92 research outputs found
A data acquisition system for longitudinal beam properties in a rapid cycling synchrotron
A longitudinal beam properties, data acquisition system has been commissioned
to operate in the Fermilab booster ring. This system captures real time
information including beam synchronous phase, bunch length, and coupled bunch
instability amplitudes as the beam is accelerated from 400 MeV to 8 GeV in 33
ms. The system uses an off-the-shelf Tektronix oscilloscope running Labview
software and a synchronous pulse generator. This paper describes the hardware
configuration and the software configuration used to optimize the data
processing rate.Comment: 3 pp. Particle Accelerator, 24th Conference (PAC'11) 2011. 28 Mar - 1
Apr 2011. New York, US
Cooperative Struggle: Re-framing Intercultural Conflict in the Management of Sino-American Joint Ventures
Sino-American economic joint ventures are most often studied through a lens of technical rationality that typically emphasizes organizational efficiency, reduces culture to a manageable resource, and views conflict as discrete disruptions requiring efficient handling. Here, we conceptualize Sino-American business partnerships as sites of struggle where co-managers\u27 accounts of intercultural disagreements reveal friction around action, voice, interests, and identity. We propose cooperative struggle as a critical management practice for working creatively with the multiple forms of difference that arise in this organizational form
Cooperative Struggle: Re-framing Intercultural Conflict in the Management of Sino-American Joint Ventures
Sino-American economic joint ventures are most often studied through a lens of technical rationality that typically emphasizes organizational efficiency, reduces culture to a manageable resource, and views conflict as discrete disruptions requiring efficient handling. Here, we conceptualize Sino-American business partnerships as sites of struggle where co-managers\u27 accounts of intercultural disagreements reveal friction around action, voice, interests, and identity. We propose cooperative struggle as a critical management practice for working creatively with the multiple forms of difference that arise in this organizational form
Emittance growth mechanisms in the Tevatron beams
In this article we present results of emittance growth measurements in the
Tevatron beams. Several mechanisms leading to transverse and longitudinal
diffusions are analyzed and their contributions estimated.Comment: 7 p
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Trigger delay compensation of beam synchronous sampling
One of the problems of providing beam feedback in a large accelerator is the lack of beam synchronous trigger signals far from the RF signal source. IF single bucket resolutions are required, a cable extending from the RF source to the other side of the accelerator will not provide a synchronous signal if the RF frequency changes significantly with respect to the cable delay. This paper offers a solution to this problem by locking to the RF, at the remote location, using a digital phase locked loop. Then, the digitized frequency value is used to calculate the phase shift required to remain synchronized to the beam. Results are shown for phase lock to the Fermilab Main Ring RF. 1 ref., 4 figs
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