98 research outputs found

    Social teaching of the Church in Croatia

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    In the 19th and 20th centuries the Christian social teaching or social teaching of the Church used to hold an important place in some Western countries, especially Germany and Austria. Without the rich tradition of the Christian social teaching it would have been hard to develop social market economy in Germany. In the transitional turmoil in Croatia the question about significance and meaning of the social teaching of the Church is inevitable. This paper, entitled Social Teaching of the Church in Croatia, does not aim at giving a complete picture of the social teaching of the Church in Croatia, does not aim at giving a complete picture of the social teaching of the Church in Croatia but highlights the main features of the activities undertaken by Christians and the Church in the public life of the transitional Croatia

    24. Svjetski dan bolesnika 24th World Day of the Sick

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    U koga se čovjek danas može pouzdati? Kome može vjerovati? To su pitanja koja postaju sve aktualnijima kako u javnom životu tako, nažalost, sve viÅ”e i u osobnim kontaktima i neformalnim susretima. U takvom vremenu nesigurnosti, podjela, pa i straha pred budućnoŔću i u vremenu u kojem nasilje i tragične posljedice ratova mijenjaju sliku svijeta i Europe, papa Franjo u Poruci za 24. svjetski dan bolesnika 2016. poziva na razmiÅ”ljanje o temi: Pouzdati se u milosrdnoga Isusa poput Marije: ā€žÅ to god vam rekne, učinite!ā€œ (Iv 2,5). (usp. Papa Franjo, Pouzdati se u milosrdnog Isusa poput Marije: ā€žÅ to god vam rekne, učinite!ā€œ /Iv 2,5/, u: Službeni vjesnik Zagrebačke nadbiskupije 102 /2015/, br. 5, 453-454). Tema ā€žpouzdati seā€œ povezuje se uz ā€žmilosrdnu ljubavā€œ, uz Izvanrednu godinu milosrđa koja se u Katoličkoj Crkvi slavi od 8. prosinca 2015. do 20. studenoga 2016

    Moral-ethic Challenges Forty Years After the Council

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    Imajući u vidu postkoncilski razvoj moralne teologije i specifične hrvatske prilike autor u raspravi o moralno-etičkim izazovima četrdeset godina nakon Koncila polazi od temeljene koncilske poruke, tj. poziva teolozima da uvijek traže prikladniji način kako bi krŔćansku moralnu poruku saopćili ljudima svoga vremena (usp. Gaudium et spes br. 62). Hrvatska druÅ”tvena javnost preko medija sve viÅ”e potencira osjetljiva moralno-etička pitanja, poput umjetne oplodnje, spolnoga odgoja, pobačaja, homoseksualnosti, pedofilije, stvarajući o tim i sličnim pitanjima takav moralno-etički pristup koji se razlikuje od načina života hrvatskoga naroda. Tema se obrađuje u dva dijela: Poticaji Drugoga vatikanskog koncila i Neki suvremeni moralno-etički izazovi. U prvom dijelu autor raspravlja o temeljnim koncilskim postavkama za razvoj moralne teologije, prije svega o kristocentričnom usmjerenju koje proizlazi iz Optatam totius, br. 16. i nekih drugih koncilskih dokumenata. Takav pristup u postkoncilskom razdoblju nailazio je na različite poteÅ”koće, ali se u novije vrijeme susreće sve viÅ”e tekstova koji problematiziraju tu tematiku. U drugom dijelu rada autor se ograničuje na dva Å”ira područja na kojima se u posljednje vrijeme pojavljuje viÅ”e moralno-etičkih izazova. To je, s jedne strane, područje braka, obitelji, uopće spolnoga života i bioetike kojim se bavi moralna teologija te, s druge strane, socijalno područje kojim se posebno bavi socijalni nauk Crkve odnosno socijalna etika. S obzirom na specifičnu hrvatsku situaciju prvo područje se tematizira kroz pitanje spolnog odgoja, promjene zakonodavstva i aktualnosti bioetike. U radu se konstatira selektivni pristup spolnosti, problemi u stvaranju novoga hrvatskog zakonodavstva na tom području koje ne odražava stvarno stanje hrvatskoga druÅ”tva te aktualnost bioetike u Hrvatskoj u kojoj hrvatski teolozi daju svoj značajan doprinos. Brojni su moralno-etički izazovi na socijalnom području u Hrvatskoj koji su autoru dobro poznati. Tražeći odgovor na pitanje: koja je uloga hrvatskih teologa i službenih predstavnika Crkve, autor konstatira da je Socijalni govor hrvatske Crkve na ispitu. Na osnovu Kompedija socijalnog nauka Crkve autor pokazuje Socijalni pastoral kao put za aktivno sudjelovanje krŔćana i Crkve u druÅ”tvenom životu Å”to je ujedno i temeljni preduvjet za \u27novu evangelizaciju\u27 o kojoj je govorio papa Ivan Pavao II. U Zaključku se na osnovu enciklike Veritatis splendor i rasprave teologa moralista tematizira povezanost između moralno-etičko-socijalnih izazova i vizije teologa moralista. U pluralnom druÅ”tvu, u kojem se izgubila slika \u27krŔćanski etičkog svijeta\u27, od teologa moralista se očekuje da bude \u27osoba sa mnogo antena\u27 koji će biti kadar u crkvenom i druÅ”tvenom životu svjedočiti proročku vjerodostojnost etičkih uvjerenja Crkve. Svi oni koji na moralno-etičko-socijalnom području u hrvatskoj crkvenoj i druÅ”tvenoj javnosti nastupaju kao predstavnici Crkve trebaju biti kompetentni i trajno svjesni koncilske poruke da stalno traže \u27prikladniji način\u27 kako krŔćansku moralnu poruku prenijeti ljudima naÅ”ega vremena.Keeping in mind the post-council development of moral theology and specific Croatian circumstances, the author debates the moral-ethic challenges, forty years after the Council, starting from the fundamental council message, i.e. the call to theologians to always seek appropriate ways to proclaim the Christian moral message to people of their time (cf. Gaudium et spes, No. 62). Through the media, the Croatian public is dealing more with sensitive moral-ethical issues, such as artificial insemination, sex education, abortion, homosexuality, paedophilia and as such building a moral-ethic approach to these and other issues that are different to the usual way of life of the Croatian people. The topic is dealt with in two parts: Inspirations of the Second Vatican Council and Some contemporary ethical challenges. In the first part the author discusses the fundamental council presumptions of the development of moral theology, above all about Christocentrideal directions that are permeated from Optatam totius, No. 16, and some other council documents. This approach in the post-council period came across various difficulties but in more recent times, we are confronted with texts that deal with this topic. In the second part the author limits himself to two wider areas that have emerged recently as moral-ethical challenges. On the one hand, the field of marriage, family, general sexual life and bio-ethics that deal with moral theology. On the other hand, he deals with the social field that social teachings of the Church deal with, that is, social ethics. Keeping in mind the specific Croatian situation the first field is dealt with through the question of sexual education, amendments to legislations and the actuality of bioethics. The paper claims a selective approach to sexuality; the problems faced with creating new Croatian legislation in this field that does not reflect the true situation in Croatian society; and the actuality of bioethics in Croatia where Croatian theologians have made a significant contribution. Numerous moral-ethic challenges exist in the social field in Croatia with which the author is familiar. Seeking a response to the question: What is the role of Croatian theologians and official Church representatives, the author claims that Social speech in the Croatian Church is being put to the question. Based on the Compendium of social teachings of the Church, the author presents Social pastoral care as the way to active participation of Christians and the Church in social life which is at the same time a fundamental precondition for the \u27new Evangelisation\u27 that Pope John Paul II spoke about. In his conclusion which is based on the encyclica Veritatis splendor and other discussions by moral theologians, the author discussed the connection between moral-ethic-social challenges and the vision of moral theologians. In a plural society where the image of a \u27Christian ethical world\u27 has been lost we expect moral theologians to testify the prophesising credibility of ethic beliefs of the Church. Anyone representing the Church in moral-ethical-social issues in the Croatian Church and public must be competent and permanently conscious of the council message to continually seek an \u27appropriate way\u27 to transfer the Christian moral message to the people of their time

    Social Activities of Priests. Initiatives by Dr. Vilko Anderlić (1882 - 1957)

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    Prema do sada uglavnom neobrađenoj literaturi članak obrađuje zanimanje i poticaje dr. Vilka Anderlića u odnosu na socijalno djelovanje svećenika u prvoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća u Hrvatskoj. Tema je važna i zbog toga Å”to socijalno djelovanje svećenika u tom vremenskom razdoblju joÅ” uvijek nije znanstveno istraženo. U prvoj točki autor ukratko ukazuje na značenje koje Anderlić daje rjeÅ”avanju socijalnog pitanja piÅ”ući knjigu pod nazivom \u27Socijologija\u27 (1912.) koja je prva takve vrste u hrvatskoj teoloÅ”koj literaturi. Druga i srediÅ”nja točka rada pod nazivom \u27Svećenik je dužan socijalno djelovati\u27 bavi se pitanjem svećenikova socijalnog djelovanja. Prema Anderliću svećenikovo socijalno djelovanje ide u dva smjera: u crkvi i u susretanju s vjernicima i kulturno i materijalno djelovanje svećenika. Za Anderlića je svećenikovo socijalno djelovanje sastavni dio njegova života i pastoralnog djelovanja; svećenik treba biti aktivan kako \u27ad intra\u27 tako posebno \u27ad extra\u27. Treća točka ovoga rada raspravlja o aktualnosti Anderlićeva socijalnog govora danas posebno na pastoralno-praktičnoj razini. Autor u zaključku tvrdi da je u hrvatskoj Crkvi potrebno mijenjati mentalitet prema kojemu se svećenici i Crkva trebaju brinuti isključivo za duhovno, a socijalno djelovanje se ograničuje na prakticiranje krŔćanskog caritasa. U tom kontekstu je Aderlić kao svećenik-župnik i kao intelektualac poticaj danaÅ”njim svećenicima.According to some resources that mostly haven\u27t been thouroughly studied yet, the article elaborates on Dr. Vilko Anderlić\u27s interests and initiatives related to social activities of priests in Croatia in the first half of the 20th century. This topic is also important because social activities of priests in this period haven\u27t been explored yet. In the first section the author briefly explains the significance Anderlić attributed to the solution of social issues in his book " Sociology " ( 1 9 1 2), which was the first in Croatian theological literature to deal with the issue. The second and the core point of this article titled "The priest\u27s duty is to act" deals with the issue of priests\u27 social activities. There are two different directions of priests\u27 social activities according to Anderlić: the first in the church during the encounter with the faithful, whereas the second is manifested in priests\u27 activities related to cultural and material issues. According to Anderlić a priest\u27s social activities are a consistent part of his everyday life and his pastoral work; a priest should take an active part "ad intra" and especially "ad extra". The third section of the article examines the impact of Anderlić\u27s social discourse on our time, especially at the pastoral-practical level. In the conclusion the author claims that the Church in Croatia has need of change of the existing mentality according to which the Church and its priests should only take care of the spiritual, while their social activities are limited to Christian charity. Having this in mind we can say that Anderlić as a parish priest and as an intellectual can serve as an example and a driving force to modern priests

    Social Teachings of the Church in Croatia. Department of Social Teachings of the Church

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    Nakon demokratskih promjena u Hrvatskoj 1990. godine socijalni nauk Crkve postaje zanimljivim ne samo u Crkvi i teologiji nego i u hrvatskom druÅ”tvu i uopće znanstvenoj zajednici. Dok je devedesetih godina 20. stoljeća socijalni nauk Crkve bio poželjan za rjeÅ”avanje brojnih pitanja socijalno-etičkog sadržaja u hrvatskom druÅ”tvu, u posljednjih nekoliko godina nailazi na određeno odbijanje u dijelu druÅ”tvene javnosti za koju krŔćani i Crkva Ā»nemaju Å”to tražiti u javnom životuĀ«. Oko socijalnog nauka Crkve u Hrvatskoj vezuju se brojne nejasnoće kako u hrvatskoj teologiji tako i općenito u hrvatskoj javnosti. U ovom radu se pokuÅ”avaju ponudili odgovori na neka važna pitanja u razvoju socijalnog nauka Crkve u Hrvatskoj. Prvi dio rada: Hrvatske specifičnosti i \u27nejasnoće\u27 i Od druÅ”tvenog nauka Crkve do Katedre socijalnog nauka Crkve obrađuje po prvi puta razvoj socijalnog nauka Crkve kao samostalne teoloÅ”ke discipline na Katoličkom bogoslovnom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Iznose se zanimljivi i korisni podatci u svezi nazivlja (sociologija, druÅ”tveni nauk Crkve, katolički druÅ”tveni nauk, socijalni nauk Crkve) i profesora koji su na KBF-u u Zagrebu predavali taj predmet kao i bližu povijest nastanka Katedre socijalnog nauka Crkve (31. ožujka 2000.). Drugi dio rada: Vrijeme Ivana Pavla II.: definicija i pojačano zanimanje te Suvremeni izazovi socijalnog nauka Crkve bavi se pitanjem važnosti i značenja socijalnog nauka Crkve kako u teologiji tako i u druÅ”tvenom životu. Posebna pozornost se posvećuje hrvatskoj situaciji u kojoj se predviđa razvoj socijalnog nauka Crkve na teoretskoj i praktičnoj razini. Upravo preko aktualnih tema kojima se bavi socijalni nauk Crkve, hrvatska teologija može i danas stupiti u, za hrvatsko druÅ”tvo, tako potreban interdisciplinarni dijalog. To vrijedi kako za unutarhrvatsku situaciju tako i za hrvatski put prema Europskoj uniji.Following the democratic changes in Croatia in 1990, social teachings of the Church became interesting not only for the Church and theology but to Croatian society in general and the science community. While social teachings of the Church were interesting in the nineties of the 20th century to resolve numerous issues relating to social-ethical content in Croatian society, in the past few years it has come across a certain rejection by some sections of public opinion that believe that Christians and the Church Ā»have no business in public lifeĀ«. There are numerous inclarities surrounding social teachings of the Church in Croatia both in Croatian theology and generally in the public. This work attempts to offer a response to some important questions about the development of social teachings of the Church in Croatia. The first part of the paper, Croatian specifics and \u27inclarities\u27 and From social teachings of the Church to the Department of Social Teachings of the Church for the first time the development of social teachings of the Church are investigated as an independent theological discipline at the Catholic Theological Faculty in Zagreb. Some interesting and useful data is presented relating to terminology (such as sociology, social teachings of the Church, Catholic social teaching, social teachings of the Church) and of the professors at the Catholic Theological Faculty in Zagreb who lectured in this subject in the recent past since the emergence of the Department of Social Teachings of the Church (31 March 2000). The second section of the paper: The Time of John Paul II: Definitions and Growing Interest and Modem Challenges to the Social Teachings of the Church deals with questions of importance and significance to social teachings of the Church as a theological and social life. Special attention is dedicated to the Croatian situation which foresees the development of social teachings of the Church on a theoretical and practical level. Infact current topics that social teachings of the Church deal with, can today be presented in Croatian theology and Croatian society as a necessary factor for inter-disciplinary dialogue. This applies to the internal situation in Croatia and for Croatia itself on its path to the European Union
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