645 research outputs found

    The North's Economy : the trade union view

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    European Works Councils on the Periphery? A Case Study of a 'Global Economic Outpost'

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    European Works Councils (EWCs) are now an established part of industrial relations structures in approaching 600 multinational companies with potentially 10,000 or more employee participants(EIRR 2000). They have become the object of considerable expectation as, variously, vehicles for the development of a European industrial relations system, corporate communication networks or the basis for international trade union solidarity. They are equally the focus of wide ranging academic speculation, case study analysis and survey research. The empirical data that has been generated has served to support the development of a series of ‘models’ of EWCs that are commonly related to the initial expectations to their role

    European Works Councils: Building the Regional Dimension

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    Some Observations on the Physiological and Pathological Actions of Histamine

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    The physiological and pathological actions of histamine when injected into animals and human beings have been described, and the relationship between histamine shock, anaphylaxis and hypersensitivity has been indicated. The results have been used to show that the mechanism of a large number of symptoms can be explained on a histamine basis. Special mention has been made of Asthma, Acute pulmonary oedema, Measles, the bronchial and intestinal disturbances associated with teething and certain cases of hypersensitivity. The effect of the calcium content of the tissues has been shown. In cases where a large liberation of histamine takes place, changes in the urine have been observed

    Clinical Advances in the Diagnosis of Cerebral Vascular Disease

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    I have chosen some thoughts about recent clinical advances in the diagnosis of cerebral vascular disease, which I feel are appropriate for this paper, confining my discussion to the signs, symptoms, natural history, and risk factors of cerebral vascular disease

    Cerebral Blood Flow Studies in Stroke

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    This consideration of the relationship of neuro-transmitters not only to cerebral infarction but also to subarachnoid hemorrhage is, to my mind, the most promising area of investigation over the next decade. There is also a quantity of evidence that neurotransmitters play a large part in spasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage and in the disturbance of neurological function in that situation. Following subarachnoid hemorrhage, some remediable medical problems arise. Apart from clipping of the aneurysm, which the neurosurgeons are able to do, there is the problem of communicating hydrocephalus, which is extremely common in about 40% of patients. It can be discerned by the method of determining regional CBF and doing a spinal tap. If you note an increase in cerebral blood flow with removal of 25 cc of spinal fluid, you know you have a problem with communicating hydrocephalus. This is because autoregulation is disturbed. This increase will not occur when a spinal tap is done on a normal person who does not have communicating hydrocephalus. Finally, one can give glycerol and reduce the brain edema in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and brain swelling

    The Catalytic Function of Ferrous Iron in Oxidations with Hydrogen Peroxide

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    The catalytic oxidation of substances by Hydrogen Peroxide in the presence of Ferrous Salts has been studied. It has been found that experimental evidence supports strongly the contention that the actual catalyst contains Iron in the Ferric state - probably of the nature of a Basic Ferric Salt. In this way is explained the failure of Normal Ferric Salts to catalyse such oxidations and the inhibiting action of low pHs brought about by the presence of mineral acids. The view has been advanced that catalysis is effected by the production of a highly oxygenated complex compound of Iron by the interaction of the Basic Ferric Salt noted above and Hydrogen Peroxide. The scheme suggested differs essentially from that which holds that oxidation is brought about by the reduction of Ferric Iron to the Ferrous state. It also negatives the views of Mummery who believes that only compounds containing Ferrous Iron are involved. In this respect also it differs from that of Kuchlin and Boeseken though not antagonistic to their idea that complexes with the substrate may play a part in such oxidations. The scheme advanced purports also to explain the reactions involved, though no information can be given as to the structure of the compounds taking part in the reactions. From these observations information has been gained as to the best method for the practical use of such systems

    The Experimental Production of Metaplasia and Hyperplasia in the Serosal Endothelium of the Visceral Pleura and in the Alveolar Epithelium of the Lung of the Rabbit. Appendix A: Lesions of the Liver and Other Organs Produced by the Intrapleural Injection of Sudan III. Appendix B: The incidence of Spontaneous Tumours and Certain Other Lesions in a Consecutive Series of 700 Rabbits

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    Certain methods are described, based upon the intrapleural injection in the rabbit of certain biological reagents, whereby hyperplasia and metaplasia of the serosal endothelium, covering the visceral pleura, and of the alveolar epithelium of the lung can be produced. (1) a. Sudan lII, dissolved in olive oil and emulsified by sodium chelate (bile salts) induces a transformation of the seros endothelium into columnar, transitional, or stratified squamous epithelium, while the pulmonary epithelium lining the marginal alveoli of the lung undergoes metaplasia to a tall columnar type. These changes are generally maintained for two or three months but they have been witnessed in two exceptional animals after sixteen months. The dye is absorbed from the pleural sac very slowly and incompletely and the residue remains in contact with the surface of the lung for an indefinitely long period until it becomes encapsulated by fibrous tissue. b. sudan III, dissolved in olive oil but not emulsified by bile salts, is relatively ineffective. (2) Sodium cholate, whether emulsified in olive oil or in liquid paraffin or dissolved in physiological saline, produces wellmarked hyperplasia and metaplasia of the epithelium lining the marginal alveoli of the lung. These changes are transient, attaining a maximum within four days and undergoing involution within eight days. (3) Certain solutions of various electrolytes produce reactions which conform in their histological characters and in their evolution with the reaction determined by bile salts. The hyperplasia increases as the valency of the cation of the salt increases, but it is not enhanced by increasing the valency of the anion. It has not been possible to demonstrate any antagonism between sodium and calcium ions, or potassium and calcium ions,in respect of the production of epithelial proliferation when they are exhibited in chemically equivalent proportions (3/8 N solutions). (4) Minor degrees of the same type of epithelial hyperplasia are produced by the intrapleural injection of large volumes of distilled water. (5) "Hypertonic" solutions (3/4 M - 10 c.c.) of two nonelectrolytes - cane-sugar and urea- produce no reaction. (6) It is not possible to sustain the transient reaction produced by 5 c.c. of a 3/4 N solution of strontium chloride by repeating the injection at intervals of 48 hours. On the contrary, there is some reason to believe that the proliferating cells arising from the first injection become "refractory" to subsequent injections of the same solution. (7) The significance of physical factors in the genesis of the epithelial proliferation is discussed and attention is directed towards certain observations which may affect the maintenance or the stability of the reaction
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