7 research outputs found

    Perspective: Impact of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Report on the Process for the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

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    The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) recommended steps to redesign the process of developing the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) are based on 5 guiding principles (enhance transparency; promote diversity of expertise and experience; support a deliberative process; manage biases and conflicts of interest; and adopt state-of-the-art processes and methods). Using these principles and recommendations, the USDA and HHS updated the process for developing the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines, including the process for appointing members and managing the work of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Modifications included having public comment on the topics and questions to be addressed by the Federal Advisory Committee, reviewing professional and financial activities on potential appointees to the committee prior to their appointment, redesigning the website to provide status updates on the work of the committee as analytical frameworks and draft conclusions were developed, strengthening the approaches for conducting systematic reviews, and adding a public meeting for discussion of the final report before its submission to the Secretaries of the USDA and HHS. Because the DGA is reviewed and updated every 5 y, it is possible to learn from each cycle what works well and where improvements in the process can be implemented. The current article illustrates, from the perspective of the advisory committee, the impact of the NASEM report on the development of the scientific report by examining changes in the process consistent with the 5 principles

    OUP accepted manuscript

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    BACKGROUND: Developing food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) for infants and toddlers is a complex task that few countries have attempted. OBJECTIVES: Our objectives are to describe the process of food pattern modeling (FPM) conducted to develop FBDGs for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 for infants 6 to <12 mo and toddlers 12 to <24 mo of age, as well as the implications of the results and areas needing further work. METHODS: The US 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, with the support of federal staff, conducted FPM analyses using 5 steps: 1) identified energy intake targets; 2) established nutritional goals; 3) identified food groupings and expected amounts, using 3 options for the amount of energy from human milk in each age interval; 4) estimated expected nutrient intakes for each scenario, based on nutrient-dense representative foods; and 5) evaluated expected nutrient intakes against nutritional goals. RESULTS: For human milk-fed infants (and toddlers), example combinations of complementary foods and beverages were developed that come close to meeting almost all nutrient recommendations if iron-fortified infant cereals are included at 6 to <12 mo of age. These combinations would also be suitable for formula-fed infants. For toddlers not fed human milk, 2 patterns were developed: the Healthy US-Style Pattern and the Healthy Vegetarian Pattern (a lacto-ovo vegetarian pattern). Achieving nutrient recommendations left virtually no remaining energy for added sugars. CONCLUSIONS: It is challenging to meet all nutrient needs during these age intervals. Added sugars should be avoided for infants and toddlers <2 y of age. Further work is needed to 1) establish a reference human milk composition profile, 2) update and strengthen the DRI values for these age groups, and 3) use optimization modeling, in combination with FPM, to identify combinations of foods that meet all nutritional goals

    Breastfeeding and risk of overweight in childhood and beyond: a systematic review with emphasis on sibling-pair and intervention studies

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    BackgroundBreastfeeding is associated with a lower risk of subsequent overweight or obesity, but it is uncertain whether this is a causal relation because most studies have not adequately reduced risk of bias due to confounding.ObjectivesThe aim of this review was to examine whether 1) ever compared with never consuming human milk and 2) different durations of human milk consumption among infants fed human milk are related to later risk of overweight or obesity, with emphasis on sibling-pair and intervention studies.MethodsThe 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, together with the Nutrition Evidence Systematic Review team, conducted a systematic review of articles relevant to healthy full-term infants in countries with a high or very high level of human development. We searched PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, and CINAHL; dual-screened the results using predetermined criteria; extracted data from and assessed the risk of bias for each included study; qualitatively synthesized the evidence; developed conclusion statements; and graded the strength of the evidence.ResultsThe review included 42 articles, including 6 cohorts with sibling-pair analyses and 1 randomized controlled trial of a breastfeeding promotion intervention. Moderate evidence suggested that ever, compared with never, consuming human milk is associated with a lower risk of overweight and obesity at ages 2 y and older, particularly if the duration of human milk consumption is >6 mo. However, residual confounding cannot be ruled out. Evidence was insufficient to determine the relation between the duration of any human milk consumption, among infants fed human milk, and overweight and/or obesity at age 2 y and older.ConclusionsFurther research, using strong study designs, is needed to disentangle the complex relation between infant feeding practices and the risk of subsequent overweight or obesity, as well as the biological and behavioral mechanisms if the relation is causal

    A Proposed Framework for Identifying Nutrients and Food Components of Public Health Relevance in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

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    BackgroundIdentification of nutrients of public health concern has been a hallmark of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA); however, a formal systematic process for identifying them has not been published.ObjectivesWe aimed to propose a framework for identifying "nutrients or food components" (NFCs) of public health relevance to inform the DGA.MethodsThe proposed framework consists of 1) defining terminology; 2) establishing quantitative thresholds to identify NFCs; and 3) examining national data. The proposed framework utilizes available data from 3 key data sources or "prongs": 1) dietary intakes; 2) biological endpoints; and 3) clinical health consequences such as prevalence of health conditions, directly or indirectly through validated surrogate markers.ResultsIn identifying potential NFCs of public health concern, the 2020 DGA Committee developed a decision-tree framework with suggestions for combining the 3 prongs. The identified NFCs of public health concern for Americans ≥1 y old included fiber, calcium (≥2 y old), vitamin D, and potassium for low intakes and sodium, added sugars, and saturated fats (≥2 y old) for high intakes that were associated with adverse health consequences. Iron was identified among infants ages 6-12 mo fed human milk. For reproductive-aged and pregnant females, iron (all trimesters) and folate (first trimester) were identified for low intake, based on dietary and biomarker data (iron) or the severity of the consequence (folic acid and neural tube defects). Among pregnant women, low iodine was of potential public health concern based on biomarker data. Other NFCs that were underconsumed, overconsumed, and pose special challenges were identified across the life course.ConclusionsThe proposed decision-tree framework was intended to streamline and add transparency to the work of this and future Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committees to identify NFCs that need to be encouraged or discouraged in order to help reduce risk of chronic disease and promote health and energy balance in the population

    Omega-3 Fatty Acid Dietary Supplements Consumed During Pregnancy and Lactation and Child Neurodevelopment: A Systematic Review

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    BackgroundMaternal nutrition during pregnancy and lactation has profound effects on the development and lifelong health of the child. Long-chain PUFAs are particularly important for myelination and the development of vision during the perinatal period.ObjectivesWe conducted a systematic review to examine the relationship between supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy and/or lactation and neurodevelopment in children, to inform the Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.MethodsWe identified articles on omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in pregnant and lactating women that included measures of neurodevelopment in their children (0-18 y) by searching PubMed, CENTRAL, Embase, and CINAHL Plus. After dual screening articles for inclusion, we qualitatively synthesized and graded the strength of evidence using pre-established criteria for assessing risk of bias, consistency, directness, precision, and generalizability.ResultsWe included 33 articles from 15 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and 1 prospective cohort study. Of the 8 RCTs that delivered omega-3 fatty acid dietary supplements during pregnancy alone (200-2200 mg/d DHA and 0-1100 mg/d EPA for approximately 20 wk), 5 studies reported ≥1 finding that supplementation improved measures of cognitive development in the infant or child by 6%-11% (P < 0.05), but all 8 studies also reported ≥1 nonsignificant (P > 0.05) result. There was inconsistent or insufficient evidence for other outcomes (language, social-emotional, physical, motor, or visual development; academic performance; risks of attention deficit disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, or depression) and for supplementation during lactation or both pregnancy and lactation. Populations with a lower socioeconomic status and adolescents were underrepresented and studies lacked racial and ethnic diversity.ConclusionsLimited evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation during pregnancy may result in favorable cognitive development in the child. There was insufficient evidence to evaluate the effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation during pregnancy and/or lactation on other developmental outcomes