16 research outputs found

    Legemiddelinteraksjoner hos pasienter i sykehjem

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    Beskriver en studie som kartlegger forekomsten av legemiddelinteraksjoner hos sykehjemspasienter.BAKGRUNN: sykehjemspasienter behandles ofte med mange legemidler samtidig, med tilhÞrende Þkt risiko for legemiddelinteraksjoner. MÄlet med denne studien var Ä kartlegge forekomsten av legemiddelinteraksjoner hos sykehjemspasienter. MATERIALE OG METODE: studien er basert pÄ legemiddellister som ble samlet inn fra alle sykehjemspasienter i Trondheim kommune i lÞpet av én dag i 2010. Informasjonen fra legemiddellistene ble koblet opp mot den norske interaksjonsdatabasen Druid. RESULTATER: det ble inkludert 1 241 sykehjemspasienter i studien. I gjennomsnitt brukte pasientene 9,8 legemidler fast eller ved behov, med en variasjon fra 0 til 30. I alt brukte 15 pasienter (1,2 %) legemiddelkombinasjoner som i Druid er klassifisert i gruppen «mÄ ikke kombineres», mens 592 (47,7 %) brukte kombinasjoner klassifisert i gruppen «ta forholdsregler ». Det var en klar sammenheng mellom antall forskrevne legemidler og risiko for interaksjoner. De tre vanligste legemiddelkombinasjonene i gruppen «mÄ ikke kombineres» var warfarin pluss ikke-steroide antiinflammatoriske legemidler, klopidogrel pluss protonpumpehemmere og antiparkinsonmidler pluss dopaminblokkerende legemidler. FORTOLKNING: forekomsten av alvorlige legemiddelinteraksjoner blant sykehjemspasienter i Trondheim kommune er lav. Polyfarmasi er utbredt og forekomsten av legemiddelinteraksjoner hvor det bÞr tas forholdsregler er hÞy. Da sykehjemspasienter er en utsatt gruppe med tanke pÄ interaksjoner, bÞr man vurdere interaksjonsfaren spesielt nÞye ved oppstart med nye legemidler

    Large-angle K+pK^{+}p elastic scattering at 10 GeV/c

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    K/sup +/p elastic scattering has been measured over nearly the whole angular range at an incident momentum of 10 GeV/c. The differential cross-section is found to decrease smoothly in the forward direction to -t approximately=2 (GeV/c)/sup 2/, where there is a change in slope, followed by a further decrease to -t approximately=6 (GeV/c) /sup 2/. Around 90 degrees c.m. the cross-section is approximately 1 nb/(GeV/c)/sup 2/, which is more than two orders of magnitude lower than at 5 GeV/c. The backward peak has no structure. (19 refs)

    Large-angle π+p\pi^{+}p elastic scattering at 10 GeV/c

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    The angular distribution of pi /sup +/p elastic scattering has been measured at an incident momentum of 10 GeV/c. Nearly the whole angular range was covered in one experimental set-up. The pronounced dip at -t =2.8 (GeV/c)/sup 2/, observed at lower momenta, has diminished and is essentially a shoulder at 10 GeV/c. The other structure at larger momentum transfers are also different in detail from what was observed at 5 GeV/c. In the 90 degrees c.m. region the differential cross- section is approximately one nb/(GeV/c)/sup 2/, which is more than two orders of magnitude lower than at 5 GeV/c. (14 refs)

    Antiproton-proton annihilation into π+π−\pi^{+}\pi^{-} and K+K−K^{+}K^{-} at 6.2 GeV/c

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    The angular distribution for the two annihilation channels pp to pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ and pp to K/sup +/K/sup -/ have been measured at 6.2 GeV/c. The two-pion channel shows peripheral peaks for pi /sup +/ and pi /sup -/ going forward, and the two-kaon channel shows a peripheral peak for the K/sup -/ going forward. The results have been compared with the line-reversed elastic backward scattering reactions and also with a constituent interchange model. (20 refs)

    Antiproton-proton elastic scattering at 6.2 gev/c

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    Antiproton-proton elastic scattering data at 6.2 GeV/c in the range 0.3 (GeV/c)/sup 2/<or=-t<or=10.0 (GeV/c)/sup 2/ is presented. The experiment, using spark chambers and proportional chambers, was performed at the CERN Proton Synchrotron. The dip at about -t=0.5 and the structure at about -t=2.2 (GeV/c)/sup 2/ are equally strong at 6.2 GeV/c as they are at 5.0 GeV/c. The differential cross sections around 90 degrees c.m. are not very different at 5.0 GeV/c and at 6.2 GeV/c, whereas in the backward region there is a decrease of the order of one magnitude. (16 refs)

    π−p\pi^{-}p and K−pK^{-}p elastic scattering at 6.2 GeV/c

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    Data on 6.2 GeV/c pi /sup -/p and K/sup -/p elastic scattering cross sections are presented in the range 0.3<-t<10.7 (GeV/c)/sup 2/. Large- angle pi /sup -/p scattering differential cross sections oscillate around an average differential cross section of 50 nb/(GeV/c)/sup 2/, with minima at cos theta /sub cm/ approximately=0 and -0.4. The well- known dip at -t=2.8 (GeV/c)/sup 2/ remains constant in t. In the backward direction there is a dip at -u approximately=1 (GeV/c)/sup 2 /. K/sup -/p elastic scattering has a diffraction peak with a slope of 7.30+or-0.08 (GeV/c)/sup -2/ in the region 0.3<-t<0.6 (GeV/c)/sup 2/. The structure at about -t=1 (GeV/c)/sup 2/ is less pronounced than at 5 GeV/c. The large-angle region is characterized by a very fast decrease of the differential cross section with increasing energy. (67 refs)