39 research outputs found
Reviewing development of active labour market policies and the evaluation techniques
Active labor market policies are commonly used tool to fight unemployment. In the early 1960s all Scandinavian countires have introduced several different measures to have an effect on their labor markets. In the late 1970s in most developed countries of OECD government expenditures on those policies reached the level of 1-1.5% of GDP. High levels of expenditures created a need to assess the impact of such measures and perform their cost-benefit analysis. Evaluations have in the previous 30 years been undertaken by using different methods: from experimental and quasi-experimental, to micro and macro analyses. Most precise evaluations are based on complex econometric methods. Moreover, during last decade there have been several meta-analyses to make cross-analysis of evaluations made worldwide in a long time-span. General conclusions of most papers are that ALMP do not have very high influence on the employability. The best results are experienced in services provided by local national employment services, as well in training programs, especially in on-job training. In the last few years there have appeared some indications that subsidized employment has high positive effects, however there is no general consensus on that matter. Despite large number of published papers on evaluations, there has been no research aimed on analyzing overall ALMP effects on the economy, and creation of a model which could ex-ante estimate future effects of ALMP.Active policies, evaluation, econometric models, economy
Considerations regarding investments efficiency in agriculture
In the present days, we consider that it will be very interesting and useful to do some research on the agricultural sector (distinct from the industrial and other sectors of economic activity), although the process of globalization in modern economies determine trends converged approach and integrated development of rural and urban areas. In this paper we will try do some considerations regarding the problems of agricultural production and some characteristic ways of addressing the economic efficiency of investments held within it.agriculture, efficiency, investments, effectiveness.
Strategy elements of export improvement in agro-economy of Serbia
In forthcoming period, export organizations are going to face tougher competition, which will significantly influence on expectable export effects of their products. This factor must be counted on, and the only way to long-term neutralize the negative effects, based on insufficient competitiveness of domestic goods, is in constant efforts for competitiveness level increment of these products. That is to say, all reserves, primarily in the field of larger productivity and decreasing the production costs have to be engaged in this plan. That implies also certainly slower prices increment, as well as solutions regarding adequate export impulse and relief of export - oriented production, which would certainly help to react more efficient and faster to conditions on foreign market. Regarding comparative advantages, Serbia insufficiently uses even realistic natural possibilities for agricultural products production.agro-economy, strategy, export, cooperation
Reviewing development of active labour market policies and the evaluation techniques
Active labor market policies are commonly used tool to fight unemployment. In the early 1960s all Scandinavian countires have introduced several different measures to have an effect on their labor markets. In the late 1970s in most developed countries of OECD government expenditures on those policies reached the level of 1-1.5% of GDP. High levels of expenditures created a need to assess the impact of such measures and perform their cost-benefit analysis. Evaluations have in the previous 30 years been undertaken by using different methods: from experimental and quasi-experimental, to micro and macro analyses. Most precise evaluations are based on complex econometric methods. Moreover, during last decade there have been several meta-analyses to make cross-analysis of evaluations made worldwide in a long time-span. General conclusions of most papers are that ALMP do not have very high influence on the employability. The best results are experienced in services provided by local national employment services, as well in training programs, especially in on-job training. In the last few years there have appeared some indications that subsidized employment has high positive effects, however there is no general consensus on that matter. Despite large number of published papers on evaluations, there has been no research aimed on analyzing overall ALMP effects on the economy, and creation of a model which could ex-ante estimate future effects of ALMP
Organizacija i racionalna eksploatacija maŔinsko-traktorskog parka na poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima u južnom Banatu
Agriculture, as one of the fundamental branches of national economy, as
creator of GDP and user of scientific and technical progress, represents both for the
South Banat County and for Serbia as a whole the traditional and important economic
activity that operates in appropriate natural conditions much more convenient than it is
situation in the most countries situated in the same part of Europe. In the process of
reforms as well as preparation of our country for accession to European Union (EU),
implementation of the goals given in the national program for economic revitalization as
well as higher respecting of the market economy postulates are caused, to a great extent,
by realization of higher degree efficiency as well as profitability of production and
productive factors.
Appropriate and in time application of mechanization has particular importance in
realization of adequate measures for increase of agricultural production intensity. It usually
refers to the need of adequate agro-technical measures realization as well as to the need of
fulfilling optimal deadlines. In accordance with that, the endeavors of farms are directed to
purchase of modern mechanization as well as its better utilization, i.e. onto the modern
technological procedures.
The topic of this paper is determination of organization and economic conditions for
optimal agricultural mechanization utilization, which mostly depends on level of the
mechanization equipping at the farm, than on the average tractor power, degree of the tractor
capacity utilization, way of composition of machinesā set, functional maintenance of technical
facilities as well as the total organization process of those activities aiming at an efficiency
increase of the newly bought machines compared to the existing machinery and tractor stock
of equipment.Poljoprivreda, kao jedna od baznih grana nacionalne ekonomije, stvaralac bruto
domaÄeg proizvoda (BDP) i korisnik nauÄno-tehniÄkog progresa, predstavlja kako za Južnobanatski
okrug, tako i za Srbiju u celini tradicionalnu i znaÄajnu ekonomsku delatnost, koja se
odvija u prirodno odgovarajuÄim uslovima, povoljnijim nego u veÄini zemalja ovog dela
Evrope. U procesu reformi i pripremanja naŔe zemlje za pristupanje Evropskoj uniji (EU),
realizacija ciljeva nacionalnog programa za ekonomski oporavak i veÄe respektovanje
postulata tržiŔne ekonomije jesu, u velikoj meri, uslovljeni ostvarivanjem viŔeg stepena
efektivnosti i rentabilnosti proizvodnje i proizvodnih faktora.
Celishodna i blagovremena primena mehanizacije ima poseban znaÄaj u sprovoÄenju
adekvatnih mera za poveÄanje intenziteta poljoprivredne proizvodnje. To se po pravilu
odnosi kako na potrebu izvrÅ”enja odreÄenih agrotehniÄkih mera, tako i na potrebu da se ove
aktivnosti realizuju u odreÄenim optimalnim rokovima. Shodno tome, napori poljoprivrednih
gazdinstava su usmereni na kupovinu savremene mehanizacije i njeno Å”to bolje koriÅ”Äenje, tj.
na savremene tehnoloŔke postupke.
Predmet ovog rada je odreÄivanje organizaciono-ekonomskih uslova za optimalnu
upotrebu poljoprivredne mehanizacije, Å”to u najveÄoj meri zavisi od nivoa opremljenosti
gazdinstva mehanizaciijom, proseÄne snage traktora, stepena iskoriÅ”Äenja kapaciteta
traktora, naÄina sastavljanja maÅ”inskog agregata, funkcionalnog održavanja tehnike i
ukupnog procesa organizacije onih aktivnosti koje imaju za cilj poveÄanje efektivnosti
novokupljenih maÅ”ina u odnosu na postojeÄi maÅ”insko-traktorski park
Ekonomski aspekti koriÅ”Äenja poljoprivredne mehanizacije u Srbiji
As an important production factor and an element of the fixed capital,
mechanization has significant role in the process of agricultural production. Its
importance has both technical and socio-economic character, as the tractors and other
agricultural machinery had radically changed rural life as well as the way of land
cultivation ā they increased labour productivity in agricultural production and decreased
the operating costs.
In the preparation period for integration of our country into the European countries'
family, technical equipping of agriculture has reflected the basic component important for
functionality of the new agrarian structures. Replacement of depreciated mechanization
and provision of enough high-performance tractors as well as other modern agricultural
machinery necessary for the farms (both in direct way or in an indirect one ā through
different forms of financing, cooperation and mutual support), represent determinants for
undisturbed and in-time implementation of agricultural in-field operations as well as other
activities in crop and livestock production.
In this paper the authors try to display the basic economic aspects of agricultural
mechanization utilization in Serbia as well as to compare existing situation with the
similar one in neighbouring countries (area of ex-SFRJ), then with the Central and
Eastern Europe countries (CEE) and finally with some EU countries (EU-15).
In addition to that, this analysis includes the basic characteristics of agrarian policy
aiming at agricultural mechanization recovery and improvement in Serbia, as well as the
support of this policy (supporting financial resources for recovery of agricultural
equipment and mechanization as well as for rural improvement).Kao važan proizvodni faktor i element fiksnog kapitala, mehanizacija ima
znaÄajnu ulogu u procesu poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Njen znaÄaj ima kako tehniÄki,
tako i druÅ”tveno-ekonomski karakter, buduÄi da su traktori i poljoprivredne maÅ”ine
radikalno izmenile život na selu i naÄin obrade zemljiÅ”ta - poveÄale su produktivnost
rada u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji i smanjile troŔkove eksploatacije.
U pripremnom periodu za integraciju naŔe zemlje u porodicu evropskih zemalja,
tehniÄka opremljenost poljoprivrede reflektuje osnovnu komponentu od koje zavisi
funkcionalnost novih agrarnih struktura. Zamena dotrajale mehanizacije i obezbeÄenje
dovoljnog broja visoko-performansnih traktora i ostalih savremenih poljoprivrednih
maÅ”ina za potrebe poljoprivrednih gazdinstava (bilo direktno, bilo indirektno ā kroz
razliÄite forme finansiranja, kooperacije i uzajamne pomoÄi), jeste determinanta za
nesmetano i blagovremeno obavljanje kako poljskih, tako i ostalih radova koji prate
aktivnosti u biljnoj i stoÄarskoj proizvodnji.
U ovom radu autori nastoje da prikažu osnovne ekonomske aspekte koriÅ”Äenja
mehanizacije u poljoprivredi Srbije i da izvrŔe komparaciju sa stanjem koje u tom
domenu vlada u susednim zemljama (podruÄje bivÅ”e SFRJ), zatim u zemljama Centralne
i IstoÄne Evrope (CIE) i najzad u jednom broju zemalja Evropske unije (EU-15).
Pored toga, analizom su obuhvaÄene i osnovne postavke politike obnove i
unapreÄenja poljoprivredne tehnike u Srbiji, bazirane na merama i podsticajnim
sredstvima domaÄe agrarne politike (podsticajna sredstva za obnovu poljoprivredne
opreme i mehanizacije i podsticajna sredstva za unapreÄenje sela)
Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region. Rural development and (un)limited resources
International Scientific Conference āSUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION - rural development and (un)limited resourcesā, which was held in period 5-6th
June 2014 in Belgrade, the Republic of Serbia, through number of presented papers mainly provides an overview of results of scientific research on the integrated and interdisciplinary project No. III 46006 āSUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGIONā. Besides the authors from Serbia in Thematic Proceedings are also presented the papers of authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, Romania, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Austria and USA.
The papers are systematized in 3 thematic sections:
Quality - a Factor for Competitiveness Improvement for Small and Medium Enterprises
The impact of quality management on microeconomic systems is major. Theintegration into the European Economic Area requires a comprehensive processof compliance to European policies and practices, including implementation ofquality management system. The dominance of the small and mediumenterprises sector in the economy requires a specific action framework, thequality having a fundamental role. Only those operators who have implementedand certified a quality management system can valorize on their goods andservices in the European market. Acting on the potentials` sphere, qualitybecomes a crucial resource for economic success. In this context, the authorsaim to analyze the impact of implementation and certification of qualitymanagement on the progress of Romania small and medium enterprises in thecontext of diversification and globalization of the emphasis of European andworld markets