33 research outputs found


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    In our study we have analyzed MRI of mediobasal parts of temporal lobes in healthy volunteers based on medical literature and our experience. We have specified degree of incidence of different hippocampal anatomical variants in healthy controls. We have determined method of definition and volume evaluation of different hipocampal subfields.В работе на основании данных литературы и собственного опыта проанализированы данные МРТ-исследования медиобазальных отделов височных долей у здоровых добровольцев. Уточнена частота встречаемости различных вариантов строения гиппокампов в норме. Определен способ выявления и измерения объемов различных отделов гиппокампа

    On the formation of stimulating procedure and evaluation of the effective functioning of institutions within the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency on Education Rosobrazovanie

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    Представлен обзор результатов работы комиссий Рособразования по определению величины выплат стимулирующего характера ректорам, президентам и коллективам подведомственных Рособразованию вузов. Дается характеристика разработанной системы показателей оценки деятельности вуза и методики оценки. Приводятся примеры документов, адресованных вузам, с обоснованием таких выплат. Рассматриваются состояние и перспективы роста заработной платы в подведомственных учреждениях в 2010-2012 гг.The author gives the survey made by the Commission of the Federal Agency on Education (Rosobrazovanie) on determining the size of bonuses for Rectors, Presidents and the staff of institutions within the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency on Education (Rosobrazovanie). He gives the characteristic of the system of indices of the institutions activity evaluation and the methods of evaluation. There are some examples of documents sent to the institutes asking to prove such bonuses. The present situation and the future salary increase in the institutes within the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency on Education (Rosobrazovanie) during 2010 - 2012 is considered in the article

    Primary progressive aphasia

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    Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative diseases related to focal degenerations of the brain and mainly manifested by a gradual loss of speech functions. This symptom is characterized by specific speech disorders. The article presents the etiopathogenic features of PPA, systematizes the clinical criteria for its diagnosis, and describes the modern neuroimaging characteristics of different types of PPA. The proposed PPA severity point scale allows clinicians to record the very early manifestations of aphasia. Modified scales, such as the Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI-mod) and the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), are also important for specifying the type of PPA