20 research outputs found

    Hepatopankreas u nekih vrsta morskih riba i struktura jetre u arbuna (Pagellus erythinus, Linnaeus) i pišmolja (Merlangius merlangus euxinus, Nordmann, 1840)

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    The livers of twenty-nine species of fish from twenty different fish families obtained from the Adriatic Sea (Croatia) were investigated. In the livers of twenty species of fish hepatopancreas was found, but not always in the same species. Histology and stereological analysis was undertaken of the liver in ten teleost fish, one each of: common pandora, Pagellus erythinus (Linnaeus, 1758) and in whiting, Merlangius merlangus euxinus (Nordmann, 1840). In the liver of the common pandora there was a smallest proportion of liver tissue 85.81% and liver blood vessels 2.50% and the largest proportion of hepatopancreas tissue 14.19% and hepatopancreas and liver blood vessels 2.50% and the largest proportion of hepatopancreas blood vessels 1.70%. The liver of whiting contained the largest proportion of liver tissue 95.14% and liver blood vessels 4.60% and smaller proportion of hepatopancreas tissue 4.86% and hepatopancreas blood vessels 1.43%. A statistically significant correlation was only obtained between the percentages of the mean values of the examined tissues and blood vessels of the livers between whiting and common pandora (P < 0.01), but not between the groups of the same species. In whiting and common pandora the division to the liver lobuli, the Glison trias is not visible and the perisinusoidal space (space of Dissae) is large and well developed. The Glison trias is not visible and the perisinusoidal space (space of Dissae) is large and well developed. The sinusoidal capillaries were narrow and irregularly shaped and the hepatocytes were organized in tubular form.Istraživanja su provedena na jetri 29 vrsta iz 20 različitih porodica riba iz Jadrana (Hrvatska). U jetri 20 vrsta riba hepatopankreas je pronađen, ali ne uvijek u istih porodica. Provedene su histološke i stereološke analize jetre u deset arbuna, Pagellus erythinu (Linnaeus, 1758) i pišmolja, Merlangius merlangus euxinus (Nordmann, 1840). U jetri arbuna prisutan je manji udio jetrenog tkiva 85,81% i krvnih žila 2,50% te veći udio hepatopankreasnog tkiva 14,19% i krvnih žila u hepatopankreasu 1,70% u odnosu na jetru pišmolja koja sadrži veći udio jetrenog tkiva 95,14% i krvnih žila u jetri 4,60% te manji udio hepatopankreasnog tkiva 4,86% i krvnih žila u hepatopankreasu 1,43%. Statistički značajne razlike ustanovljene su u udjelu istraživanog tkiva i krvnih žila jetre između arbuna i pišmolja (P<0,01), ali ne između riba unutar iste vrste. U arbuna i pišmolja podjela jetrenih režnjića i Glisonov trias nisu vidljivi, a perisinusoidalni prostor (Dissaeov prostor) je velik i dobro razvijen. Sinusoidalne kapilare su uske i nepravilnog oblika, a hepatociti su organizirani u cjevastom obliku

    Mukopolisaharidi u sluznici probavnog trakta štuke (Esox lucius L. ) i soma (Silurus glanis L.).

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    The distribution and quality of mucosubstances in the digestive tract of pike (Esox lucius) and catfish (Silurus glanis) is described. The digestive tract of pike and catfish is short, in accordance with their predatory nature, and consists of oesophagus, stomach and intestine. The oesophagus is short, with longitudinal folds. The mucosa of pike oesophagus is stratified and contains two types of mucous cells: in contrast to catfish oesophagus there is only one type of mucous cell. The stomach is an elongated sac-like structure with glands in lamina propria. In pike the gastric glands are simply tubular, but in catfish they are branched tubular and surrounded by connective tissue. The intestines in both fishes are short with many intestinal villi. Many goblet cells are situated between superficial epithelial cells.Istraživana su svojstva i raspored mukosubstancija u probavnom traktu štuke i soma. Probavni trakt istraživanih riba je jednostavne građe i sastoji se od jednjaka, želuca i relativno kratkog crijeva. U sluznici štuke opažaju se dva tipa stanica koje pokazuju prisutnost neutralnih mukopolisaharida, a kiseli mukopolisaharidi nađeni su samo u mukoznim stanicama bazalnog dijela epitela. U jednjaku soma opisan je samo jedan tip okruglih mukoznih stanica u kojima su nađeni neutralni mukopolisaharidi, a samo neke od njih sadrže i kisele mukopolisaharide. Želudac je vrećastog oblika sa žlijezdama u lamini propriji. U žlijezdama nisu dokazani mukopolisaharidi, no nađeni su u površinskom epitelu. U štuke su neutralnih i kiselih osobina, a u soma su uglavnom neutralni s manjom količinom kiselih. Mješavina neutralnih i kiselih mukopolisaharida prisutna je u vrčastim stanicama crijeva. Broj vrčastih stanica veći je u crijevu soma nego štuke

    Mucosubstances of the digestive tract mucosa in northern pike (Esox lucius L.) and european catfish (Silurus glanis L.)

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    digestive tract mucosa in northern pike (Esox lucius L.) and european catfish (Siluru

    Razvoj donjočeljusnog luka u brancina, Dicentrarchus labrax L. iz uzgajališta "Cenmar", Hrvatska.

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    The mandibular arch ossification process in Dicentrarchus labrax L. is described from day 15 to day 80 post-hatching (DPH). Data on this aspect of larval development were presented for both tne DPH and average standard length (Ls). Samples were collected in the "Cenmar" hatchery, near Zadar, Croatia. Preparation techniques included fixation in buffered formalin, trypsin clearing and staining with alcian blue and alizarin red. At 15 DPF (Ls 5,0 mm); there were no bony elements in the mandibular arch. The ethmoid plate represented the roof of the splanchnocranium, while Meckel\u27s cartilage, hyosymplectic and cartilaginous palato-quadrates formed lateral walls. Cartilaginous basibranchial, hyoid bar and branchial basket constituted the bottom of the oral cavity. The first bony elements to be noticed were maxillaries (20 DPH, Ls 5,9 mm), followed by premaxillaries and dentaries (25 DPH, Ls 7,9 mm) - all with dermal (membranous) ossification. Ossification of other mandibular arch elements (angular, quadrate, retroarticular, palatine and ectopterygoid bone) was noticed at 38 DPH, Ls 14,5 mm. Pharyngeal jaws and teeth on premaxillaries and dentaries were noticed at the same time. Ossification process of the above mentioned elements (particulary quadrate bone) appears to be completed at 80 DPH, Ls 32,2 mm. Results are discussed in view of the ontogeny process connected with vital requirements in the environment.Proces okoštavanja donjočeljusnog luka brancina, Dicentrarchus labrax L. opisan je od 15. dana poslije valenja (DPV) do 80. DPV. Navedeni razvoj je prikazan istodobno prema dobi ličinke izraženoj u danima poslije valenja i srednjoj standardnoj dužini ličinke. Uzorci su bili podrijetlom iz uzgajališta "Cenmar" pokraj Zadra, Hrvatska. Postupak pripreme uzoraka obuhvatio je njihovo držanje u formalinu, uklanjanje pigmenta tkiva tripsinom te bojanje alcijanskim modrilom i alizarinskim crvenilom. Na uzorcima uzetim 15. DPV, (Ls 5,0 mm) nisu zamijećeni koštani dijelovi donjočeljusnog luka. Etmoidna ploča činila je gornji dio, a Mekelova hrskavica, nepčano-kvadratna i hiosimpletična hrskavica postrane osnove usne šupljine. Bazibranhialna hrskavica zajedno s drugim branhialnim hrskavicama predstavljala je dno iste šupljine. Prvi uočeni koštani dijelovi bile su maksile (20. DPV, Ls 5,9 mm), zatim premaksile te dentalne kosti (25. DPV, Ls 7,9 mm), sve nastale membranoznim okoštavanjem. Okoštavanje drugih dijelova viličnog luka (angularne, kvadratne, retroartikularne, nepčane i ektopterigoidalne kosti) su uočene 38. DPV, Ls 14,5mm. Proces okoštavanja na navedenim dijelovima, čini se završenim 80. DPV, Ls 32,2 mm. Rezultati su razmatrani u smislu povezanosti ontogeneze i odgovora ličinke na okolišne uvjete

    Aktivnost leucin-aminopeptidaze u srednjem crijevu nozemoznih medonosnih pčela (Apis mellifera).

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    The aim of this study was to determine leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activity in the midgut of nosema diseased honeybees. Nosema sp. spores were confirmed in 60% of the coprologically examined individual honeybees. For laboratory testing 100 honeybees were collected randomly from three beehives. LAP enzyme activity in the midgut of the honeybees was assessed qualitatively, based on the intensity of staining in histological preparations. In bees in which the midgut coprological examination did not reveal Nosema sp. spores, the epithelial cells were red-purple stained, and all the layers of the walls of the midgut were visible. The intensity of honeybees naturally infected with microsporidia Nosema sp. increased while the intensity of the staining gradually decreased, showing progressively less pronounced LAP enzyme activity. Also there was an increasing number of damaged epithelial cells. Therefore, nosema disease can be considered as the disease of choice for studying LAP enzyme activity and determining the degree of microsporidium infection.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti aktivnost leucin-aminopeptidaze (LAP) u srednjem crijevu nozemoznih medonosnih pčela (Apis mellifera). Koprološkom pretragom na nozemozu, spore Nosema sp. potvrđene su u 60% pretraženih pojedinačnih medonosnih pčela. Za laboratorijske pretrage slučajnim odabirom skupljeno je po 100 medonosnih pčela iz triju košnica. Aktivnost enzima LAP u srednjem crijevu pčela određena je kvalitativno na osnovi jačine obojenja u pripremljenim histološkim preparatima. U pčela u kojih koprološkom pretragom u srednjem crijevu nisu utvrđene spore Nosema sp. epitelne stanice bile su crveno-purpurno obojene i svi su slojevi stijenke srednjega crijeva bili vidljivi. Jačina prirodne invazije invadiranih medonosnih pčela mikrosporidijama Nosema sp. se povećavala, dok se jačina obojenja postupno smanjivala što ukazuje na postupno slabije izraženu aktivnost enzima LAP. Također je utvrđeno i sve više propalih epitelnih stanica. Zbog toga se nozemozu može smatrati bolešću od izbora za utvrđivanje aktivnosti enzima LAP i utvrđivanje stupnja invadiranosti mikrosporama

    Godišnje promjene u građi jajnika Europske srdele (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum) iz sjevernog Jadranskog mora.

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    Annual oscillation of ovarian morphology in European pilchards (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum) caught in the period July 2001 to June 2002 in the region of the Northern Adriatic (Croatia) was studied. Fifty females were taken in the middle of each month and determining body mass they were dissected, ovaries extracted and weighed, and the centre of each ovary was sampled for histological analysis. Samples were fixed in Bouin’s solution, mounted in paraffin and cut into 6 μm-thick slices which were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and using the Periodic-acid Schiff method (PAS). During oogenesis the oocytes passed through four developmental phases: peri-nucleolus stage (phase I), yolk vesicle stage (phase II), yolk stage (phase III) and mature stage (phase IV). Oocytes in phase I were present during all months, forming more than 40% of all oocytes. Their percentage increased from May to August (P<0.05) and was the highest in August (84%). Percentage of oocytes in phase IV increased from October to April (P<0.05) and was the highest in November (36.3%). An increase in percentage in phases II and III of oogenesis was noticed in September and remained at an almost equal level until May. The developmental cycle of oocytes began in September and October, coinciding with an increase in the ovarian mass, which achieved its maximum level in October, remaining at an almost equal level until April. During this period the mass of ovaries reached more than 4% of body mass, and the GSI (gonadosomatic index) was significantly different (P<0.05) from other months.Istraživane su godišnje promjene u građi jajnika srdela (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum) ulovljenih u periodu od srpnja 2001. do lipnja 2002. na području sjevernog Jadrana (Hrvatska). Sredinom svakog mjeseca uzimano je po 50 riba ženskog spola. Nakon određivanja mase tijela ribe su secirane i odvojena su im oba jajnika. Jajnici su izvagani i od sredine svakog jajnika uzet je uzorak za histološku analizu. Uzorci su fiksirani u Bouin’s otopini, uklopljeni u parafin i izrezani na 6 μm debele rezove. Rezovi su obojeni hematoksilinom i eozinom (HE) te perjodnom kiselinom- Shiff metodom (PAS). Za vrijeme nastanka oocite prolaze četiri razvojne faze: faza I (faza izvan jezgrice), faza II (faza mjehurića), faza III (žumanjčana faza) i faza IV (faza zrenja). Oocite u fazi I prisutne su tijekom svih mjeseci i čine više od 40% svih oocita, a njihov broj povećava se od svibnja do rujna (P<0,05) te je najveći u kolovozu (84%). Udio oocita u fazi IV povećava se od listopada do travnja (P<0,05), a najveći je u studenom (36,3%). Povećanje broja oocita u fazi II i III oogeneze zapaža se u rujnu i ostaje gotovo na istoj razini do svibnja. Razvojni ciklus oocita počinje tijekom rujna i listopada te se podudara s povećanjem mase jajnika koja dosiže svoj vrhunac u listopadu i ostaje na gotovo istoj razini do travnja. U tom razdoblju težina jajnika dosiže više od 4% tjelesne mase, a gonadosomatski indeks (GSI) je značajno različit (P<0,05) od drugih mjeseci

    Una revisión del conocimiento actual sobre la influencia de la altura de la camada en la incidencia de dermatitis de contacto en pollos de engorde

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    Kvaliteta stelje je među glavnim čimbenicima o kojima ovise dobrobit i proizvodnost tovnih pilića. Intenzivan rast i razvoj pilića u tovu rezultiraju produljenim razdobljima odmora, što u kombinaciji s lošom kvalitetom stelje pogoduje pojavi kontaktnog dermatitisa na jastučićima nogu, tarzalnim zglobovima i prsima. Kontaktni dermatitis negativno utječe na zdravlje i dobrobit pilića, kvalitetu i zdravstvenu ispravnost mesa te ekonomiku proizvodnje. Glavni uzroci kontaktnog dermatitisa su vlaga i kemijske supstance u stelji koje djeluju nadražujuće, uz mnoštvo čimbenika koji utječu na njegovu pojavnost. S obzirom na utjecaj visine stelje na pojavnost kontaktnog dermatitisa, dosadašnji radovi izvještavaju o različitim, čak oprečnim rezultatima, koji iziskuju daljnja istraživanja. Dodatan naglasak potrebno je staviti na istraživanja utjecaja visine stelje na proizvodnost te kvalitetu i zdravstvenu ispravnost pilećeg mesa.Litter quality is one of the main factors affecting broiler welfare and productivity. Intense growth and development in broilers result in prolonged period of rest, which in combination with poor litter quality favours the occurence of footpad dermatitis, hock burns and breast blisters. Contact dermatitis negatively affects the broiler health and welfare, meat quality and safety, and production economics. The main causes of contact dermatitis are moisture and irritating chemical substances in the litter, along with a number of factors affecting its occurrence. Regarding the impact of litter depth on the occurence of contact dermatitis, previous studies have found different, even contradictory results, which require a further investigation. Additional emphasis needs to be placed on studies investigating the impact of litter depth on the broiler productivity and meat quality and safety.Die Einstreuqualität ist einer der Hauptfaktoren, die das Wohlbefinden, die Produktivität und die Fleischqualität von Masthähnchen und -hühnern beeinflussen. Das intensive Wachstum und die Entwicklung von Masthähnchen und -hühnern führen zu einer verlängerten Ruhezeit, was in Kombination mit einer schlechten Einstreuqualität das Auftreten von Kontaktdermatitis auf den Fußballen, den Sprunggelenken und an der Brust begünstigt. Die Kontaktdermatitis wirkt sich negativ auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Masthühner sowie auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Produktion aus. Die Hauptursachen der Kontaktdermatitis sind die Feuchtigkeit und irritierende chemische Substanzen in der Einstreu sowie eine Reihe von Faktoren, die ihr Auftreten beeinflussen. Hinsichtlich des Einflusses der Einstreutiefe auf das Auftreten von Kontaktdermatitis haben verschiedene Studien unterschiedliche, sogar widersprüchliche Ergebnisse gegeben, die weitere Untersuchungen erfordern. Ein zusätzlicher Schwerpunkt muss auf Studien gelegt werden, die den Einfluss der Einstreutiefe auf die Produktivität und Qualität von Hähnchenfleisch untersuchen.La qualità della lettiera è uno dei principali fattori da cui dipendono il benessere, la resa e la qualità della carne dei polli da ingrasso. La crescita intensa e lo sviluppo dei polli da carne sono favoriti dal prolungamento dei periodi di riposo, il che, se combinato ad una lettiera di scarsa qualità, favorisce il manifestarsi della dermatite da contatto sui cuscinetti plantari, sulle articolazioni tarsali e sul petto. La dermatite da contatto incide negativamente sulla salute e sul benessere dei polli e sull’economia della produzione. Le principali cause della dermatite da contatto sono l’umidità e le sostanze chimiche presenti nella lettiera che hanno un effetto irritante, oltre a numerosi fattori che concorrono al suo manifestarsi. Visto l’impatto della profondità della lettiera sul manifestarsi della dermatite da contatto, differenti studi hanno evidenziato risultati differenti, talvolta persino divergenti, che richiedono un ulteriore approfondimento. Va ulteriormente rimarcata l’importanza delle ricerche volte a studiare l’impatto della profondità della lettiera sulla resa e la qualità della carne di pollo.La calidad de la cama es uno de los principales factores de los que dependen el bienestar, la productividad y la calidad de la carne de pollo de engorde. El crecimiento y desarrollo intensivo de los pollos de engorde resultan en períodos de descanso prolongados, lo que en combinación con la mala calidad de la cama, favorece la aparición de dermatitis de contacto en las almohadillas plantares, las articulaciones tarso - metatarsianas y el pecho. La dermatitis de contacto afecta negativamente la salud y el bienestar de los pollos y la economía de producción. Las causas principales de la dermatitis de contacto son la humedad y las sustancias químicas de la arena que actúan como irritantes, junto con una multitud de factores que afectan su aparición. Dada la influencia de la altura de la camada en la incidencia de dermatitis de contacto, diferentes estudios han encontrado resultados diferentes, incluso contradictorios, que requieren más investigación. Se debe poner mayor énfasis en la investigación del impacto de la altura de la camada en la productividad y calidad de la carne de pollo

    Morfologija epaksijalnog mišićja i osteološki razvoj ranih stadija mekousne pastrve (Salmothymus obtusirostris, Heckel, 1851)

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    Investigations were carried out on the early developmental stages of softmouth trout (Salmothymus obtusirostris, Heckel, 1851), taken from a hatchery in Proložac near the River Vrljika, Croatia. Samples were collected every two days 10-56 days post-hatching (dph), fixed in 10% buffered formalin, embedded in paraffin, cut into 10 μm thick serial longitudinal sections and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, Toluidin Blue, Alcian Blue-specific (pH = 2.5) and Alcian Blue and Alizarin Red. The number of myomeres in the dorsal epaxial musculature of the softmouth trout increased between 10-18 dph and 50-56 dph to either 42 or 59 myomeres, respectively. Total body length increased from a minimal value of 19.57 mm to a maximum value of 25.80 mm between 10-56 dph. The number of vertebrae in all investigated groups was 59. Through this follow-up of the period of development of softmouth trout to the stage of complete yolk sac absorption it was established that it takes about 24 to 26 dph when they start opening their mouth and when all the bones of the head and all fins are visible. In the period of 26-56 dph the number of myomeres was 55-59, and this could be used for taxonomic identification of the early developmental stages of softmouth trout. Throughout whole investigation period no signs of ossification in the vertebral column, fins and head bones were observed or any skeletal malformations.Istraživanja su provedena na ranim razvojnim stadijima mekousne pastrve (Salmothymus obtusirostris, Heckel, 1851). Uzorci su prikupljeni u mrijestilištu u Prološcu u blizini rijeke Vrljike, u Hrvatskoj, i to svaki drugi dan od 10. do 56. dana poslije valenja (dpv). Uzorci su fiksirani u 10 %-tnom formalinu i uklopljeni u parafin te izrezani u serijama na 10 μm tanke rezove koji su potom obojeni hematoksilinom i eozinom, toluidinskim modrilom te alcijan plavo-specifičnom (pH = 2,5), alcijan plavom i alcijan crvenom metodom bojenja. Broj miomera u dorzalnoj epaksijalnoj muskulaturi mekousnih pastrva povećavao se s povećanjem njihove dobi te je između 10. i 18. dpv iznosio 42, a između 50. i 56. dpv 59 miomera. Dužina tijela u razdoblju od 10. do 50. dpv povećavala se od minimalno 19,57 do maksimalno izmjerene vrijednosti od 25,80 mm. Broj kralježaka u svih istraživanih uzoraka bio je 59. Praćenjem razvoja mekousnih pastrva do stadija potpune apsorpcije žumančane vrećice 24. - 26. dpv, kada su počele otvarati usta, utvrđeno je da su vidljive sve kosti glave i sve peraje. U razdoblju od 26. do 56. dpv broj miomera mekousne pastrve iznosio je 55 - 59 i taj bi podatak mogao poslužiti za taksonomsku identifikaciju ranih razvojnih stadija mekousnih pastrva. Tijekom cijelog istraživanja nisu utvrđeni vidljivi znakovi osifikacije na kralješcima, kostima glave ili na perajama niti su utvrđene vidljive malformacije kostura