18 research outputs found

    Pencangkokan Secara Radiasi Asam Akrilat Pada Selulosa Dengan Keberadaan Metil Metakrilat

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    PENCANGKOKAN SECARA RADIASI ASAM AKRILAT PADA SELULOSA DENGAN KEBERADAAN METIL METAKRILAT. Dalam studi ini Selulosa pada jerami padi diisolasi secara kimia melalui tahap delipifikasi, demineralisasi, pulping dan delignifikasi. Modifikasi selulosa dilakukan menggunakan metode kopolimerisasi cangkok secara simultan dengan inisiator sinar gamma pada dosis 10 kGy; 20 kGy; 30 kGy; 40 kGy. Sebagai monomer digunakan asam akrilat (AA) dan metil metakrilat (MMA) dengan 2 macam variasi perbandingan konsentrasi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan selulosa yang mempunyai sifat fisik kimia tertentu yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai adsorben ion logam pada limbah cair bersuhu tinggi. Pada paper ini konsentrasi pembahasan lebih pada modifikasi selulosa menggunakan metode pencangkokan secara iradiasi. Dilakukan analisis derajat pencangkokan, rasio pengembangan, temperatur degradasi menggunakan differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) dan gugus fungsi menggunakan FTIR. Hasil studi menunjukan bahwa dosis iradiasi optimal dicapai pada 30 kGy, dengan persen pencangkokan sebesar 87,99 %. Keberhasilan kopolimerisasi ditunjukkan dengan munculnya puncak baru dari gugus fungsi C=O pada bilangan gelombang 1705 cm-1, C=C pada 1576 cm-1. Temperatur degradasi selulosa setelah pencangkokan dicapai pada 550 °C dan rasio pengembangan dalam air sebesar 117,04%. Keberadaan metil metakrilat menurunkan rasio pengembangan kopolimer selulosa-AA dalam air sebesar 335,42% dibandingkan kopolimer selulosa-AA tanpa MMA

    Penyerapan Zat Warna Tekstil Menggunakan Polisakarida–g–asam Akrilat

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    PENYERAPAN ZAT WARNA TEKSTIL MENGGUNAKAN POLISAKARIDA–g–ASAMAKRILAT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan polisakarida yang terdapatpada kulit pisang sebagai penyerap zat warna tekstil (Maxilon Yellow) sebelum dan sesudahdilakukan proses grafting. Kopolimerisasi grafting polisakarida dilakukan dengan mengguna-kanasam akrilat sebagai monomer dan diiradiasi menggunakan sinar gamma sebagai inisiator.Parameter yang diobservasi adalah kemampuan penyerapan zat warna, waktu perendamandengan KOH, konsentrasi asam akrilat, dosis iradiasi dan ketahanan terhadap asam. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan penyerapan optimum oleh sampel diperoleh pada ko-polimerisasipolisakarida –asam akrilat (P-AA) dengan perendaman dalam KOH selama 3 jam, konsentrasiasam akrilat sebesar 20% dan dosis iradiasi 30 kGy. Kemampuan polisakarida–g–asam akrilatdalam menyerap zat warna Maxilon Yellow setelah dilakukan proses grafting meningkatsebesar 18,48% selain itu ketahanan fisik terhadap asam meningkat secara signifikan. Hasilpenelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan limbah zat warna pada industri tekstil

    Modification of Banana Peel Powder for Absorbent of Metal Ion Mn(ii) and Cr(vi)

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    In this study Banana Peel Powder (BPP) was modified. Modification shave done by cross linking the poly saccharide of banana peel with Epichlorohydrin (Epi) as crosslinker agent and gamma rays as initiator. This modification aims to improve the physical and chemical properties of BPP in order to extend the life time and increase the adsorption capacity of metalions. The results showed that the optimum irradiationdose on a modified banana peel powder (MBPP) was achieved at a dose of 10 kGy with Epi concentration of 10 %. Under these conditions, the MBPP ability to absorb metal ion Mn (II) increased up to 160 % compared to the pre modified. But the MBPP ability to absorb metal ion Cr (VI) decreased by 43.10 %. There were improvements in acid resistant of the MBPP, the acid resistant test indicated by a decrease of 104.55 %. Fourier Transform-Infra Red (FT-IR) analysis seen a shift in wave peak numbers before and after irradiation, indicating the occurrence of crosslinking reaction in the polysaccharide

    Biodegradability of Irradiated Poly(butylene Succinate-co-adipate) in the Presence of Aditif

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    BIODEGRADABILITY OF IRRADIATED POLY(BUTYLENE SUCCINATE-co-ADIPATE) IN THE PRESENCE OF ADITIF. Poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) (PBSA) was mixed with Silicon dioxide, Carbon black, and Trimethallyl Isocyanurate (TMAIC), respectively. The rate of biodegradability was investigated using Microbial Oxidative Degradation Analyzer (MODA), enzymatic and soil burial test. It was pointed out that the rate of biodegradability of irradiated PBS1 containing 2% silicon dioxide and 2% carbon black, respectively, much faster than that of irradiated pure PBS1. This phenomenon is due to the enlargement of the sample\u27s surface caused by the presence of inorganic material in the sample, thus easier for enzymes to introduce inside polymer. On the other side irradiated PBSA contains TMAIC has lower biodegradation rate than irradiated original PBSA at the same irradiation dose, in this case the biodegradation rate depend on gel fraction of the sample

    The Heat Stability of Radiation Crosslinked of Bionolle

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    Bionollewith chemical names Poly (butylene succinate-co-adipate) (PBS), were irradiated using electron beam (EB) in the presence of two different polyfunctional monomers at ambient temperature. It was pointed out that the highest amount of gel fraction could be achieved when PBS was blend with trimethallyl isocyanurate (TMAIC). It was obtained that crosslinked PBS containing 1% of TMAIC produces higher gel fraction than that crosslinked PBS containing 2 or 3% of TMAIC at dose of 50 kGy. It was observed that the presence of crosslinking bonds in irradiated PBS greatly improved its heat stability as well as diminished its ability to biodegradation. Accordingly, it can be concluded that crosslinked PBS in the presence of TMAIC has significantly improved heat resistant properties

    Radiation Copolymer Addition and Viscosity Index Improvement of Recovery Synthetic Lubricant Oil

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    In this study, irradiation copolymer of natural rubber latexmethyl methacrylate ( NRL-co-MMA) was added into recovery synthetic and mineral lubricant oil as samples at concentration of 0.25%, 0.70%, 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%. The viscosity index and kinematic viscosity of samples were compared to commercial lubricant oils. The results shown that viscosity index of recovery sinthetyc lubricant oil increased more than 50% at 0.25% addition of NRL-co-MMA. At similar addition of NRL-co-MMA, the viscosity index of mineral lubricant oil increased up to 11%. Pour point of samples were less than minus 36, means fulfill the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standard. The total base number of lubricant samples increased significantly by NRL-co-MMA addition

    Sintesis Selulosa-g-asam Akrilat-stiren sebagai Adsorben Ion Logam

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    SYNTHESIS OFCELLULOSE-g-ACRYLICACID-STYRENEASMETALIONADSORBENT. Acrylic acid and styrene were grafted onto cellulose by using gamma rays from cobalt-60 as the initiator. The research aims to improve the physical and chemical properties of grafted copolymer of cellulose-acrylic acid (Cell-g-AA) as Pb2+ metal ion adsorbent. The results showed that the optimumirradiation dose for the grafting of acrylic acid and styrene on the cellulose was achieved at 30 kGy.An improvement of the degree of swelling (% S) of Cell-g-AA from 470% to 89% at simultaneously grafting with irradiation dose of 30 kGy. Characterization of functional groups using Fourier Transform InfraRed Spectroscopy (FT-IR) showed the presence of new spectrum at Cell-g-AA-St. Morphological analysis using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) showed that the size of the fiber Cell-g-AA-St was 67%higher than that before the grafting. The results using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX) showed that metal ions Pb2+ , Mn2+ dan Ni2+ can be adsorped by the Cell-g-AA-St copolymer. The adsorption capability of the copolymer is best on Pb2+ , then Ni2+ and the lowest on Mn2+