15 research outputs found

    Exchange interaction in the diluted semimagnetic semiconductors Hg1-xMnxSe under pressure

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    Galvanomagnetic properties and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in n-type Hg1-xMnxSe diluted solutions for Mn concentrations 0.001≤x≤0.23 in magnetic fields up to 7 T at temperatures T=(0.2 to 20) K under hydrostatic pressure up to 1.6 GPa are investigated. New methods based on oscillation measurements are proposed to determine magnetic characteristics (value and sign of exchange interaction energy for magnetic ion clusters and average cluster size) of semimagnetic semiconductor diluted solid solutions. These methods permit to determine the magnetic subsystem characteristics in the range of low temperatures between the spin-glass transition and the temperature corresponding to the binding energy of magnetic atoms in the cluste

    Transport in tungsten-containing diamond-like films

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    Electron transport in tungsten-containing diamond-like films (DLF) grown by combined plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition and magnetron sputtering was investigated. It was shown that at room temperature for dielectric films with a metal concentration of 1 × 1016–1 × 1018/cm3, the electron conductivity is in agreement with the Pool-Frenkel model and tends to be activationless following the Shklovskii mechanism or the Fowler-Nordheim one at low temperatures. Transition into a low-resistant state was observed, as an electric field of about Ec = 1 × 105 V/cm was applied. As the field is more than the Ec the resistance depends on neither temperature nor electric field. In the strong electric and magnetic fields the non-ohmic hopping conductivity of both Mott and Shklovskii types was observed in the DLF samples with tungsten concentration as low as 1016–1018/cm3. Using the experimental data the parameters of hopping conductivity theory were evaluated. The data of low-frequency capacitance measurements in insulating DLF are also presented. Possible mechanisms of obtained results are discussed

    Localization and Negative Magnetoresistence in Si-Mosfet

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    Temperature and magnetic field dependencies of resistivity π in Si-MOSFET with n-channel have been investigated at low temperatures. Effect of weak localization in metallic region of conductivity and negative magnetoresistance in the hopping conductivity region have been observed. The ohmic conductivity at low temperatures follows the law for the variable range hopping in 2D-system: View the MathML source with T0 = (400–600) K. Different mechanisms of negative magnetoresistance (NMR) in variable range hopping (VRH) regime are discussed

    Results from the Fifth International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters, ICAG97

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    The fifth in the series of International Comparisons of Absolute Gravimeters (ICAG) was held at the Bureau International des Folds et Measures (BIPM) in November 1997. Fifteen absolute gravimeters participated in the comparison. The mean gravity value obtained at station A (0.9 m) at the BIPM was found to be 980 925 707.8 mu Gal with a standard uncertainty of 2.8 mu Gal. This is consistent with the results obtained in previous comparisons at this site. Conclusions based on the analysis of the present results and proposals for future activities are presented

    Results from the Fifth Internationl Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters, ICAG97

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    The fifth in the series of International Comparisons of Absolute Gravimeters (ICAG) was held at the Bureau International des Poids et Measures (BIPM) in November 1997. Fifteen absolute gravimeters participated in the comparison. The mean gravity value obtained at station A (0.9 m) at the BIPM was found to be 980 925 707.8 µGal with a standard uncertainty of 2.8 µGal. This is consistent with the results obtained in previous comparisons at this site. Conclusions based on the analysis of the present results and proposals for future activities are presented