44 research outputs found


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    The research was aimed to determine the characteristics symptoms of Phytophthora palmivora on cocoa leaves, and was conducted in Plant Diseases Laboratory, the Faculty of Agriculture Syiah Kuala University. Mature cacao leaves with almost the same size in the quotation were used at Lab. Plant disease. Suspensions of P. palmivora were inoculated on leaves by spraying techniques with several concentrations of treatment, 1x102, 1x104, 1x106. The results showed that cocoa leaves’ symptoms were getting yellow colour around the veins and the whole leaves eventually showed lesion on the third day after spraying. The higher spores’ population of P. palmivora could impact higher invasive infections. Characteristic symptoms will be very helpful in the process of observation of early disease in the nursery

    Fig Pollinating Wasp Transfers Nematodes into Figs of Ficus racemosa in Sumatra, Indonesia

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    The fruits (figs) of fig trees (Ficus spp, known as ‘bak ara’ in Aceh), are the source of food for many species of faunas in the forest, including birds, monkeys, orangutans, etc.  Pollination within the figs totally depends on female fig wasps that belong to family Agaonidae. Fig trees and their pollinating wasps rely on each other to survive.  Female fig wasps are known to transport nematodes into receptive figs when the wasps enter the figs to lay  eggs.  An investigation on the nematodes carried by female pollinating wasps Ceratosolen fusciceps Mayr into figs of Ficus racemosa was conducted in Sumatra, Indonesia. The figs on the trees were regularly sampled to determine the presence of nematodes and infer their ecology. The Baermann funnel method was employed to extract the nematodes from the figs.  Eight species of nematodes were recorded from the figs, two of which are still unidentified.  The species found were (1) Teratodiplogaster fignewmani, (2) Teratodiplogaster sp., (3) Parasitodiplogaster sp., (4) Schistonchus sp1., (5) Schistonchus sp2., (6) Mononchoides sp., (7) and (8) two undescribed Diplogastridae species (‘umbrella-like’ species 1 and species 2).  This is the most diverse fig nematode community recorded. The highest nematode populations were routinely found in D-phase figs, when the new generations of wasps were about to emerge.   Details of the ecology of each nematode species are likely to differ, but as a group they did not seem to significantly affect seed and wasp development in F. racemosa fig


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    The research was aimed to determine the characteristics symptoms of Phytophthora palmivora on cocoa leaves, and was conducted in Plant Diseases Laboratory, the Faculty of Agriculture Syiah Kuala University. Mature cacao leaves with almost the same size in the quotation were used at Lab. Plant disease. Suspensions of P. palmivora were inoculated on leaves by spraying techniques with several concentrations of treatment, 1x102, 1x104, 1x106. The results showed that cocoa leaves’ symptoms were getting yellow colour around the veins and the whole leaves eventually showed lesion on the third day after spraying. The higher spores’ population of P. palmivora could impact higher invasive infections. Characteristic symptoms will be very helpful in the process of observation of early disease in the nursery


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    The study, aimed at investigating effects of several types of leaf juice liquids on growth of endophytic fungi Trichoderma sp. in vitro has been carried out in Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture Unsyiah, Banda Aceh. The study started with preparation of liquids squeezed from leaves of four types of plant: cocoa leaf, maranggo tree, neem, and lead tree.  Experiment  used a completely randomized design non faktorial, consisted of 5 treatments and 4 replications. Variables measured were incubation period of spores, spore colony diameter, spore color, and spore number. Results showed that treatment of several types of leaf juice liquid exerted a highly significant effect on incubation period and spore colony diameter of fungi Trichoderma sp. The fastest incubation period (2.25 days) and the longest colony diameter (9.00 cm) were found at juice liquid of lead tree leaves. The longest incubation period (3:53 today) was found at cocoa leaf juice likuid, while the shortest colony diameter (4.98 cm) was found at juice of maranggo tree leaves. Use of all liquid leaves in various media did not affect spore numbers, although the media with juice of lead tree leave had more Trichoderma sp. than that of other media


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    Trichoderma virens have been isolated from rooting cocoa in Aceh and in the laboratory have been reported capable of inhibiting the growth of P. palmivora in vitro. However, the formulations of T. virens from Aceh can be used as an alternative product for farmers in controlling black pod disease of cocoa. This research was conducted t the Laboratory of Plant Pathology College of Agriculture Syiah Kuala University and cocoa fruit samples obtained from cocoa plantations owned by farmers in Pidie Jaya District of Aceh. The purpose of the study was to obtain an application formulations strains of T. virensfrom Aceh, as one of the biological control study consisted of seven treatments, namely W (water), Pest (Mancozeb Fungicide), Det (Detergent), Det+Tv( detergent+strainsof T.virens), P+Tv (Adhesive +strainsof T.virens), Co+Tv( Corn Oil+strainsof T.virens), Po+Tv (Palm oil+strainsof T.virens) and each treatment was repeated 10 times to obtain70 experimental units. The parameters observed incubation period, disease incidence (%), and the diameter of the spots (cm). Application results show that the strains of T. virens Origin Aceh effective in controlling P. palmivora on cocoa pods and the best  formulation in controlling P. palmivora on cocoa pods are corn oil+T. virens formulation (Co +Tv) compared with other formulations are characterized by the length of the incubation period, the low incidence of P. palmivora disease, and the small diameter of the spots on the cocoa pods


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    Abstrak, Di Aceh, tanaman pala merupakan tanaman rempah yang sudah sejak lama dikenal sebagai komoditas unggulan (Ikon) Kabupaten Aceh Selatan. Namun dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini, ribuan tanaman pala di Aceh selatan meranggas dan mati diserang oleh penyakit yang sampai saat ini belum dapat ditangani sehingga berakibat pada penurunan produksi pala. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji cendawan endofit potensial untuk mengendalikan penyakit mati ranting pada tanaman pala secara in vitro maupun in vivo. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Penyakit Tanaman Jurusan Agroekoteknologi Universitas Syiah kuala - Banda Aceh. Waktu penelitian dimulai bulan Maret 2014 sampai dengan selesai. Pelaksanaan penelitian diawali dengan pengambilan sampel di 3 (tiga) kecamatan di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan, isolasi cendawan endofit, pemurnian (Purifikasi), perbanyakan cendawan patogen CP1. Tahapan selanjutnya dilakukan uji patogenisitas pada benih padi, pengujian daya antagonisme (Duel culture), pengujian mekanisme parasitisme, pembuatan sampel konidia cendawan endofit, indentifikasi terhadap cendawan endofit, perbanyakan cendawan endofit untuk pengujian di rumah kasa . Rancangan percobaan penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 6 perlakuan dengan 7 ulangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian isolat cendawan endofit TTA2 dan TTA3 mampu menekan patogen CP1 dalam secara in vitro dan in vivo. Pemberian cendawan endofit juga merangsang pertumbuhan akar yang baik bagi tanaman. Eksploration and Potential of Endohphytic Fungi from Nutmeg as a Biological Control Agent of Twigs Dead Disease Abstract, In Aceh, nutmeg is a spice plant that has long been known as a superior commodity (Icon) of South Aceh District. But in recent years, thousands of nutmeg plants in southern Aceh have been molested and died from disease which has not yet been treated, which has resulted in a decline in nutmeg production. This study aims to test the potential endophytic fungi to control dead dead branches in nutmeg plants in vitro and in vivo. This research was conducted at the Plant Disease Laboratory of the Agroecotechnology Department, Syiah kuala University - Banda Aceh. When the study began in March 2014 until completion. The research was begun by taking samples in 3 (three) districts in South Aceh Regency, isolation of endophytic fungi, purification, propagation of CP1 fungal pathogens. The next stage is the pathogenicity test on rice seeds, testing the antagonism power (Duel culture), testing the parasitism mechanism, making a sample of endophytic fungi conidia, identification of endophytic fungi, multiplication of endophytic fungi for testing in the gauze. The experimental design of the study used a completely randomized design (CRD) of 6 treatments with 7 replications. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the administration of TTA2 and TTA3 endophytic fungi isolates was able to suppress pathogenic CP1 in in vitro and in vivo. Giving endophytic fungi also stimulates root growth which is good for plants


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    The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pathology Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University from February to June 2013. The purpose of study was to evaluate the survival of T. harzianum and T. virens after cohabiting with soil borne pathogenic fungi (Fusarium sp, Rhigidoporus sp, and Sclerotium sp) as well as the type of interaction. Trichoderma fungi and fungal pathogens were grown on PDA in vitro, and then observed their growth after being reisolated on 3 different growth zones. The results showed that T. harzianum and T. virens  growing with Fusarium sp were capable to grow over the space. It was evident from the results of reinoculation on a petridish B (border zone) and C (zone Trichoderma) colonies, that T. harzianum and T. virens regrew, while the pathogens were not able to regrow. When cohabiting with Sclerotium sp and Rhigidoporus sp, antagonistic fungus regrew after reisolation but pathogens also grew on Petridis B (border zone). It indicates that on the contact area (petri dish B), Sclerotium sp and Rhigidoporus sp conduct defense over the competition. Regrowth of fungal pathogens on contact area (border) indicates that the fungus has a high level of competition. Antagonist agents such as T. virens and T. harzianum were able to survive and regrow after cohabiting with fungal pathogens and showed type A interaction (against Fusarium sp), while cohabiting with Sclerotium sp and Rhigidoporus sp showed the type B interaction


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    Meloidogyne spp. merupakan salah satu patogen penting pada tanaman tomat. Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menjelaskan bahwa Jatropha curcas memiliki bahan aktif sebagai nematisida. Dalam pnelitian ini menggunakan daun J. curcas dalam bentuk bubuk untuk mengendalikan pathogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji beberapa dosis serbuk daun J. curcas (0; 1,5; 2,5; 3,5; 4,5 g/kg tanah) untuk mengendalikan Meloidogyne spp. Nematisida diaplikasikan pada lingkungan rizosfer tanaman secara artifisial. Pengamatan meliputi masa inkubasi, presentase tanaman terserang, jumlah puru yang terdapat pada akar dan populasi nematode. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa serbuk daun J. curcas pada 3,5 g/kg tanah memperpanjang masa inkubasi, menekan intensitas penyakit, menurunkan jumlah puru dan populasi Meloidogyne spp  masing-masing higga 60%, 62%, 87% dan 54%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa serbuk daun J. curcas mampu mengendalikan Meloidogyne spp. pada tanaman tomat.Jathropa (Jatropha curcas L.) Leaf Powder Test to Control Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on Tomato Plants Meloidogyne spp. is one of important pathogen on tomato. Previous reports show that Jatropha. curcas has active ingridiens as nematicide. In this research we employ J. curcas leaves in powder form to control the pathogen. The aim of this study is to examine several dosages of J. curcas leaves powder (0; 1,5; 2,5; 3,5; 4,5 g/kg of soil) to control Meloidogyne spp. The nematicide was applied on the rhizosphere of the plant artificially. The observation was including incubation time, percentage of affected plant, number of galls, and nematode population. The results show that J. curcas leaves powder at 3.5 g/kg of soil prolongs the incubation time, suppress disease intensity, decrease the number of galls and Meloidogyne spp. population up to 60%, 62%, 87% and 54%, respectively. The results indicate that J. curcas leaves powder capable of controlling Meloidogyne spp. on tomato plant

    Pertumbuhan dan hasil cabai merah (Capsicum annuum L) pada Andisol dengan pemberian berbagai sumber pupuk organik dan jenis endomikoriza

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    The Growth and Yield of Chili Peppers (Capsicum annuum L) on Andisol Using Various Organic Fertilizers and EndomycorrhizaeABSTRACT. This research aims to understand the effects of various organic fertilizers and endomychorrizae on the growth and yield of chili peppers on Andisol. This research uses a Randomized Block Design (RBD) of a 4 x 4 factorial design with three repetitions. The tested factors were: Organic Fertilizers, consisting of four levels, namely: O0: Without organic fertilizers, O1: Cow manure fertilizer, O2: Chicken manure fertilizer and O3: guano fertilizer, and Endomycorrhizae, consisting of four levels, namely: M0: Without endomycorrhizae, M1: Gigaspora fungi, M2: Glomus fungi, and M3: mixture of Gigaspora and Glomus fungi. This research was conducted at the Green House of Service Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of the Saree Horticulture Seed Center, LembahSeulawah District, Aceh Besar Regency, as well as the laboratories of Soil Science and Plant Pathology of the Faculty of Agriculture of Syiah Kuala University. The study was conducted from May to December 2013. The type of organic fertilizers used on the chili peppers affected their growth and yield. Chicken manure fertilizer improved their growth and yield better compared to those derived from cow manure and guano. The use of endomycorrhizae also affected the growth and yield of the chili peppers on Andisol. There were no differences between the two types of endomycorrhizae in regards to the growth or yield of the chili peppers