22 research outputs found

    Eukaryotic Translesion DNA Synthesis on the Leading and Lagging Strands: Unique Detours around the Same Obstacle

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    During S-phase, minor DNA damage may be overcome by DNA damage tolerance (DDT) pathways that bypass such obstacles, postponing repair of the offending damage to complete the cell cycle and maintain cell survival. In translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), specialized DNA polymerases replicate the damaged DNA, allowing stringent DNA synthesis by a replicative polymerase to resume beyond the offending damage. Dysregulation of this DDT pathway in human cells leads to increased mutation rates that may contribute to the onset of cancer. Furthermore, TLS affords human cancer cells the ability to counteract chemotherapeutic agents that elicit cell death by damaging DNA in actively replicating cells. Currently, it is unclear how this critical pathway unfolds, in particular, where and when TLS occurs on each template strand. Given the semidiscontinuous nature of DNA replication, it is likely that TLS on the leading and lagging strand templates is unique for each strand. Since the discovery of DDT in the late 1960s, most studies on TLS in eukaryotes have focused on DNA lesions resulting from ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure. In this review, we revisit these and other related studies to dissect the step-by-step intricacies of this complex process, provide our current understanding of TLS on leading and lagging strand templates, and propose testable hypotheses to gain further insights

    Replication Protein A Prohibits Diffusion of the PCNA Sliding Clamp along Single-Stranded DNA

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    The replicative polymerases cannot accommodate distortions to the native DNA sequence such as modifications (lesions) to the native template bases from exposure to reactive metabolites and environmental mutagens. Consequently, DNA synthesis on an afflicted template abruptly stops upon encountering these lesions, but the replication fork progresses onward, exposing long stretches of the damaged template before eventually stalling. Such arrests may be overcome by translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) in which specialized TLS polymerases bind to the resident proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and replicate the damaged DNA. Hence, a critical aspect of TLS is maintaining PCNA at or near a blocked primer/template (P/T) junction upon uncoupling of fork progression from DNA synthesis by the replicative polymerases. The single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein, replication protein A (RPA), coats the exposed template and might prohibit diffusion of PCNA along the single-stranded DNA adjacent to a blocked P/T junction. However, this idea had yet to be directly tested. We recently developed a unique Cy3-Cy5 Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) pair that directly reports on the occupancy of DNA by PCNA. In this study, we utilized this FRET pair to directly and continuously monitor the retention of human PCNA at a blocked P/T junction. Results from extensive steady state and pre-steady state FRET assays indicate that RPA binds tightly to the ssDNA adjacent to a blocked P/T junction and restricts PCNA to the upstream duplex region by physically blocking diffusion of PCNA along ssDNA

    Capturing a Sulfenic Acid with Arylboronic Acids and Benzoxaborole

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    Post-translational redox generation of cysteine-sulfenic acids (Cys-SOH) functions as an important reversible regulatory mechanism for many biological functions, such as signal transduction, balancing cellular redox states, catalysis, and gene transcription. Herein we show that arylboronic acids and cyclic benzoxaboroles can form adducts with sulfenic acids in aqueous medium and that these boron-based compounds can potentially be used to trap biologically significant sulfenic acids. As proof of principle we demonstrate that a benzoxaborole can inhibit the enzyme activity of an iron-containing nitrile hydratase, which requires a catalytic αCys114-SOH in the active site. The nature of the adduct and the effect of the boronic acid’s p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub><sup>B</sup> on the stability constant of the adduct are discussed within

    Examination of the Reactivity of Benzoxaboroles and Related Compounds with a <i>cis</i>-Diol

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    Benzoxaboroles have been emerging as an interesting and useful scaffold in drug discovery due to their apparently unique reactivity toward diols under physiological conditions. In this work, the reaction of benzoxaborole with the diol-containing, fluorescent dye Alizarin Red S is probed. Steady-state and presteady-state experiments have been conducted for the characterization of the reactions over a wide range of pH. Results indicate that Alizarin Red S reacts with both the boronic (neutral, trigonal) form as well as the boronate (anionic, tetrahedral) form of benzoxaborole in a reaction largely analogous to that previously determined for the simple phenylboronic acid. However, in certain key aspects, the reactivity of the benzoxaborole was found to differ from that of simple phenylboronic acid. The structural origin of these differences has been explored by examination of compounds related to both benzoxaborole and phenylboronic acid. These results may be applied to rational drug discovery efforts aimed at expanding the use of benzoxaboroles in medicine

    Elucidation of the Mechanism of the Reaction between Phenylboronic Acid and a Model Diol, Alizarin Red S

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    In this work, the reaction between phenylboronic acid and the diol-containing, fluorescent dye Alizarin Red S (<b>ARS</b>) was probed. Fluorescence titrations, <sup>11</sup>B NMR measurements, and both pre- and steady-state kinetic experiments were used for the characterization of this reaction over a large pH range (4–10.5). It was shown that <b>ARS</b> preferentially reacted with the boronic (neutral, trigonal) form of phenylboronic acid; however, the boronate (anionic, tetrahedral) form was also reactive. All in all, four reactant species were implicated in the formation of four different adduct species. The rate of a given adduct formation depended on the combination of the solution pH and the p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub>’s of both <b>ARS</b> and the arylboronic acid. The reaction was found to proceed in two distinct kinetic steps with the products and starting materials in facile exchange. In addition, the elucidation of the mechanism indicated the presence of two fluorescent products with the structure of the major contributor differing from what had been cited in the literature

    Monitoring the Retention of Human Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen at Primer/Template Junctions by Proteins That Bind Single-Stranded DNA

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    In humans, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) sliding clamps encircling DNA coordinate various aspects of DNA metabolism throughout the cell cycle. A critical aspect of this is restricting PCNA to the vicinity of its DNA target site. For example, PCNA must be maintained at or near primer/template (P/T) junctions during DNA synthesis. With a diverse array of cellular factors implicated, many of which interact with PCNA, DNA, or both, it is unknown how this critical feat is achieved. Furthermore, current biochemical assays that examine the retention of PCNA near P/T junctions are inefficient, discontinuous, and qualitative and significantly deviate from physiologically relevant conditions. To overcome these challenges and limitations, we recently developed a novel and convenient Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay that directly and continuously monitors the retention of human PCNA at a P/T junction. Here we describe in detail the design, methodology, interpretation, and limitations of this quantitative FRET assay using the single-stranded DNA-binding protein, SSB, from <i>Escherichia coli</i> as an example. This powerful tool is broadly applicable to any single-stranded DNA-binding protein and may be utilized and/or expanded upon to dissect DNA metabolic pathways that are dependent upon PCNA

    Ring Structure and Aromatic Substituent Effects on the p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> of the Benzoxaborole Pharmacophore

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    In this work, we present an investigation into the physical properties of a unique class of aromatic boronic acids, the benzoxaboroles. Using spectrophotometric methods, the ionization constants of a family of substituted benzoxaboroles are determined. Heterocyclic ring modifications are examined to determine their effects on the ionization of the boronic acid moiety. It is also shown that the substituent effects about the aromatic ring follow a Hammett relationship with the compounds' measured p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> values. Finally, these substituent effects are also shown to extend to the sugar binding properties of these compounds under physiologically relevant conditions. Combined, these data will inform medicinal chemists wishing to tailor the ionization and/or ability of this class of compound to bind diol-containing biomolecules

    Effects of the Donor–Acceptor Distance and Dynamics on Hydride Tunneling in the Dihydrofolate Reductase Catalyzed Reaction

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    A significant contemporary question in enzymology involves the role of protein dynamics and hydrogen tunneling in enhancing enzyme catalyzed reactions. Here, we report a correlation between the donor–acceptor distance (DAD) distribution and intrinsic kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) for the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) catalyzed reaction. This study compares the nature of the hydride-transfer step for a series of active-site mutants, where the size of a side chain that modulates the DAD (I14 in E. coli DHFR) is systematically reduced (I14V, I14A, and I14G). The contributions of the DAD and its dynamics to the hydride-transfer step were examined by the temperature dependence of intrinsic KIEs, hydride-transfer rates, activation parameters, and classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Results are interpreted within the framework of the Marcus-like model where the increase in the temperature dependence of KIEs arises as a direct consequence of the deviation of the DAD from its distribution in the wild type enzyme. Classical MD simulations suggest new populations with larger average DADs, as well as broader distributions, and a reduction in the population of the reactive conformers correlated with the decrease in the size of the hydrophobic residue. The more flexible active site in the mutants required more substantial thermally activated motions for effective H-tunneling, consistent with the hypothesis that the role of the hydrophobic side chain of I14 is to restrict the distribution and dynamics of the DAD and thus assist the hydride-transfer. These studies establish relationships between the distribution of DADs, the hydride-transfer rates, and the DAD’s rearrangement toward tunneling-ready states. This structure–function correlation shall assist in the interpretation of the temperature dependence of KIEs caused by mutants far from the active site in this and other enzymes, and may apply generally to C–H→C transfer reactions

    Temporally Overlapped but Uncoupled Motions in Dihydrofolate Reductase Catalysis

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    Temporal correlations between protein motions and enzymatic reactions are often interpreted as evidence for catalytically important motions. Using dihydrofolate reductase as a model system, we show that there are many protein motions that temporally overlapped with the chemical reaction, and yet they do not exhibit the same kinetic behaviors (KIE and pH dependence) as the catalyzed chemical reaction. Thus, despite the temporal correlation, these motions are not directly coupled to the chemical transformation, and they might represent a different part of the catalytic cycle or simply be the product of the intrinsic flexibility of the protein

    Detection of Dihydrofolate Reductase Conformational Change by FRET Using Two Fluorescent Amino Acids

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    Two fluorescent amino acids, including the novel fluorescent species 4-biphenyl-l-phenylalanine (<b>1</b>), have been incorporated at positions 17 and 115 of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) to enable a study of conformational changes associated with inhibitor binding. Unlike most studies involving fluorescently labeled proteins, the fluorophores were incorporated into the amino acid side chains, and both probes [<b>1</b> and l-(7-hydroxycoumarin-4-yl)­ethylglycine (<b>2</b>)] were smaller than fluorophores typically used for such studies. The DHFR positions were chosen as potentially useful for Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements on the basis of their estimated separation (17–18 Å) and the expected change in distance along the reaction coordinate. Also of interest was the steric accessibility of the two sites: Glu17 is on the surface of DHFR, while Ile115 is within a folded region of the protein. Modified DHFR I (<b>1</b> at position 17; <b>2</b> at position 115) and DHFR II (<b>2</b> at position 17; <b>1</b> at position 115) were both catalytically competent. However, DHFR II containing the potentially rotatable biphenylphenylalanine moiety at sterically encumbered position 115 was significantly more active than DHFR I. Irradiation of the modified DHFRs at 280 nm effected excitation of <b>1</b>, energy transfer to <b>2</b>, and emission by <b>2</b> at 450 nm. However, the energy transfer was substantially more efficient in DHFR II. The effect of inhibitor binding was also measured. Trimethoprim mediated concentration-dependent diminution of the emission observed at 450 nm for DHFR II but not for DHFR I. These findings demonstrate that amino acids containing small fluorophores can be introduced into DHFR with minimal disruption of function and in a fashion that enables sensitive monitoring of changes in DHFR conformation