1,316 research outputs found

    Data compression through separation, transmission and encoded values of RGB

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    This introduces a novel algorithm for image compression meaning to diminishdata parcel size, bringing about powerful transfer speed use duringdata transmissions. The algorithm alluded to as Differential Subtraction Chain (DSC) comprises of three stages. Initially, it isolates a image document to three matrices of RGB. Second, it registers component astute various qualities in every pixel among R and G matrices, and among G and B frameworks. Third, the various qualities are twofold encoded and changed to successive vectors all together fordata transmissions. In our MATLAB reproductions, the exhibition measure is compression proportion which is determined by [1-(packeddata size/uniquedata size)] 100%. The compression proportions yielded by our DSC tried with three benchmarking images of city, Lenna and Mandrill are 44.02%, 42.02% and 39.86%, individually

    Smooth Non-negative Matrix Factorization framework for visually appealing storyboard

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    We present a novel framework to consequently identify occasions from search log information and produce storyboards where the occasions are orchestrated sequentially. We picked picture look log as the asset for occasion mining, as search logs can straightforwardly mirror individuals' inclinations. To find occasions from log information, we present a Smooth Nonnegative Matrix Factorization structure (SNMF) which consolidates the data of question semantics, transient relationships, search logs and time congruity. Also, we consider the time factor a significant component since various occasions will create in various time inclinations. Also, to give a media-rich and outwardly engaging storyboard, every occasion is related with a lot of delegate photographs orchestrated along a course of events. These applicable photographs are naturally chosen from picture query items by investigating picture content features

    Novel magnetic properties of graphene: Presence of both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic features and other aspects

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    Investigations of the magnetic properties of graphenes prepared by different methods reveal that dominant ferromagnetic interactions coexist along with antiferromagnetic interactions in all the samples. Thus, all the graphene samples exhibit room-temperature magnetic hysteresis. The magnetic properties depend on the number of layers and the sample area, small values of both favoring larger magnetization. Molecular charge-transfer affects the magnetic properties of graphene, interaction with a donor molecule such as tetrathiafulvalene having greater effect than an electron-withdrawing molecule such as tetracyanoethyleneComment: 16 pges, 5 figure

    Genetic analysis of variegation mutants of pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum

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    Intercrosses between different variegated lines of Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br. were made to determine their allelic composition and the number of loci controlling plastid alterations. Self-pollinations of different variegated plants resulted in normal, variegated, and yellow or white progeny. Crosses among yellow stripe mutants (IP 5009, IP 9712, IP 482) resulted in normal and yellow progeny in the F1, and normal and yellow stripe in the F2 generations, indicating the complementary interaction of two loci in each cross. Reciprocal crosses between the yellow stripe mutants IP 5009 and IP 13160-1 revealed similarity in their genotypes. Progeny composition from the crosses between the white stripe mutants VCM-36 and GWS-14 indicated their genotypic similarities. Crosses between yellow stripe and white stripe mutants (IP 5009 × VCM-36, IP 482 × VCM-36) indicated differences in their genotypes. Comparison of segregation patterns in the progenies of intercrosses revealed at least 4 independent loci, any one of which in recessive condition leads to mutant phenotype(s) while the development of chlorophyll is accomplished by the complementary interaction of dominant genes at these loci. Among the recessive genotypes in the F2s from intergenotypic crosses, the mutant phenotypes fell short of expectation, indicating differential penetrance in expression

    Interspecific hybridization with Hordeum bulbosum and development of hybrids and haploids

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    Subrahmanyam, N.C. and Bothmer, R. von, 1987. Interspecific hybridization with Hordeum bulbosum and development of hybrids and haploids. - Hereditas 106: 119-127. Lund, Sweden. ISSN 001-0661. Received May 2, 1986.A total of 64 interspecific crossing combinations with H. bulbosum (2x and 4x) were attempted. The maximum seed set was generally very high. Progeny was obtained in 19 combinations with diploid and 13 combinations with tetraploid H. bulbosum. As a result of selective chromosome elimination, haploids were recorded in 7 interspecific combinations with diploid and 7 with tctraploid H. bulbosum. There are 7 new haploid-producing combinations, viz. H. cordobense monohaploids, H. marinum mono- and dihaploids. and H. brevisubularum di- and trihaploids in crosses with H. bulbosum (4x), H. capense dihaploids and H. murinum dihaploids with H. bulbosum (2x). The theory of a hierarchical chromosome elimination system is strengthened by the present results.Roland yon Bothmer, Department of Crop Genetics and Breeding, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, S-268 00 Svalov, Sweden

    Femtosecond carrier dynamics and saturable absorption in graphene suspensions

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    Nonlinear optical properties and carrier relaxation dynamics in graphene, suspended in three different solvents, are investigated using femtosecond (80 fs pulses) Z-scan and degenerate pumpprobe spectroscopy at 790 nm. The results demonstrate saturable absorption property of graphene with a nonlinear absorption coefficient, betabeta, of ~2 to 9x10^-8 cm/W. Two distinct time scales associated with the relaxation of photoexcited carriers, a fast one in the range of 130-330 fs (related to carrier-carrier scattering) followed by a slower one in 3.5-4.9 ps range (associated with carrier-phonon scattering) are observed.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Ultrastructure of the epithelial cells and oleo-gumresin secretion in Boswellia serrata (Burseraceae)

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    The ultrastructure of epithelial cells of oleo-gumresin ducts in Boswellia serrata, the source of Indian olibanum, is described. Oleo-gumresin ducts are present in primary and secondary phloem. The duct lumen forms an enlarged apoplastic space surrounded by epithelial cells. The epithelial cells are rich in dictyosomes, lipid bodies, mitochondria with dilated cristae, multivesicular bodies, osmiophilic materials, plastids and vesicIes. Plastids have poorly developed internal membranes. Dictyosomes and plastids are possible sites of resin synthesis. The gum component of the exudate is formed in dictyosomes and from the outer layers of the inner tangential wall (wall facing the duct lumen). This wall is replenished from inside by the activity of dictyosomes. The secretory materials are transported to the apoplast by granulocrine and eccrine secretion. They migrate through the loose microfibrils of the inner tangential wall into the duct lumen. Rarely, epithelial cells of young ducts have rudimentary plasmodesmata on the inner tangential wall which may be channels for passage of secretory materials into the duct lumen