18 research outputs found

    Carbon Storage of Shelterbelts in Yunnan Province and Countermeasures for Increasing Carbon Sinks

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    Based on the data of seven national forest inventory and the fourth second-class forest inventory in Yunnan Province, the biomass expansion factor method was used to calculate the carbon storage dynamics of shelterbelts in Yunnan Province. The results show that: 1) the carbon storage of shelterbelts in Yunnan Province increased from 8868.03×104 tons in 1988 to 37635.01×104 tons in 2018, with an average annual growth of 821.91×104 tons. The contribution rate of shelterbelts carbon storage to the total forest carbon storage in Yunnan Province increased from 17.59% to 41.63%, and the total average carbon density of shelterbelts showed an upward trend in fluctuation. 2) the contribution rate of carbon storage of middle-aged forest (20.20%-27.44%) was the largest, the mature forest and overmature forest was the second and third, and the contribution rate of carbon storage of young forest was the lowest. The total average carbon density of shelterbelts increased with the age classes. 3) The natural shelterbelts had been the main contributor to the carbon storage in Yunnan, and its contribution rate (between 95.80% and 99.53%) decreases gradually, while the carbon density of natural shelterbelts increases with the increase of age. Compared with natural shelterbelts, the carbon storage and density of artificial shelterbelts were at a lower level, and the total average carbon density of artificial shelterbelts is on the rise. The carbon density of artificial shelterbelts of different ages is mature forest > near mature forest > over mature forest > middle aged forest > young forest. 4) Diqing Prefecture was the main contributor of carbon storage of shelterbelts in Yunnan Province (the contribution rate is 17.65%), and the carbon storage of shelterbelts in northwest Yunnan accounts for 44.19% of the total carbon storage of shelterbelts in Yunnan Province. Yunnan province should pay attention to the maturity of middle-aged and young shelterbelts, strengthen the management of artificial shelterbelts to enhance the carbon storage capacity of Yunnan shelterbelts

    Calculation of Carbon Sink of Bamboo Forest in Zhejiang Province and Its Value Realization Path

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    The biomass method was applied to measure the carbon sequestration status of bamboo forests in Zhejiang province, and the carbon emissions of Zhejiang province from 1989 to 2018 were estimated by using the energy activity CO2 emission measurement method, and the carbon sink contribution of bamboo forests was analyzed by comparison. The results show that the total carbon sequestration in bamboo forests increased from 18,206,400 t to 34,604,000 t during the ninth national forest inventory, with a net increase of 16,397,600 t and a growth rate of 90.07%, showing an overall increasing trend, among which moso bamboo forests are the main carbon sequestration species; the carbon emissions in Zhejiang province showed a stable growth trend, but the growth rate has decreased in recent periods; the amount of carbon sequestered by bamboo forests and carbon emissions show a convergent growth trend, but the amount of carbon sequestered by bamboo forests is relatively small for the overall carbon emissions, and the contribution of carbon sequestration is small. In order to effectively contribute to the process of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in Zhejiang province, corresponding measures should be taken to effectively play the function of bamboo forest carbon sink and realize its value

    Calculation of Carbon Sink of Bamboo Forest in Zhejiang Province and Its Value Realization Path

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    The biomass method was applied to measure the carbon sequestration status of bamboo forests in Zhejiang province, and the carbon emissions of Zhejiang province from 1989 to 2018 were estimated by using the energy activity CO2 emission measurement method, and the carbon sink contribution of bamboo forests was analyzed by comparison. The results show that the total carbon sequestration in bamboo forests increased from 18,206,400 t to 34,604,000 t during the ninth national forest inventory, with a net increase of 16,397,600 t and a growth rate of 90.07%, showing an overall increasing trend, among which moso bamboo forests are the main carbon sequestration species; the carbon emissions in Zhejiang province showed a stable growth trend, but the growth rate has decreased in recent periods; the amount of carbon sequestered by bamboo forests and carbon emissions show a convergent growth trend, but the amount of carbon sequestered by bamboo forests is relatively small for the overall carbon emissions, and the contribution of carbon sequestration is small. In order to effectively contribute to the process of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in Zhejiang province, corresponding measures should be taken to effectively play the function of bamboo forest carbon sink and realize its value

    Introduction of Rural Ecological Environment and Circular Economy Development Mode of Eco-agriculture and Forestry

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    Major causes of ecological environment situation and rural environment issues in the construction of new socialist countryside in China are analyzed. Two necessities of introducing circular economy development mode of eco-agriculture and forestry into the construction of new socialist countryside are expatiated. One is the needs of the rural eco-environmental situation, and the other is to realize the fundamental change of agricultural growth mode. Specific characteristics, existing foundation and current resistance of the circular economy of eco-agriculture and forestry are studied. Major principles in introducing circular economy mode of eco-agriculture and forestry into the construction of new socialist countryside are presented. Support system for constructing the circular economy mode of eco-agriculture and forestry is discussed, including the improved government function and regulatory mechanism, marketing organization, farmers professional cooperative organization, leading enterprise, circular economic market system of eco-agriculture and forestry, and human resources. Taking Huaping County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, China as an example, “919” circular economic model in this county and its development result are analyzed

    Introduction of Rural Ecological Environment and Circular Economy Development Mode of Eco-agriculture and Forestry

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    Major causes of ecological environment situation and rural environment issues in the construction of new socialist countryside in China are analyzed. Two necessities of introducing circular economy development mode of eco-agriculture and forestry into the construction of new socialist countryside are expatiated. One is the needs of the rural eco-environmental situation, and the other is to realize the fundamental change of agricultural growth mode. Specific characteristics, existing foundation and current resistance of the circular economy of eco-agriculture and forestry are studied. Major principles in introducing circular economy mode of eco-agriculture and forestry into the construction of new socialist countryside are presented. Support system for constructing the circular economy mode of eco-agriculture and forestry is discussed, including the improved government function and regulatory mechanism, marketing organization, farmers professional cooperative organization, leading enterprise, circular economic market system of eco-agriculture and forestry, and human resources. Taking Huaping County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, China as an example, “919†circular economic model in this county and its development result are analyzed.Ecological environment, Circular economy, Development, Introduction, China, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Trisomy 14 as a Sole Chromosome Abnormality Is Associated with Older Age, a Heterogenous Group of Myeloid Neoplasms with Dysplasia, and a Wide Spectrum of Disease Progression

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    Trisomy 14 is a rare recurrent cytogenetic abnormality in myeloid neoplasms; however, its clinicopathologic features have not been well described. We report the clinicopathologic, immunophenotypic, and molecular genetic features of 16 cases of myeloid neoplasms with isolated trisomy 14. Our results show that cases with isolated trisomy 14 encompass a heterogenous group of myeloid neoplasms including myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS, 44%), myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasms (31%), and acute myeloid leukemia (25%). The patients are usually elder (median age 71 years), and there is a male predominance (82%). Multilineage dysplasia is noted in all cases. Oncogenic mutations of genes involved in cell proliferation and/or survival rarely occur. Compared with cases of MDS with diploid karyotype, patients of MDS with isolated trisomy 14 demonstrate a similar overall survival and rate of leukemia transformation

    Trisomy 14 as a Sole Chromosome Abnormality Is Associated with Older Age, a Heterogenous Group of Myeloid Neoplasms with Dysplasia, and a Wide Spectrum of Disease Progression

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    Trisomy 14 is a rare recurrent cytogenetic abnormality in myeloid neoplasms; however, its clinicopathologic features have not been well described. We report the clinicopathologic, immunophenotypic, and molecular genetic features of 16 cases of myeloid neoplasms with isolated trisomy 14. Our results show that cases with isolated trisomy 14 encompass a heterogenous group of myeloid neoplasms including myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS, 44%), myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasms (31%), and acute myeloid leukemia (25%). The patients are usually elder (median age 71 years), and there is a male predominance (82%). Multilineage dysplasia is noted in all cases. Oncogenic mutations of genes involved in cell proliferation and/or survival rarely occur. Compared with cases of MDS with diploid karyotype, patients of MDS with isolated trisomy 14 demonstrate a similar overall survival and rate of leukemia transformation

    Transverse and z-direction CVN impact tests of X65 line pipe steels of two centerline segregation ratings

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    Centerline segregation occurs as a positive concentration of alloying elements in the mid-thickness region of continuously cast slab. Depending upon its severity, it may affect mechanical properties and potentially downstream processing such as weldability, particularly for high-strength line pipe. The segregation fraction in continuously cast slabs and corresponding hot-rolled strips was assessed on API 5L grade X65 line pipe steels with different levels of segregation, rated as Mannesmann 2.0 and 1.4. The results showed that the segregation fraction in hot-rolled strip samples was in accordance with that assessed in the cast slabs, and the segregated regions in hot-rolled strip samples were found to be discontinuous. Transverse and z-direction CVN impact tests were conducted on the two strips and the results showed that centerline segregation does have an influence on the Charpy impact properties of line pipe steel. Specimens located at segregated regions exhibited lower Charpy impact toughness and strips rolled from slabs with higher segregation levels are more likely to exhibit greater variability in Charpy impact toughness. The influence of centerline segregation on z-direction Charpy impact toughness is more severe than on transverse Charpy impact toughness. Lower Charpy impact toughness and brittle fracture surface with cleavage facets along with rod-shaped MnS inclusions were observed for the strip rolled from slab with 2.0 segregation rating if the Charpy specimens were located at segregated regions. The influence on Charpy impact toughness can be associated with the pearlite structure at the centerline and level of MnS inclusions