9 research outputs found

    Morfoanatomi Polen Tumbuhan Mangrove Di Pantai Banjir Kanal Timur, Semarang

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    Indonesia has the largest mangrove area in the world that covering an area of 2.5-5 million ha. Indonesia's vast mangrove area has been declined by 50%. Locations that becoming sampling stations, namely East Flood Canal (BKT) undergo abrasion that caused water-logging in mangrove forest areas that affect the diversity of plants in it. Plant diversity can be learned through the pollen of plants. Morphology-anatomy can be used as additional criteria for identifying plant species. The aim of this study was to determine the diversity of plants and morphology-anatomy pollen of plants on the coast BKT. Sampling was conducted using roaming at both locations. Data were analyzed by making the description and classification. The results showed that mangrove forests in BKT have a diversity of plants as many as 9 species. Morphology-anatomy pollen of different species have a variety of shapes and sizes

    Status Trofik Danau Rawapening Dan Solusi Pengelolaannya

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    ---Eutrofikasi adalah pengkayaan perairan oleh unsur hara, khususnya nitrogen dan fosfor sehingga mengakibatkan pertumbuhan tidak terkontrol dari tumbuhan air. Berdasarkan kandungan unsur haranya, maka perairan dapat dikategorikan menjadi oligotrofik, mesotrofik dan eutrofik. Danau Rawapening menerima inlet dari 16 sungai dan hanya memiliki 1 outlet, menyebabkan akumulasi materi yang cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji status trofik Danau Rawapening, sehingga dapat menjadi landasan dalam upaya pengembangan pengelolaannya. Pengambilan sampel air dilakukan pada Februari 2008 pada 7 titik untuk analisis fitoplankton dan kandungan total nitrogen, fosfor, silikon, potasium, kalsium dan mangaan. Pengukuran temperatur, DO, pH, kekeruhan, konduktivitas, turbiditas dilakukan secara in-situ. Pengambilan sampel air untuk analisis BOD dilakukan menggunakan 2 botol gelap 300mL, botol pertama diukur DO0, botol ke-2 diinkubasi selama 5 hari kemudian dihitung DO5.. Penghitungan kandungan klorofil menggunakan metode spektrofotometri. Berdasarkan kandungan klorofilnya, maka dapat dihitung nilai produktivitas primer. Berdasarkan kandungan Total Fosfor Danau Rawa Pening dalam kondisi mesotropik, tapi berdasarkan kandungan Total Nitrogen dankecerahan perairan yang kurang dari 2 meter termasuk dalam kondisi eutrofik. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh dominannya Aulacoseira granulata dan Melosira varians. Kualitas air seperti pH, DO, kecerahan, kandungan logam berat mengalami degradasi dan cenderung melebihi ambang batas Baku Mutu Lingkungan. Ekoteknologi merupakan pendekatan yang dapat diimplementasikan di Danau Rawapening, menjadikan eceng gondok sebagai sabuk hijau, dan pembuatan preimpoundment di hilir inlet sebelum masuk ke danau

    Metode Bioprediksi Perubahan Iklim Menggunakan Fosil Polen Dan Sporapada Kala Pliosen Di Daerah Banyumas

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    Pollen and spore fossil of Pliocene sedimentary (Tapak Formation) have been used as a guidance for prediction (bioprediction) of climate change which happened at Pliocene age in Banyumas. Geomorphological and vegetation changes happenin conformity with climate changes. By knowing pollen and shpore fossils, we can know thetype of vegetation whichproduce it. Then pollen and shprore fossils which found widelyon the sedimentary rock is an exact way for tracing of climate change which had happened. The aimof this research is to explore bioprediction method base on polen andsphore data, to know morphological change which happened because of climate change on Plioceneage in Banyumas.This research consist of field and labolatory work. Field work is for taking rock sample andmaking stratigraphic collumn. Labolatory work consist of making plate from the samples using asetolisis methode, identification and clasification of fosils and palynology analisis.The result of the research show that the research areacan be included on the zone ofPodocarpus imbricatusfrom Late Pliocene Age which is shown by presence ofPodocarpus imbricatusandStenochlaenidites Papuanus.There has 3 events of climate change that are hot-cold-hot which corelate withtransgresion (relative sea level rise) andregresion (relative sea level drop

    Dinamika Vegetasi Mangrove Holosen Daerah Semarang Berdasarkan Bukti Palinologi

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    Palynological evidences (pollen and spores) have been used to study mangrove diversity and vegetation fluctuation at coastal zone sites at Muktiharja, Kemijen Semarang , province of Central Java. Data was collected in April 2nd to April 17th 2006 following transect method, for sediments sampling used surface subsurface sampling method (depth in 25cm). Pollen preparation used Acetolysis method. The result showed that mangrove forest in the coastal zone of Muktiharja, Kemijen Semarang was dominated by Rhizophoarceae pollen type (included Rhizophora genus : Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa dan Rhizophora apiculata). Vegetation of mangrove forrest in this bay was fluctuated which terrestrial climate was influenced in this mangrove forrest

    Diatom Stratigraphy of Mangrove Ecosystems on the Northern Coast of Central Java

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    The natural mangrove ecosystems along the Northern Coast of Central Java were very limited in extent, even had replanted almost twenty years ago. Naturally, the upper layer of sediment are the latest deposition (superposition). Environmental condition recently are recorded in the top sediment layer, and can be used to reconstruct past condition (the present is the key to the past). The potential use of diatoms to reconstruct palaeoecology is well established. Diatoms are microscopic algae that form siliceous frustules which make them well preserved in sediment. Diatoms and their assemblages are very useful as integrated indicators of environmental changes because their distribution is closely linked to water quality parameters as well as their affinities to several physical habitats. This research was conducted in order to determine the changes of mangrove ecosystem in the Northern Coast of Central Java based on diatom stratigraphy. Sediment samples from mangrove sites were taken from Pekalongan, Brebes, Semarang, Demak and Rembang. Diatom analysis, consist of digestion, preparation, and identification. The diatom stratigraphy was performed by Software of C2 1.5.1. Stratigraphycally, the mangrove ecosystems along the Northern Coast of Central Java were previously more influenced by freshwater rather than the marine sources which dominate today

    Komunitas Fitoplankton Danau Rawapening

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    Fitoplankton merupakan produsen primer perairan, sehingga keberadaannya sangat penting untuk tingkatan trofik di atasnya. Komunitas fitoplankton sangat ditentukan oleh kualitas perairan, sehingga fitoplankton dapat digunakan sebagai bioindikator kualitas perairan. Tekanan lahan di bagian hulu merupapan problem utama Danau Rawapening.Volume air Danau Rawapening cenderung menurun sebagai akibat sedimentasi yang cukup tinggi, sehingga mengganggu fungsi utamanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji komunitas fitoplankton Danau Rawapening. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 7 lokasi di Danau Rawapening. Identifikasi fitoplankton dilakukan menggunakan SRC dan mikroskup perbesaran 400 – 1.000 kali. Dijumpai 58 spesies fitoplankton dengan dominansi Bacillariophyta. Berdasarkan keanekaragaman fitoplankton, maka ekosistem Danau Rawapening kurang stabil – cukup stabil. Dominannya Aulacoseira granulata mengindikasikan kondisi eutrofik danau. Penelitian perlu dilanjutnya pada musim dan waktu yang berbeda