30 research outputs found

    Sr2+ binding to the Ca2+ binding site of the synaptotagmin 1 C2B domain triggers fast exocytosis without stimulating SNARE interactions

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    Sr2+ triggers neurotransmitter release similar to Ca2+, but less efficiently. We now show that in synaptotagmin 1 knockout mice, the fast component of both Ca2+- and Sr2+-induced release is selectively impaired, suggesting that both cations partly act by binding to synaptotagmin 1. Both the C(2)A and the C2B domain of synaptotagmin 1 bind Ca2+ in phospholipid complexes, but only the C2B domain forms Sr2+/phospholipid complexes; therefore, Sr2+ binding to the C2B domain is sufficient to trigger fast release, although with decreased efficacy. Ca2+ induces binding of the synaptotagmin C, domains to SNARE proteins, whereas Sr2+ even at high concentrations does not. Thus, triggering of the fast component of release by Sr2+ as a Ca2+ agonist involves the formation of synaptotagmin/ phospholipid complexes, but does not require stimulated SNARE binding

    The synaptic vesicle protein CSP alpha prevents presynaptic degeneration

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    Cysteine string protein Ī± (CSPĪ±)ā€”an abundant synaptic vesicle protein that contains a DNA-J domain characteristic of Hsp40 chaperonesā€”is thought to regulate Ca2+ channels and/or synaptic vesicle exocytosis. We now show that, in young mice, deletion of CSPĪ± does not impair survival and causes no significant changes in presynaptic Ca2+ currents or synaptic vesicle exocytosis as measured in the Calyx of Held synapse. At 2ā€“4 weeks of age, however, CSPĪ±-deficient mice develop a progressive, fatal sensorimotor disorder. The neuromuscular junctions and Calyx synapses of CSPĪ±-deficient mice exhibit increasing neurodegenerative changes, synaptic transmission becomes severely impaired, and the mutant mice die at āˆ¼2 months of age. Our data suggest that CSPĪ± is not essential for the normal operation of Ca2+ channels or exocytosis but acts as a presynaptic chaperone that maintains continued synaptic function, raising the possibility that enhanced CSPĪ± function could attenuate neurodegenerative diseases

    Membrane fusion and exocytosis.

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    Rab3 superprimes synaptic vesicles for release: Implications for short-term synaptic plasticity

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    Presynaptic vesicle trafficking and priming are important steps in regulating synaptic transmission and plasticity. The four closely related small GTP-binding proteins Rab3A, Rab3B, Rab3C, and Rab3D are believed to be important for these steps. In mice, the complete absence of all Rab3s leads to perinatal lethality accompanied by a 30% reduction of probability of Ca2+-triggered synaptic release. This study examines the role of Rab3 during Ca2+-triggered release in more detail and identifies its impact on short-term plasticity. Using patch-clamp electrophysiology of autaptic neuronal cultures from Rab3-deficient mouse hippocampus, we show that excitatory Rab3-deficient neurons display unique time- and frequency-dependent short-term plasticity characteristics in response to spike trains. Analysis of vesicle release and repriming kinetics as well as Ca2+ sensitivity of release indicate that Rab3 acts on a subset of primed, fusion competent vesicles. They lower the amount of Ca2+ required for action potential-triggered release, which leads to a boosting of release probability, but their action also introduces a significant delay in the supply of these modified vesicles. As a result, Rab3-induced modifications to primed vesicles causes a transient increase in the transduction efficacy of synaptic action potential trains and optimizes the encoding of synaptic information at an intermediate spike frequency range

    Membrane fusion

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    Membrane fusion, one of the most fundamental processes in life, occurs when two separate lipid membranes merge into a single continuous bilayer. Fusion reactions share common features, but are catalyzed by diverse proteins. These proteins mediate the initial recognition of the membranes that are destined for fusion and pull the membranes close together to destabilize the lipid/water interface and to initiate mixing of the lipids. A single fusion protein may do everything or assemblies of protein complexes may be required for intracellular fusion reactions to guarantee rigorous regulation in space and time. Cellular fusion machines are adapted to fit the needs of different reactions but operate by similar principles in order to achieve merging of the bilayers

    Localization versus function of Rab3 proteins - Evidence for a common regulatory role in controlling fusion

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    Rab3A, Rab3B, Rab3C, and Rab3D constitute a family of GTP- binding proteins that are implicated in regulated exocytosis. Various localizations and distinct functions have been proposed for different and occasionally even for the same Rab3 protein. This is exemplified by studies demonstrating that deletion of Rab3A in knock-out mice results in dysregulation of the final stages of exocytosis, whereas overexpression of Rab3A in neuroendocrine cells causes nearly complete inhibition of Ca2+- triggered exocytosis. We have now examined the properties of all Rab3 proteins in the same assays, with the long-term goal of identifying a common conceptual framework for their functions. Using quantitative immunoblotting, we found that all four Rab3 proteins were expressed in brain and endocrine tissues, although at widely different levels. Rab3A, Rab3B, and Rab3C co-localized to synaptic and secretory vesicles consistent with potential redundancy, whereas Rab3D was expressed at high levels only in the endocrine pituitary (where it was more abundant than Rab3A, Rab3B, and Rab3C combined), in exocrine glands, and in adipose tissue. In transfected PC12 cells, all four Rab3 proteins strongly inhibited Ca2+-triggered exocytosis. Except for a mutation that fixes Rab3 into a permanently GDP-bound state, all Rab3 mutations tested had no effect on this inhibition, including a mutation in the calmodulin-binding site that was described as inactivating (Coppola, T., Perret-Menoud, V., Luthi, S., Farnsworth, C. C., Glomset, J. A., and Regazzi, R. (1999) EMBO J. 18, 5885- 5891).:Unexpectedly, overexpression of wild type Rab3A and permanently GTP-bound mutant Rab3A in PC12 cells caused a loss of secretory vesicles and an increase in constitutive, Ca2+- independent exocytosis that correlated with the inhibition of regulated Ca2+-triggered exocytosis. Our data indicate that overexpression of Rab3 in PC12 cells impairs the normal control of the final step in exocytosis, thereby converting the regulated secretory pathway into a constitutive pathway. These results offer an hypothesis that reconciles Rab3 transfection and knockout studies by suggesting that Rab3 functions as a gatekeeper of a late stage in exocytosis