78 research outputs found

    Sustainable tourism development within the Lower Basin of the Danube

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    Lower Basin of the Danube represents main resource base for tourism develop¬ment. That development can contribute to both realization of the additional eco¬nomic effects and local community pro¬gress. Tourism development has to be in accordance with environment capacity and it has to be based on sustainable de¬velopment principles. In order to achieve the desired results, tourism development has to be organized and based on institu-tional cooperation on national and inter¬national level. Globalization and macro regionalization enable international col¬laboration and common goals achieve¬ment. Those goals contribute to eco¬nomic development of the whole region. Main goal of this paper is present¬ing current level of tourism develop¬ment with overview of the sustaina¬ble tourism development straights and weakness and also its further upgrade possibilities. Focus will be on existing national and international tourism de¬velopment strategic and results of the activities so far. Also, analysis of the dif¬ficulties and challenges which tourism developers faces during implementation will be executed. In the end, promotion ways of sustainable development for current and future generations will be defined.Conference abstrac

    Да ли мали град са туристичком функцијом има демографски потенцијал?

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    This research is conducted to determine impacts of tourism development on the demographic image of selected small towns in Serbia. Analyzing the following indicators — tourism potential, the share of inhabitants employed in the tourism industry, tourist turnover, and tradition in tourism, the group of 23 small towns is singled out. Further, the selected small towns with dominant tourism function are observed within four tourism clusters. Demographic characteristics of these urban settlements are analyzed through population indicators: total population increase/decrease, age and sex structure, economic activity, education structure, etc., according to the latest available data. The level of local population involvement in tourism is examined, as well as the influence of these small towns on the immediate rural surroundings. The results of conducted analysis show that tourism has an important impact on demographic development in several observed small towns. In the case of other selected small towns, the tourism influence on population increase or migration is stagnating. Despite that, increasing number of employed in the tourism industry is recorded, which implies that tourism is recognized within local community as an activity that could contribute to the development of small towns in Serbia


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    This research is conducted to determine impacts of tourism development on the demographic image of selected small towns in Serbia. Analyzing the following indicators – tourism potential, the share of inhabitants employed in the tourism industry, tourist turnover, and tradition in tourism, the group of 23 small towns is singled out. Further, the selected small towns with dominant tourism function are observed within four tourism clusters. Demographic characteristics of these urban settlements are analyzed through population indicators: total population increase/decrease, age and sex structure, economic activity, education structure, etc., according to the latest available data. The level of local population involvement in tourism is examined, as well as the influence of these small towns on the immediate rural surroundings. The results of conducted analysis show that tourism has an important impact on demographic development in several observed small towns. In the case of other selected small towns, the tourism influence on population increase or migration is stagnating. Despite that, increasing number of employed in the tourism industry is recorded, which implies that tourism is recognized within local community as an activity that could contribute to the development of small towns in Serbia.

    Transformation of hotel offer in the Serbian spa resorts: Present state and perspectives

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    Serbia has a long tradition in thermal baths tourism development. In the second half of the twentieth century this branch of tourism attracted a significant segment of tourist demand, both domestic and foreign. Serbia has many Special hospitals for rehabilitation in its spa resorts. In the last two decades the emphasis is not on treatment (rehabilitation). The health improvement has taken priority over "classic balneological treatment of disease". Wellness/spa has become a key tourism product in such destinations. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to determine the effects of transformation of rehabilitation hospitals into wellness centers, in several, most visited Serbian spa resorts.Hotellink: časopis za hotelijerstvo, restoraterstvo i gastronomiju, ISSN 1451-5113; vol. 17, no. 27-2

    Indicators of competitiveness in tourism: Case of Serbia, Montenegro and FYR Macedonia

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    The competitiveness of tourist destinations is a phenomenon of 21st century. Comparative advantage of destinations on the market is determined by factors of production i.e. natural (inherited) and created (infrastructure). In the paper is carried out a comparative analysis of the countries of the former Yugoslavia, the candidates of the European Union, Serbia, Montenegro and FYR Macedonia. For monitoring the competitiveness it was used a model that has been developed by The World Economic Forum for the purpose of Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI). The model covers 14 key indicators based on data from numerous national and international institutions such as World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), World & Travel Tourism Council (WTTC), The International Air Transport Association (IATA), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

    Protection of the "Lake Skadar" National Park in the Function of Sustainable Development of Tourism

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    Lake Skadar is the largest national park located on the territory of the Zeta-Skadar basin in the Republic of Montenegro. Known as a "hotspot of biodiversity", it faces many challenges. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to indicate the system of protection of the park by the application of geographic information system (GIS) and to emphasize the importance of sustainable tourism development in connection with this. Conditionally, the paper will include four segments: the first, defining the area of the Lake Skadar, the second, the protection systems and regimes, the third, the existing and potential tourist activities on the lake, while the final section will sublimate all the findings accumulated during the study. The geo-ecological analysis of the area will help the organization of tourist activities and undertaking measures in the field of environmental protection.Rad je publikovan u okviru sesije 4 - Environmental protectio

    The medical-geographical aspects of endemic nephropathy in the municipality of Lazarevac

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    Endemic nephropathy is a chronic non-communicable disease related to the Balkans. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to emphasize the notion of endemic nephritis with special reference to the municipality of Lazarevac by the use of medical-geographical methods. Conditionally, the paper can be divided into five segments: the first, related to the concept and causes of the disease, the second, to the specifics of the municipality of Lazarevac in relation to nephritis, the third, to the results of clinical studies of endemic nephropathy, the fourth, to the function of the special hospital, and the conclusion, which sublimates previous findings

    The position of Sokobanja on the Serbian tourism market

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    U globalnim okvirima, turizam predstavlja jednu od najznačajnijih privrednih delatnosti. O tome svedoče podaci relevantnih međunarodnih institucija (Svetska turistička organizacija, Svetski ekonomski forum, Svetski savet za putovanja i turizam), ali i nacionalnih organa (zavodi za statistiku, turističke organizacije). Na nivou Srbije postoji veći broj destinacija, gde je Sokobanja jedan od nosilaca turističke privrede. Stoga, cilj rada je ukazati na faktore koji su uticali na formiranje ponude i poziciju Sokobanje na turističkom tržištu. Korišćena je dostupna literatura i statistički podaci, a kao dodatni metod korišćeno je anketno istraživanje sprovedeno tokom 2014. godine. Rad je podeljen na pet poglavlja. Prvi deo razmatra ulogu turizma na globalnom nivou. Drugi deo ukazuje na istorijske preduslove sokobanjskog turizma, dok se treći i četvrti deo odnose na odlike turističkog prometa i materijalnu bazu privređivanja. Poslednji deo razmatra odnos posetilaca banje prema turističkoj ponudi. Rezultati su istakli više pravilnosti: banjski turizam je jedan od vodećih turističkih proizvoda Srbije, turistički promet ima sezonske karakteristike uz dominaciju domaćih gostiju, prirodna resursna osnova je prisutna, ali infrastruktura je zastarela, a ponuda neusaglašena sa trendovima na tržištu.In global terms, tourism is one of the most important economic activities. This is confirmed by the relevant international institutions’ data (The World Tourism Organization UNWTO, The World Economic Forum, The World Travel & Tourism Council), but also the national authorities (statistical institutes, tourism organizations). At the Serbian level, there is a growing number of destinations, where Sokobanja is one of the pillars of the tourism industry. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to point out the factors that have influenced the creation of supply and the position of Sokobanja in the tourist market. We used the available literature and statistics data and the survey was conducted during 2014, as an additional method. The paper is divided into five chapters. In the first part, the role of tourism on the global level is discussed. In the second part, the historical preconditions of Sokobanja tourism are pointed out, while the third and fourth part are related to characteristics of tourism turnover and the material basis of economic activity. In the final section, the relationship of the spa visitors towards tourism industry is discussed. The results pointed out several facts: spa tourism is one of the leading tourist products of Serbia, tourism turnover has seasonal characteristics with the domination of domestic guests, the natural resource base is present, but the infrastructure is obsolete and the offer is incompatible with market trends

    Protected natural assets as a tourist offer of Belgrade

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    Protected natural assets have a significant role in urban areas. Daily influence of anthropogenic factors reduces the environmental quality of the cities. The social awareness of nature conservation for the present and future generations is becoming more developed. Therefore, the green zones are significant on the one hand for the daily functioning of the population, and on the other hand as part of the tourist offer. The aim of this paper is inventarization and valorization of protected natural assets in the City of Belgrade, in order to create integrated tourist offer. We used the available domestic and international literature dealing with the issue of tourism development in urban areas, as well as existing spatial planning legislation. The results showed that, with adequate management, natural resources in urban areas could sustain the ecological function, but also could develop additional, such as tourism function. This paper analysis will help the organization of tourism activities by relevant state institutions

    Modern tourism trends

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    Savremeni razvoj turizma uslovljen je promenama turisticke tražnje, kojima se turisticka ponuda kontinuirano prilago ava. Iako je zapažen porast udela selektivnih oblika turizma u svetskom turistickom prometu, osnovu poslovanja turistickih subjekata još uvek predstavljaju tradicionalni, masovni, oblici turizma. U radu ce biti ukazano na razlike izme u karakteristika savremene i nekadašnje turisticke tražnje, kao i na faktore koji su uslovili nastanak promena. Savremene tehnologije su donele velike promene u nacinu poslovanja subjekata turistickog sektora. Danas je uspeh turistickih preduzeca uslovljen primenom informacionih sistema u svim fazama poslovanja. Nov nacin poslovanja neophodno je kriticki posmatrati. Iz tog razloga ce biti izvršena inventarizacija pozitivnih i negativnih efekata primene savremenih dostignuca, kako na poslovanje turistickihpreduzeca, tako i na same turiste.Tourism demand changes are causing modern tourism development and tourist offer is continuously adapting to these changes. Core business of tourist subjects still represents traditional, mass tourism, although world tourist traffic notes the increase of the selective tourism form. This paper will point out differences between traditional and modern tourist demand and it will also focus on factors which caused beginning of the changes. Modern technologies bring the huge management change for subjects in a tourist sector. Success of the tourist companies is conditioned by usage of the information systems in every management phase today. On the other side, new way of running the business should definitely be critically observed. That is the reason why both positive and negative effects lists of using modern technical achievements in tourist company management are going to be presented in this paper. Besides that, positive and negative effects on the tourists themselves will be shown