2,000 research outputs found

    The Voice of Optimization

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    We introduce the idea that using optimal classification trees (OCTs) and optimal classification trees with-hyperplanes (OCT-Hs), interpretable machine learning algorithms developed by Bertsimas and Dunn [2017, 2018], we are able to obtain insight on the strategy behind the optimal solution in continuous and mixed-integer convex optimization problem as a function of key parameters that affect the problem. In this way, optimization is not a black box anymore. Instead, we redefine optimization as a multiclass classification problem where the predictor gives insights on the logic behind the optimal solution. In other words, OCTs and OCT-Hs give optimization a voice. We show on several realistic examples that the accuracy behind our method is in the 90%-100% range, while even when the predictions are not correct, the degree of suboptimality or infeasibility is very low. We compare optimal strategy predictions of OCTs and OCT-Hs and feedforward neural networks (NNs) and conclude that the performance of OCT-Hs and NNs is comparable. OCTs are somewhat weaker but often competitive. Therefore, our approach provides a novel insightful understanding of optimal strategies to solve a broad class of continuous and mixed-integer optimization problems

    Glucocorticoid actions on airway epithelial responses in immunity: Functional outcomes and molecular targets

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    Research on the biology of airway epithelium in the last decades has progressively uncovered the many roles of this cell type during the immune response. Far from the early view of the epithelial layer simply as a passive barrier, the airway epithelium is now considered a central player in mucosal immunity, providing innate mechanisms of first-line host defense as well as facilitating adaptive immune responses. Alterations of the epithelial phenotype are primarily involved in the pathogenesis of allergic airways disease, particularly in severe asthma. Appreciation of the epithelium as target of glucocorticoid therapy has also grown, because of studies defining the pathways and mediators affected by glucocorticoids, and studies illustrating the relevance of the control of the response from epithelium in the overall efficacy of topical and systemic therapy with glucocorticoids. Studies of the mechanism of action of glucocorticoids within the biology of the immune response of the epithelium have uncovered mechanisms of gene regulation involving both transcriptional and posttranscriptional events. The view of epithelium as therapeutic target therefore has plenty of room to evolve, as new knowledge on the role of epithelium in immunity is established and novel pathways mediating glucocorticoid regulation are elucidated

    I club calcistici alla prova del Fair Play Finanziario: il caso Juventus Football Club S.p.A.

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    Nel primo capitolo si evidenziano le principali riforme a livello legislativo che hanno caratterizzato il sistema calcio italiano. Il secondo capitolo riguarda principalmente le voci tipiche del bilancio d’esercizio dei club calcistici. Nel terzo capitolo si prende in considerazione il cosiddetto Fair Play Finanziario, un insieme di regole elaborate dalla UEFA con l’obiettivo di tutelare la sostenibilità delle società di calcio professionistiche ed infine, nell’ultimo capitolo, si esamina il caso Juventus Football Club S.p.A

    OSQP: An Operator Splitting Solver for Quadratic Programs

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    We present a general-purpose solver for convex quadratic programs based on the alternating direction method of multipliers, employing a novel operator splitting technique that requires the solution of a quasi-definite linear system with the same coefficient matrix at almost every iteration. Our algorithm is very robust, placing no requirements on the problem data such as positive definiteness of the objective function or linear independence of the constraint functions. It can be configured to be division-free once an initial matrix factorization is carried out, making it suitable for real-time applications in embedded systems. In addition, our technique is the first operator splitting method for quadratic programs able to reliably detect primal and dual infeasible problems from the algorithm iterates. The method also supports factorization caching and warm starting, making it particularly efficient when solving parametrized problems arising in finance, control, and machine learning. Our open-source C implementation OSQP has a small footprint, is library-free, and has been extensively tested on many problem instances from a wide variety of application areas. It is typically ten times faster than competing interior-point methods, and sometimes much more when factorization caching or warm start is used. OSQP has already shown a large impact with tens of thousands of users both in academia and in large corporations

    A Lime-Flavored REST API for Alignment Services

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    A practical alignment service should be flexible enough to handle the varied alignment scenarios that arise in the real world, while minimizing the need for manual configuration. MAPLE, an orchestration framework for ontology alignment, supports this goal by coordinating a few loosely coupled actors, which communicate and cooperate to solve a matching task using explicit metadata about the input ontologies, other available resources and the task itself. The alignment task is thus summarized by a report listing its characteristics and suggesting alignment strategies. The schema of the report is based on several metadata vocabularies, among which the Lime module of the OntoLex-Lemon model is particularly important, summarizing the lexical content of the input ontologies and describing external language resources that may be exploited for performing the alignment. In this paper, we propose a REST API that enables the participation of downstream alignment services in the process orchestrated by MAPLE, helping them self-adapt in order to handle heterogeneous alignment tasks and scenarios. The realization of this alignment orchestration effort has been performed through two main phases: we first described its API as an OpenAPI specification (a la API-first), which we then exploited to generate server stubs and compliant client libraries. Finally, we switched our focus to the integration of existing alignment systems, with one fully integrated system and an additional one being worked on, in the effort to propose the API as a valuable addendum to any system being developed

    Online Mixed-Integer Optimization in Milliseconds

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    We propose a method to solve online mixed-integer optimization (MIO) problems at very high speed using machine learning. By exploiting the repetitive nature of online optimization, we are able to greatly speedup the solution time. Our approach encodes the optimal solution into a small amount of information denoted as strategy using the Voice of Optimization framework proposed in [BS21]. In this way the core part of the optimization algorithm becomes a multiclass classification problem which can be solved very quickly. In this work, we extend that framework to real-time and high-speed applications focusing on parametric mixed-integer quadratic optimization (MIQO). We propose an extremely fast online optimization algorithm consisting of a feedforward neural network (NN) evaluation and a linear system solution where the matrix has already been factorized. Therefore, this online approach does not require any solver nor iterative algorithm. We show the speed of the proposed method both in terms of total computations required and measured execution time. We estimate the number of floating point operations (flops) required to completely recover the optimal solution as a function of the problem dimensions. Compared to state-of-the-art MIO routines, the online running time of our method is very predictable and can be lower than a single matrix factorization time. We benchmark our method against the state-of-the-art solver Gurobi obtaining from two to three orders of magnitude speedups on examples from fuel cell energy management, sparse portfolio optimization and motion planning with obstacle avoidance
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