696 research outputs found

    Environmental Epidemiology of Intestinal Schistosomiasis in Uganda: Population Dynamics of Biomphalaria (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Lake Albert and Lake Victoria with Observations on Natural Infections with Digenetic Trematodes

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    This study documented the population dynamics of Biomphalaria and associated natural infections with digenetic trematodes, along the shores of Lake Albert and Lake Victoria, recording local physicochemical factors. Over a two-and-a-half-year study period with monthly sampling, physicochemical factors were measured at 12 survey sites and all freshwater snails were collected. Retained Biomphalaria were subsequently monitored in laboratory aquaria for shedding trematode cercariae, which were classified as either human infective (Schistosoma mansoni) or nonhuman infective. The population dynamics of Biomphalaria differed by location and by lake and had positive relationship with pH (P < 0.001) in both lakes and negative relationship with conductivity (P = 0.04) in Lake Albert. Of the Biomphalaria collected in Lake Albert (N = 6,183), 8.9% were infected with digenetic trematodes of which 15.8% were shedding S. mansoni cercariae and 84.2% with nonhuman infective cercariae. In Lake Victoria, 2.1% of collected Biomphalaria (N = 13,172) were infected with digenetic trematodes with 13.9% shedding S. mansoni cercariae, 85.7% shedding nonhuman infective cercariae, and 0.4% of infected snails shedding both types of cercariae. Upon morphological identification, species of Biomphalaria infected included B. sudanica, B. pfeifferi, and B. stanleyi in Lake Albert and B. sudanica, B. pfeifferi, and B. choanomphala in Lake Victoria. The study found the physicochemical factors that influenced Biomphalaria population and infections. The number and extent of snails shedding S. mansoni cercariae illustrate the high risk of transmission within these lake settings. For better control of this disease, greater effort should be placed on reducing environmental contamination by improvement of local water sanitation and hygiene

    Molecular Epidemiology of Ascariasis: A Global Perspective on the Transmission Dynamics of Ascaris in People and Pigs

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    Background The roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides infects 0.8 billion people worldwide, and Ascaris suum infects innumerable pigs across the globe. The extent of natural cross-transmission of Ascaris between pig and human hosts in different geographical settings is unknown, warranting investigation. Methods Adult Ascaris organisms were obtained from humans and pigs in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Barcodes were assigned to 536 parasites on the basis of sequence analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene. Genotyping of 410 worms was also conducted using a panel of microsatellite markers. Phylogenetic, population genetic, and Bayesian assignment methods were used for analysis. Results There was marked genetic segregation between worms originating from human hosts and those originating from pig hosts. However, human Ascaris infections in Europe were of pig origin, and there was evidence of cross-transmission between humans and pigs in Africa. Significant genetic differentiation exists between parasite populations from different countries, villages, and hosts. Conclusions In conducting an analysis of variation within Ascaris populations from pig and human hosts across the globe, we demonstrate that cross-transmission takes place in developing and developed countries, contingent upon epidemiological potential and local phylogeography. Our results provide novel insights into the transmission dynamics and speciation of Ascaris worms from humans and pigs that are of importance for control program

    Control of schistosomiasis in sub-Saharan Africa: progress made, new opportunities and remaining challenges

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    Several other journal supplements have documented progress made in the control of schistosomiasis in Egypt, China and Brazil, however, with more than 97% of the schistosome infections now estimated to occur in Africa, the relevance of this special issue in Parasitology cannot be overemphasized. In total, 18 articles are presented, inclusive of a lead-editorial from the WHO highlighting a seminal resolution at the 54th World Health Assembly in 2001 that advocated de-worming. Facilitated by a US$ 30 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2002, the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative subsequently fostered implementation of large-scale schistosomiasis (and soil-transmitted helminthiasis) control programmes in six selected African countries. From 2005, CONTRAST, a European union-funded consortium, was formed to conduct multi-disciplinary research pertaining to optimisation of schistosomiasis control. Progress made in schistosomiasis control across sub-Saharan Africa since the turn of the new millennium is reviewed, shedding light on the latest findings stemming from clinical, epidemiological, molecular and social sciences research, inclusive of public health interventions with monitoring and evaluation activities. New opportunities for integrating the control of schistosomiasis and other so-called neglected tropical diseases are highlighted, but more importantly, several opportune questions that arise from it frame the remaining challenges ahead for an enduring solutio

    Exploring the healthcare experiences and support needs of chestfeeding or breastfeeding for trans and non-binary parents based in the United Kingdom

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    Background: Trans and/or non-binary parents experience structural exclusion in family healthcare and there is a need for specialist training for healthcare professionals so that they are able to create a gender inclusive environment. Aim: As part of a continued effort to address health inequity this study explores the body experiences of infant feeding within trans and non binary communities. Method: Semi structured interviews were conducted with seven trans or non-binary parents, based in the United Kingdom, who have experienced chestfeeding or breastfeeding. Results: A reflexive thematic analysis was utlitised to identify three main themes which centered around baby, body and support in health care settings. Parents were informed of the benefits of their milk and were strongly motivated by their child’s needs. However, body feeding was emotionally and physically challenging. Conclusion: Person-centered care with consistent attention to language is required when supporting lactation

    Rapid mapping of schistosomiasis and other neglected tropical diseases in the context of integrated control programmes in Africa

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    There is growing interest and commitment to the control of schistosomiasis and other so-called neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Resources for control are inevitably limited, necessitating assessment methods that can rapidly and accurately identify and map high-risk communities so that interventions can be targeted in a spatially-explicit and cost-effective manner. Here, we review progress made with (1) mapping schistosomiasis across Africa using available epidemiological data and, more recently, climate-based risk prediction; (2) the development and use of morbidity questionnaires for rapid identification of high-risk communities of urinary schistosomiasis; and (3) innovative sampling-based approaches for intestinal schistosomiasis, using the lot quality assurance sampling technique. Experiences are also presented for the rapid mapping of other NTDs, including onchocerciasis, loiasis and lymphatic filariasis. Future directions for an integrated rapid mapping approach targeting multiple NTDs simultaneously are outlined, including potential challenges in developing an integrated survey tool. The lessons from the mapping of human helminth infections may also be relevant for the rapid mapping of malaria as its control efforts are intensifie

    In-depth annotation of SNPs arising from resequencing projects using NGS-SNP

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    Summary: NGS-SNP is a collection of command-line scripts for providing rich annotations for SNPs identified by the sequencing of whole genomes from any organism with reference sequences in Ensembl. Included among the annotations, several of which are not available from any existing SNP annotation tools, are the results of detailed comparisons with orthologous sequences. These comparisons can, for example, identify SNPs that affect conserved residues, or alter residues or genes linked to phenotypes in another species

    Health education and the control of urogenital schistosomiasis: assessing the impact of the Juma na Kichocho comic-strip medical booklet in Zanzibar

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    Endeavours to control urogenital schistosomiasis on Unguja Island (Zanzibar) have focused on school-aged children. To assess the impact of an associated health education campaign, the supervised use of the comic-strip medical booklet Juma na Kichocho by Class V pupils attending eighteen primary schools was investigated. A validated knowledge and attitudes questionnaire was completed at baseline and repeated one year later following the regular use of the booklet during the calendar year. A scoring system (ranging from 0.0 to 5.0) measured children's understandings of schistosomiasis and malaria, with the latter being a neutral comparator against specific changes for schistosomiasis. In 2006, the average score from 751 children (328 boys and 423 girls) was 2.39 for schistosomiasis and 3.03 for malaria. One year later, the score was 2.43 for schistosomiasis and 2.70 for malaria from 779 children (351 boys and 428 girls). As might be expected, knowledge and attitudes scores for schistosomiasis increased (+0.05), but not as much as originally hoped, while the score for malaria decreased (-0.33). According to a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, neither change was statistically significant. Analysis also revealed that 75% of school children misunderstood the importance of reinfection after treatment with praziquantel. These results are disappointing. They demonstrate that it is mistaken to assume that knowledge conveyed in child-friendly booklets will necessarily be interpreted, and acted upon, in the way intended. If long-term sustained behavioural change is to be achieved, health education materials need to engage more closely with local understandings and responses to urogenital schistosomiasis. This, in turn, needs to be part of the development of a more holistic, biosocial approach to the control of schistosomiasis