235 research outputs found

    Remous revolutionnaires: Republique batave, Armee francaise

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    En janvier 1795, les armees revolutionnaires francaises entrerent dans le territoire neerlandais. Le Stadhouder fut forcee de se refugier en Angleterre et une republique fut fondee sous la protection de la France. Cette 'Revolution batave' fut beaucoup plus qu'un simple echo de la grande Revolution francaise de 1789: les democrates neerlandais avaient contestes la tradition quasi-monarchique du Stathouder et avaient etes forces de se refugier en France en 1787. En 1795, ils revinrent avec l'armee francaise. Ce tome examine les liens etroits entre la Republique batave et la France. Il s'interroge sur les hommes, les idees et la vie culturelle et l'attitude qu'ont eue ces deux republiques soeurs l'une a l'egard de l'autre

    James Watt en Jan Salie. Over de verhouding tussen politieke geschiedenis en techniekgeschiedenis

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    James Watt and Jan Salie: On the relationship between political history and the history of technology In this article the political salience of technological development is discussed. The author distinguishes three issues: 1. Technology as a source of new challenges that have to be met by the administrative and political elites; 2. Technology as a set of new resources and modes of control; 3. Technology as a source of the production of novel cultural and political worldviews: 'imagined modernity'.The new series on the history of technology in the Netherlands in the nineteenth century is discussed in this context. It is shown that the first aspect, technology as a source of new challenges, predominates in the series. The second aspect receives some attention but is not treated systematically, while the third aspect is almost entirely neglected. Finally, some political and intellectual aspects of the issue of the 'technological underdevelopment' of nineteenth-century Holland are discussed, drawing on a comparison of Dutch and British developments

    Radical Currents in the Enlightenment

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    Godsdienst is niet perse anti-modern

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