5 research outputs found

    EMLP individual and population information

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    Population and individual plant data based on the passport information sourced from the German genebank (IPK-Gatersleben).</p

    Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologues (BUSCO) analysis on the de novo transcriptome assembly of the oak processionary moth (larval stages L2, L4, L5)

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    Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologues (BUSCO) analysis on the de novo transcriptome assembly of the oak processionary moth (larval stages L2, L4, L5).</p

    Trinotate annotation of the de novo transcriptome assembly of the oak processionary moth (larval stages L2, L4, and L5).

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    Trinotate annotation of the de novo transcriptome assembly of the oak processionary moth (larval stages L2, L4, and L5). Functional annotation of the transcriptome assembly generated by Trinity was performed with Trinotate (v3.2.2).</p

    Differential gene expression analyses between larval stages of the oak processionary moth (<i>Thaumetopoea processionea</i>).

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    Differential expressed genes between each stages was performed, in addition to a comparison between the non-allergenic stage L2 and the allergenic stages L4 and L5 using DESeq2 R package. Log fold change shrinkage was performed using the apelgm R package. The lists of differentially expressed genes with an adjusted p-value below 5% for each comparison were summarized for each comparison in this Excel spreadsheet.</p