter Splinter and the Worship of Student Conduct. Based on the analysis results of this study concluded the following: First, there is a positive relationship between students' interest to splinter the flow behavior of the student worship. This suggests that if the interest of students towards Islam splinter flow increases, will also increase the student 's behavior deviates worship. If the low interest of students towards mainstream Islam splinter, then the student will conduct worship in accordance with applicable law. Second, there is a positive relationship between student attitudes toward Islam splinter the flow behavior of the student worship. This shows that if the student attitude toward Islam splinter improved flow, will increase as well worship deviant behavior (not Shari'a compliant) of students. Similarly, the lower the positive attitude of students towards mainstream Islam splinter, then the procedure decreases the tendency to deviate worship among the students. Third, there is a positive relationshipjointly between the interest ofstudents towards mainstream Islam splinter and student attitudes toward mainstream Islam splinter worship with deviant behavior (not Shari'a compliant) of students. This suggests that if the interest of students towards mainstream Islam splinter and student attitudes toward Islam splinter flow increased, so did the worship deviant behavior (not Shari'a compliant) of students. Similarly, the lower the interest and attitudes of students towards mainstream Islam splinter the better behavior of the student worship (Shari'a compliant outlined). It can be concluded that the increase in worship deviant behavior (not Shari'a compliant) of the students contributed to the flow of students through the interest of Islam splinter and positive attitude of students towards mainstream Islam splinter, either separately or together

    Penulisan Judul Skripsi bagi Pemula, Kajian Masalah Empirik dalam Memberikan Penelitian bagi Mahasiswa FAI UNISMA Bekasi

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    In this article explained that the students problems that often become obstacles in doing the writing (scientific papers) is not just a question of the scope of educational material that is still not qualified, but also due to the lack of skills in methodological factors. Early identification of problems in the writing of student thesis can be identified through the analysis of input-process-output. Each comprehensive study requires precise objectives and strategies, so as to gain confidence to implement it. So with the policies and standards of good management, each direction of the development of any subject including Research Methods in Higher Education will obtain maximum results. Need to find a way out for all of these conditions, namely by offering another approach and other study material in the study of Islamic education at the university


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    The objective of the research is to study the relationship between attitude towards entrepreneur and organization ethics. The study was conducted at Kopertais I Jakarta in the year of 2003 with n=60 selected randomly. The finding of the research reveals that there is a positive correlation between attitude towards entrepreneur and organization ethics. Based on the results of the study, organization ethics could be enhanced by improving, attitude towards entrepreneur, charismatic leadership, and emotional intelligence

    Hubungan Antara Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Keluarga Sakinah dengan Motivasi Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam: Survei di SMPN 2 Bekasi Timur

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    This study aimed to determine the relationship between students' perception of sakinah families with the motivation to learn Islamic Education in SMP 2 Jl. Khairil Anwar Margahayu 37 East Bekasi. The method used is quantitative survey method with the correlational approach . This study links between students' perception sakinab family as a variable X and motivation of Islamic Education as a variable Y. The population in this study were students of class VII as many as 135 people. While the sample in this study were 57 students and Random Sampling taken. Before testing the first hypothesis tested is test data analysis of normality and homogeneity tests. From this study it can be concluded that the students 'perception of sakinah family has a positive correlation with the motivation of Islamic Education, meaning that if the students' perception sakinah family increases the motivation to study Islamic education will increase

    Didaktik Metodik Masih Perlukah Sekarang? Sebuah Kajian terhadap Perkembargan Metodologi Pembelajaran di Sekolah

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    Didactic method is a learning discipline oriented to give student teachers competence of teaching methodology. But connected w.th contemporary education issue, the existence of didactic method seems to be asked, whether It is still needed or not This papt:r has presented that didactic method is out of date, and then it should be changed by other up-to-date methods

    Hubungan Antara Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Keluarga Sakinah dengan Motivasi Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam: Survei di SMPN 2 Bekasi Timur

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    This study aimed to determine the relationship between students' perception of sakinah families with the motivation to learn Islamic Education in SMP 2 Jl. Khairil Anwar Margahayu 37 East Bekasi. The method used is quantitative survey method with the correlational approach . This study links between students' perception sakinab family as a variable X and motivation of Islamic Education as a variable Y. The population in this study were students of class VII as many as 135 people. While the sample in this study were 57 students and Random Sampling taken. Before testing the first hypothesis tested is test data analysis of normality and homogeneity tests. From this study it can be concluded that the students 'perception of sakinah family has a positive correlation with the motivation of Islamic Education, meaning that if the students' perception sakinah family increases the motivation to study Islamic education will increase

    HUBUNGAN KOMPETENSI PROFESIONAL DENGAN KINERJA GURU (Survei pada guru bersertifikat di Madrasah Aliyah ATTAQWA 04)

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    Teacher performance certification at Madrasah Aliyah At-Taqwa 04 Bekasi is very important torealize because it determines the achievement of national education goals. The purpose of this studyis to examine the relationship between teacher professional competence and teacher performance atMA At-Taqwa 04 Bekasi City. The main problem in this study is to get an idea of how professionalcompetence and teacher performance certification are the main problems that will be described inthe results of this study. The research method used is quantitative with descriptive analysis. Whilethe data collection techniques include questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The populationin this study were Islamic religious education teachers totaling 20 people with a sample of 20 peopledetermined through saturated sampling techniques. The data analysis was carried out quantitativelyand the hypothesis was tested using the r test formula. The results of this study concluded that thecompetence of teachers was good. Likewise, the teacher's performance is quite good. While therelationship between the influence of professional competence of teachers with teacher performancecertification obtained a value of 0.680 and means at a significant level of 0.05. Thus, the two variables,namely variable X, namely professional competence, and variable Y, the performance of certificationteachers are positively related, meaning that the better the professional competence of teachers, thebetter the performance of certified teachers at MA At-Taqwa 04 Bekasi City

    Hubungan Antara Kecerdasan Emosional dengan Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran PAI: Survei di SMAN 1 Cikarang Barat

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and students' motivation on the subjects of PAI in SMAN 1 Cikarang Barat. The method used is quantitative survey method with the correlational approach. The population in this study were students of class X SMAN 1 Cikarang Barat numbered 400 students. While the sample in this study were 80 students by random sampling technique. The results showed that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and motivation to learn by regresi Ŷ = α + bx, then Y = -30.09 + 1.15x and test correlation coefficient of 0.977. This suggests that emotional intelligence contributed 95.45%. The test results significant to the r value obtained for 0977 was significant at the level α = 0:05 to table the results count r r = 0.977 and r table = 0212, then significant. Thus, it can be concluded that the hypothesis that there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and motivation to learn in SMAN 1 Cikarang Barat "acceptable" and significant. The implication of this study is to improve emotional intelligence and can be done by increasing student motivation on the subjects of PAI in SMAN 1 Cikarang Barat
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