15 research outputs found
Simples machines ou chambres noires ? Typologie et hiérarchie des langues entre xviiie et xixe siècles
Adam Smith et Giacomo Leopardi ont fait du critère de la complexité ou de la simplicité des langues le pivot de leur comparaison entre les langues. À partir des mêmes sources, principalement françaises, ces deux auteurs nous montrent comme l’adoption d’un point de vue hiérarchisant ou la simple recherche des éléments communs et des diversités entre les langues conduit à des résultats complètement différents. Smith établit une relation, presque une loi, entre simplicité et complexité et Leopardi aboutit, en utilisant les mêmes éléments, à une philosophie des langues en tant que comparaison fondée sur les pratiques langagières.Adam Smith and Giacomo Leopardi have made the criterion of complexity or simplicity the pivot for comparing languages. Through the same sources, mainly French, these two authors show us how adopting a hierarchical perspective or simply searching for common elements and differences between languages leads to completely different results. Smith established a relationship, almost a law, between simplicity and complexity. Instead, Leopardi used the same elements to develop a philosophy of languages as a comparison of the genius of languages based on linguistic practices
Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC) Cells Rewire Their Metabolism to Overcome Curcumin Antitumoral Effects Opening a Window of Opportunity to Improve Treatment
Extensive research suggests that curcumin interferes with multiple cell signaling pathways involved in cancer development and progression. This study aimed to evaluate curcumin effects on adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC), a rare but very aggressive tumor. Curcumin reduced growth, migration and activated apoptosis in three different ACC cell lines, H295R, SW13, MUC-1. This event was related to a decrease in estrogen-related receptor-α (ERRα) expression and cholesterol synthesis. More importantly, curcumin changed ACC cell metabolism, increasing glycolytic gene expression. However, pyruvate from glycolysis was only minimally used for lactate production and the Krebs cycle (TCA). In fact, lactate dehydrogenase, extracellular acidification rate (ECAR), TCA genes and oxygen consumption rate (OCR) were reduced. We instead found an increase in Glutamic-Pyruvic Transaminase (GPT), glutamine antiport transporter SLC1A5 and glutaminase (GLS1), supporting a metabolic rewiring toward glutamine metabolism. Targeting this mechanism, curcumin effects were improved. In fact, in a low glutamine-containing medium, the growth inhibitory effects elicited by curcumin were observed at a concentration ineffective in default growth medium. Data from this study prove the efficacy of curcumin against ACC growth and progression and point to the concomitant use of inhibitors for glutamine metabolism to improve its effects
Paradigmes et révolutions dans les sciences (et les philosophies) du langage
1. SCIENCES DU LANGAGE, HISTOIRE ET PROGRÈS La plupart des domaines concernant l’étude du langage se prétendent aujourd’hui soumis à une science ou à des pratiques scientifiques, et beaucoup de leurs adeptes pensent qu’on ne peut y faire un travail scientifique qu’à partir d’un choix de naturalisation et donc de description physicaliste et/ou causaliste si on ne veut pas que l’étude du langage reste figée à l’aporie qui marquait déjà le Cratyle platonicien. Mais si l’étude du langage se rappr..
Gibert, Balthazar, La rhétorique ou les règles de l'éloquence
Stancati Claudia. Gibert, Balthazar, La rhétorique ou les règles de l'éloquence. In: Histoire Épistémologie Langage, tome 28, fascicule 1, 2006. Histoire des idées linguistiques et horizons de rétrospection. pp. 169-172
Dal linguaggio-azione al linguaggio istituzione. Natura e artificio nella riflessione linguistica e giuridica del Seicento e Settecento
Dal linguaggio-azione al linguaggio istituzione. Natura e artificio nella riflessione linguistica e giuridica del Seicento e Settecento  
Tullio Gregory, Gianni Paganini et autres : Ricerche su letteratura libertina e letteratura clandestina nel Seicento. Actes des journées d'étude de Gênes (30 octobre-ler novembre 1980), 1981
Stancati de Santis Claudia. Tullio Gregory, Gianni Paganini et autres : Ricerche su letteratura libertina e letteratura clandestina nel Seicento. Actes des journées d'étude de Gênes (30 octobre-ler novembre 1980), 1981. In: Dix-huitième Siècle, n°15, 1983. Aliments et cuisine. pp. 508-509
Tacit knowing e pratica linguistica in Michael Polany
Dottorato di ricerca in Filosofia della comunicazione e dello spettacolo: teoria e storia dei linguaggi, XXIII ciclo, A.a. 2009-2010Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di filosofi
Oltre il realismo politico di Simone Weil
Dottorato di ricerca internazionale in studi umanistici: Teorie, storie e tecniche dell'interpretazione dei testi, Ciclo XXIX, a.a. 2016-2017Università della Calabri