39 research outputs found

    Determination of clay soil creepage characteristics

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    Results of laboratory researches of clay soil creepage according to regulations of N.N. Maslov's physicotechnical theory are stated. Tests were conducted at constant speed of deformation and continuous registration of vertical and horizontal deformations and pressure. Dependence of durability and creepage parameters from duration of preliminary condensation is established

    Identification and assessment of geohazards affecting pipelines and urban areas

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    The paper addresses methods and criteria of risk assessment associated with land subsidence threatening pipelines, buildings, and constructions. Currently, there are some practical issues relating to geohazards that should be taken into account while constructing a pipeline. The article provides comparison data on the effects of Spitak earthquake and the natural disaster in Neftegorsk in terms of geohazards impact on the pipeline systems. The suggested risk assessment procedure embraces a wide range of aspects: from soil properties to economic and management issues

    Methods for karst hazard forecast and pipeline protection in South Yakutia

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    The objective of this paper is to consider the ways of monitoring and protecting the pipeline "The Power of Siberia" from karst hazards. The method of protection with bored piles has been recommended and the forecasting methods have been overviewed. Thus, ground penetrating radar allows discovering a soil cavity when the overburden layer is not very deep and predicting sinkhole collapse when used in combination with a balance arch model. Monitoring of triggering factors is widely used to forecast karst collapse when the opening is caused by pumping as the data on dynamic groundwater conditions can be obtained in real-time. However, the suggested protection method is expensive and some forecasts might be difficult to make. The authors have suggested the ways to improve the current situation and to reduce the damage caused by karst collapse


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    Introduction. The ability to independently organize and carry out scientific and pedagogical search, receive and apply in practice new skills is a distinctive feature of creative teachers. Obligatory presence of research competence among graduates of pedagogical specialties of higher education institutions is declared in federal state educational standards of the higher school. The aim of the article is to direct attention of high school educators to the topical problem of pre-service teachers’ creativity development and the need to strengthen their methodological training. Methodology and research methods. Based on understanding of education quality as the ensemble of its essential characteristics (properties according to A. I. Subetto), evaluation criteria of quality of education of bachelor’s and master’s degree students are revealed. The objective and research components are the basis for the development of criterion-evaluation tools of future profession. Teachers’ insights on the level of their own contribution to creative development of students and the quality of training of students to independent carrying out researches were made known using the following methods: structuring, analysis and interpretation of the questionnaire materials, individual interviews, and observation evaluation. Results. The data concerning the organization, content and technologies of teachers’ pre-service training for independent research activity, the learning conditions created for their training and the outcomes are obtained. A number of positive results, especially in logistics and staffing of the educational process, are achieved. Evident mistakes in the program and methodological support of educational process, in the use of the vocational disciplines’ research capacity and teaching practice for the development of students’ research experience are found. Scientific novelty. An authors’ estimation of a standpoint of some part of teachers in regard to practical realization of basic target orientation of the Russian higher education is given. Insufficient methodological readiness of a considerable part of university teachers and lecturers to the scientific leadership in research activity of bachelors and undergraduates is stated. Practical significance. The pointed and selected criteria for evaluation of quality of training to research work are base for development of criteria-estimated tools of level of formation of educational-research skills. The use of the proposed set of measures in pedagogical and management work, according to the authors, would serve to enhance research competence of future professionals and at large improve the management of educational process. Введение. Готовность самостоятельно организовывать и осу ществлять научно-педагогический поиск, получать и использовать в своей практической деятельности новые знания должна стать отличительной особенностью современного, творчески работающего учителя. Обязательное наличие исследовательской компетентности у выпускников педагогических специальностей вузов декларируется в федеральных государственных образовательных стандартах высшей школы.Цель статьи – привлечь внимание к актуализировавшейся проблеме развития исследовательских способностей будущих специалистов педагогического профиля и необходимости усиления их методологической подготовки. Методология и методики. Исходя из понимания качества образования как совокупности его наиболее существенных характеристик (свойств, по А. И. Субетто) определены критерии оценки качества подготовки бакалавров и магистрантов к совмещению в своей будущей профессиональной деятельности ее предметного и исследовательского компонентов. На основе систематизации, анализа и интерпретации материалов анкетного опроса профессорско-преподавательского состава университета, индивидуальных бесед и включенных наблюдений выявлены представления преподавателей о степени собственного вклада в творческое развитие учащихся и о качестве подготовки студентов к самостоятельному проведению исследований. Результаты. Получена информация об организации, содержании и технологиях подготовки будущих педагогов к самостоятельной исследовательской деятельности, созданных для этого условиях и достигнутых результатах. Установлен ряд положительных достижений в данном направлении, касающихся прежде всего материально-технического и кадрового обеспечения образовательного процесса. Вскрыты также явные упущения в программно-методическом обеспечении образования, далеко не полное использование исследовательского потенциала профессионально ориентированых учебных дисциплин и педагогической практики для приобретения учащимися исследовательского опыта. Научная новизна. Дана авторская оценка позиции части преподавателей относительно практической реализации базовой целевой ориентации отечественного высшего образования. Констатируется недостаточная методологическая подготовленность значительной части преподавателей университета к научному руководству исследовательской деятельностью бакалавров и магистрантов. Практическая значимость. Выделенные критерии оценки качества подготовки к исследовательской работе являются базой для разработки критериально-оценочного инструментария уровня сформированности учебно-исследовательских и научно-исследовательских умений и навыков. Предложены меры, реализация которых, по мнению авторов, будет способствовать повышению исследовательской компетентности будущих специалистов и совершенствованию управления образовательным процессом в целом


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    В статье показано, что индустрия питания и гостеприимства, развивается быстрыми темпами и нуждается в инновациях, способных поднять уровень услуг в соответствии с возрастающими требованиями потребителей. Соответственно появляется необходимость подготовки специалистов, имеющих фундаментальные, профессиональные знания в области индустрии питания и гостеприимства, стремящихся к творческой самореализации, так как эффективное внедрение любых инноваций невозможно при низкой квалификации персонала и его слабой мотивации. Рассмотренная авторами модель формирования профессиональной интегративно-сервисной компетенции будущего специалиста индустрии питания и гостеприимства в среднем профессиональном образовании, включает взаимосвязанные целевую, методическую и результативную составляющие, а также механизм контроля формирования данной компетенции.The article shows that the catering and hospitality industry, is growing rapidly and needs in innovation, capable of raising the level of services in accordance with the growing demands of consumers. Accordingly, there is need to train specialists with fundamental and professional knowledge in the field of catering and hospitality industry, striving for creative self-realization, as the effective implementation of any innovation is impossible for unskilled personnel and their weak motivation.Considered the authors model of integrative professional competence of the future expert service food and hospitality industry in the secondary vocational education, including related task, methodological and productive components, as well as a mechanism to monitor the formation of this competence

    Experimental animal models of scoliosis for understanding the etiology of idiopathic scoliosis

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    Idiopathic scoliosis is a common disease of the musculoskeletal system, affecting 2–3% of children and adolescents worldwide. The etiology and pathogenesis of scoliotic spinal deformity have not yet been disclosed, despite numerous long-term studies. Animal modeling of scoliosis can become the basis for studying possible etiological factors and pathogenetic mechanisms of the formation of the pathology in question and the prospects for possible treatment of scoliosis in the future. To date, many different types of models of scoliotic disease have been created and studied. The purpose of this review was to analyze the literature data on animal modeling of scoliosis in order to understand the etiological factor of idiopathic scoliosis in humans. Material and methods. The review was carried out using databases of electronic information resources PubMed (MEDLINE), Scopus, eLibrary.ru. The analysis of scientific literature was carried out according to the search words: “idiopathic scoliosis”, “experimental model of scoliosis”, “animal model of scoliosis”, “mechanical models of scoliosis”, “pineal gland resection models”, “genetic models of scoliosis”. Results. The analysis of scientific literature data confirms the high importance of experimental animal models of scoliosis for the study of the etiology of idiopathic scoliosis. The review summarizes and analyzes data on the main directions of modeling scoliotic deformity: mechanical, neuroendocrine and genetic models. Conclusions. The models of scoliosis presented in the literature have been implemented with varying degrees of success and have not been able to clarify the etiology of spinal pathology, but they are a useful tool for testing interventions aimed at correcting and preventing deformity. The development of an optimal experimental model of scoliosis in animals will further overcome the existing limitations in determining the etiological factor of idiopathic scoliosis and describe the processes of disease development characteristic of humans

    Idiopathic scoliosis: general characteristics and analysis of etiological theories (literature review)

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    Idiopathic scoliosis is a severe pathology of the musculoskeletal system that affects children and adolescents all over the world. The disease occurs in approximately 0.2-0.6% of the general population, and is the largest subgroup of spinal curvature in humans (70-90% of all known scoliosis cases). In idiopathic scoliosis, a threedimensional deformation of the vertebral column is formed, leading to the formation of a rib hump, curvature of the ribs and chest, asymmetry of the pelvis and impaired development of internal organs. The main feature of the disease is the spontaneous development of deformity during the growth of the child and the tendency to progress. Scoliosis is not only an orthopedic disease, but also a ignificant cosmetic, and, consequently, a psychological and social problem. The standard of treatment for scoliotic disease remains unchanged for a long time: observation, corset treatment and surgical correction. The prognosis for the development of pathology varies depending on the degree of deformation. The corset-therapy, hospitalization, surgery and treatment of chronic back pain have a negative impact on the psychoemotional state of children and adolescents. Despite significant advances in the methods of diagnosis of deformity, improvement of surgical treatment methods and in the study of pathogenesis, the etiological factor of pathology is still unknown. The search for the causes of idiopathic scoliosis covers almost all aspects of its possible origin: genetic, environmental, hormonal, metabolic, biochemical, neurological, and others. In recent decades, relevant theories of the development of scoliosis have been formulated, but none of the theories reveals the essence of the pathological process and has no clear justification. The greatest number of supporters is the genetic theory: genetic factors play a key role in the occurrence and development of idiopathic scoliosis. Understanding the underlying factors of the disease will enable prevention, early diagnosis, and identification of the risk groups of the patients in question


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    The study was conducted to assess value of US diagnostics for examination of lungs in patients with COVID-19 CAP. US examination was performed in 23 patients with verified diagnosis. There were sonographic features revealed, which allow to consider this method as effective at different steps of diagnostics and treatment of COVID-19 CAP.С целью оценки возможностей ультразвуковой диагностики в обследовании легких у больных внебольничной пневмонией COVID-19 было проведено ультразвуковое исследование легких 23  пациентам с подтвержденным диагнозом. Выявлены сонографические изменения легких различной  степени выраженности, что позволяет рассматривать данный метод как перспективный для  использования в условиях пандемии COVID-19 на различных этапах диагностики и лечения данных  больных

    Congenital dislocation of the hip – theories, etiological and predisposing factors (risk factors)

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    According to current statistics worldwide, congenital orthopedic pathologies rank second quantitatively after congenital diseases of the nervous system. Congenital dislocation of the hip is one of the most common and severe pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents. The theories of its development and etiological factors are not only of historical interest but also create prerequisites for determining the true cause of this complex process. The problem of predicting the development of hip dysplasia remains relevant. The practical significance lies in determining the etiological factor (predisposing or risk factors) of the disease onset or manifestation. Analysis of the literature suggests that hip dysplasia is based on a genetic substrate as an etiological factor. Predisposing factors only increase the risk of pathology manifestation. Further studies to determine the etiological factor will make it possible to formulate more specific recommendations for the management of patients with hip dysplasia and possibly expand the methods of prevention and conservative treatment

    The investigation of dangerous geological processes resulting in land subsidence while designing the main gas pipeline in South Yakutia

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    The number of gas main accidents has increased recently due to dangerous geological processes in underdeveloped areas located in difficult geological conditions. The paper analyses land subsidence caused by karst and thermokarst processes in the right of way, reveals the assessment criteria for geological hazards and creates zoning schemes considering the levels of karst and thermorkarst hazards